First of all, my wife is the only one who knows about my sensuality. She recorded the Bruce Jenner interview, watched it, and after I watched it, we had an open discussion about the activities, thoughts, and future of Tiffany. All my clothing, shoes, breast forms, etc, are in our bedroom closet. If I get something new, she is the first one to know. She has supported me in the last year and a half, as what seemed to be a passing occasional period, was revealed to be a growing part of my understanding of myself. This topic has allowed her to realize that although it may not be of a normal nature, I am not the only person to be a part of this. There was a lot of educational parts to the show and she loves information to help clarify things she may not understand and I may not be able to fully express.

As for the public, I would like to think I could go in public with shaven legs, painted toes, presenting as my male being, and not have to feel as if everyone is staring me down. Have worked on this over the last year and has gotten better. Would like to not worry about running to put on pants and socks when parents say that they are close by and would like to stop over to visit. Would hope that my son's generation will be tolerant and less likely to tease/mock him over his father's softer side of expression. Only time will tell, but people hate what they don't know or understand. Differences may make a person unique but in the wrong circumstance also leaves a person vulnerable.

To answer the last part of your question, this is an odd journey. No real map, just feeling around in the dark with my soul. Do I feel sometimes I may be stuck in the middle of being a crossdresser, transgender, or transsexual? Yes!