Most people post about their SO finding out and some of the stories seem well frightening and of course I wasn't planning on telling my SO because of them.

Well yesterday before school since we carpool she told me "I think I know what your big secret is"...

(A while ago we had a talk about secrets and how we wouldn't keep them from each other etc so I was honest and told her I did have a secret that I would be more comfortable keeping to myself because I didn't know if it would affect our relationship and she said if it's that important to me she understands and we can talk about it when I was ready but I also told her she could guess and if she ever figured it out well I'm not gonna deny it and the time came)

Back to the story so the day before we were in bed after well then I took a nap (don't judge me) and my girlfriend was using my phone (she uses mine since it's newer than hers and she takes A LOT of photos of us so my phones filled with her) which happened to have a picture of Genesis in the Recently Deleted folder of my photo gallery that I forgot to empty. She didn't say anything she just woke up to ask me up which new games on my phone were fun and easy and let me go back to sleep then well on to the next day.
So on the way to school she was giggling and said she finally figured out my secret. She said yesterday she saw something in my photos but she wasn't sure since she didn't open the folder she just saw in the icon what looked like me in a red top but didn't click on the actual photo since she didn't have her glasses on and went back to her game and then asked if it was me.

I of course didn't deny it and she said she wasn't really sure because it looked like I just drew on myself using Snapchat (she's really blind without her glasses lol). I didn't want to lie so I told her the truth and the first thing she said was "Red is not your color" then laughed and was blushing so I started telling her everything and well I knew the picture was old since I looked pale and now I am tanned. I mean tanned. So she knew it wasn't new and asked about my dressing I told her most of it, how I started in HS to how I used to go out and then asked if I still do. I told her I don't since well I wouldn't be able to go out without her figuring out but she didn't exactly ask if I still do dress so not sure if that's coming up or if she already forgot she mainly asked about my going out and if I'm gay, bi, etc.(not much of a surprise). That one wasn't hard to answer since our relationship is looking pretty good in the sex department so I just asked her the same question back and she said it was a pretty dumb question since she knows I couldn't be gay "from experience". I thought it was funny lol wasn't how I was gong to phrase it but that kinda summed up what my answer was going to be just a bit more inappropriate That was pretty much the whole talk then we go to school, told each other "I love you" and kissed goodbye so we can go to class.

So far it doesn't seem like anything has changed. We went out as usual, food and a movie, then went home laid together in bed so we can watch another movie while I scratched her for like two hours (for some reason she likes being scratched idk she's weird) and nothing. Not one question, joke, anything. Just the talk in the morning which she just thought was funny since she was laughing or giggling most of the time but it just bugged me knowing she knew since idk it makes me uncomfortable and just worries me. Not exactly sure why I just know it does.