Quote Originally Posted by stefan37 View Post
You talk about advocacy and activism as that should be requisite of those transitioning. Yes there are some that for whatever circumstance are either thrust or make the conscious effort to be an activist. I have no desire to be an activist. I will not walk around with a sign around my neck. " Hi I Stephanie, I'm a transsexual ".
It isn't requisite, yet in effect, that's what you're doing.

Activism: a doctrine or practice that emphasizes direct vigorous action especially in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue.

Not saying that this is precisely what you do, but when you interact with people and your identity becomes known, there are similarities. All of a sudden, you're representing whether you want to or not. At that point, you put a face on what they think a transsexual is.

Quote Originally Posted by stefan37 View Post
We are absolutely treated differently when we are perceived as female and when they figure we are Trans. Once outed being gendered as female becomes a crap shoot. Many times female pronouns are dropped and male pronouns become dominate.
Aside from a basic prejudice, which I think you would recognize, the only other possibility would seem to be lack of exposure and education.

Quote Originally Posted by stefan37 View Post
You would not know that because you are male and interact as male.
Only anecdotally. However, it's sort of a moot point as I probably don't pass from less than 8'-10' anyway. Further, when I am dressed, I don't think I interact as male. I think I just interact. And you know, getting hit by a truck is not a prerequisite for reaching the understanding that it hurts like hell.

Quote Originally Posted by stefan37 View Post
I have no desire to trade one closet for another. I know other Trans individuals that have transitioned and are for the most part assimilated into society as female. They sometimes feel they are in the closet for the fear of being outed. Maybe that will be my path in the future. Maybe not.
Have you considered that your transition now makes you a member of a minority group? That is a very different perspective on the world. Perhaps you have not experienced direct prejudice before and this is a very new situation. I don't know.

Quote Originally Posted by stefan37 View Post
The best way to assimilate and be accepted is to not talk about Trans issues. The general public for the most part do not want to hear it. Transition or like I said earlier go out and live as female 10/7 and you will know exactly what I am taking about.
I don't doubt any of your experiences. My point is solely that the process of exposure goes much faster when there are more people, in good shape, out there doing it. If there are more people out there, then everybody becomes less of a novelty. The question then becomes how to get more people, in good shape, out there.

In part, this is where Caitlyn Jenner comes in.

Quote Originally Posted by stefan37 View Post
And yes I have accomplished many things on my own. That's my personality. Should I have to modify that to suit anybody else.
No, everyone has a personality. However, certain male traits can act as an impediment to a more collaborative approach, as most females are socialized to do. So, if you are really going to assimilate as an average female, you may have to round off some of those corners. And yes, that is also a way in which people might come to the understanding that you are different.

Quote Originally Posted by stefan37 View Post
I have tremendous self confidence ( large reason I was able to live full-time for 18 months with male facial features before I could afford facial reconstruction). Money I worked damn hard to save.
You have to do what you have to do. I just think that there may be easier ways to get to the same goal.
