Funny , I came on today to post about my new glasses , and there was another post on glasses. Lol

Anyway , I picked up my new glasses yesterday , my first pair of bifocals ,
While walking with a co- worker it looked like the floor was coming up at me , I stumbled and almost fell. After regaining my balance and taking the glasses off , with out thinking I said " woah thank god I'm not wearing high heels or I would have fell on my ass" heart started pounding before I even finished the sentence. My female co worker who happened to be wearing a pair of black evanka trump pumps to die for. Replied " yeah you men have no idea how hard it is being a woman"
I replied in typical guy fashion" I don't know how you girls walk in those things in the first place , just know you look great doing it "
Nice cover I thought.
Just a funny story I thought I would share