Almost two years ago, while very uneducated and very unaware i posted a thread about gender roles and stereotyping.

I think that i have grown as a person since then and look back on the way I worded the questions and I think I got a lot of good answers. I used to post quite frequently, took a break and now here I am again.

I have been thinking about some stuff lately. I have been primarily a lurker for the last couple months, but I have been watching and often find little to put my 2c in on the main forum. I have noticed ocassionaly a thread or two with some comments that are so blatantly sexist that I have chimed in. Mostly the amazing CDers who I met here two years ago when I joined, are also the ones to chime in and make some comments. here are some questions that have come to my mind over the last couple weeks. Sort of related. Sort of not. All spurred by conversations witnessed on the forum.

Here are my questions two years later:

1. Do you think the longer you identify as a cross-dresser, the more respect you gain for women?

2. Cross Dressers often get put in situations that GG's have been in their entire lives ( concern for safety, being out at night, feeling like something bad is going to happen to you because the way you dressed) Do you think that being a CDer allows you to better understand the fears society has placed on women for their entire lives?

3. Do you think that since you are a CDer that you perpetuate gender stereotypes due to the societal definition of "feminine" or are you helping to break the mold and push society in a more gender neutral direction?

Luca has discovered a new label he likes for himself besides CDer: we are looking into use "gender non conforming". We had a conversation about Luca putting himself in dangerous situations because he did not know any better. While I have ALWAYS walked to my car with my keys between my fingers, I have NEVER left a drink unattended, I ALWAYS bring a buddy EVERYWHERE. These are things that luca has never learned are a necessity. he was raised as a boy with the traditional male stereotypes hammered into his brain. SO he does not think about the danger and has gone out and done all these nonos!