Good morning ladies (or evening for my friends down under!)

First, apologies as I have not been around here for the past 5 days or so, as I was not in a frame of mind to positively contribute. I also needed some time to gather my own thoughts so that I could at least attempt to post something articulate. I will try not to whine or ramble on....

So here's the deal. My wife totally blew me up last Saturday. Moved out of our bedroom stating that if I was going to wear women's underwear, she was not going to share our bed. Also told me that if dressing as a woman made me calm, relaxed and happy, that I would have to leave. When I asked her if she enjoyed the "happy" me versus the "tired and grumpy me" she said it was great, just do it without wearing women's clothes, or make up, or shaving my legs get the idea. She doesn't understand how simply wearing women's clothing etc can make that happen. "Just do it" (apologies to Nike...) without the clothes etc. How hard can that be?

She supports me continuing to see a therapist, but when I asked if she would like to go, the message I got back was Nope, I am fine, I'm not the one broken. Fix it. This from someone wearing men's football T-shirts and jeans, spending Sunday afternoons and evenings watching NFL... Meow...Sorry...

So needless to say, I was a mess, and still am a bit. Felt/feel like a failure as a man, as a woman, felt like I let everyone here down, it was nasty, nasty nasty. I don't think I have ever played so much Carol King in my life...just about wore out the enamel on the piano keys! (But I digress...).

So, from minor acceptance to complete disapproval. Subject is closed. She is now happy as a lark, chatty and smiling all the time. I know that as Erin and I much more "girlie" than her...She rarely wears make up, I wear more jewellery as a male than she does, her hair is as short or shorter than mine as a male, and the last time she wore a dress was probably 2 years ago, to a friends wedding. Always pants. And more Cotton than the state of Georgia. As Erin I have more silky clothes than her, and I am in much better shape. My guess is that maybe she felt threatened as a female and chose "fight" over "flight"?

So there you have it. I am trying to get into see my therapist, but the earliest time is next week.

I am hoping to get back to my "A game" so that I can get back to contributing here, but bear with me as I recover for this "full on frontal assault".
