This is a favourite subject (fantasy) of mine and I'd be interested to know what you all think and what it says about who we are as people.

Modern Medicine suddenly takes a giant leap forward and a Pink pill has been developed and brought to market by the pharmaceutical industry. This Pink pill has the following effect on the human male. You swallow the pill and go to bed as usual. Overnight whilst sleeping your body transforms into that of a full biological Woman. Your penis inverts into a vagina, your buff pecks protrude into breasts. Unseen you develop a womb and ovaries. Your internal chemistry and hormonal balance changes and testosterone is replaced by oestrogen. Your skeleton changes, your facial & body hair thins and malts away (although you will still have to wax your legs). When you awake in the morning the Pink pill has turned you from a biological male into a complete biological female. You are now a Woman mentally, physically and psychologically. Your sexual orientation may or may not change. But your physical and mental gender certainly has. You will wake up and go to work as a Woman. You will be regarded and treated as a Woman by your colleagues and society, because you have become a Woman. You will experience life as a woman and live as the woman you have become. With all the societal changes that are a part of that change.

The effects of the Pink pill last for as long as you want it to. You can take a Blue pill to go to sleep that evening and you will transform back to male and you will wake in the morning male again in every aspect, physically and mentally. You will retain your complete memory and emotions of your experience of being female. Or you can stay female for weeks or months on end, even forever if you desire.

The question is, Would you take the Pink pill? And if you did, do you think that you would want to take the Blue pill later?

I'm a male hetro CD. I don't want to transition. But I absolutely know that if such a Pink pill became available (and yes it's an absurd fantasy) I would absolutely take it!
I really would, because no matter how I crossdress and no matter how feminine I feel when I do it. I will never have any idea what being the woman that I am aspiring to, will ever feel like. I'm just guessing and to actually experience that would be the most enriching thing ever. It's not just a physical thing, it's how society behaves and all the things that make up part of being female from birth. I think it would be wonderfully liberating for human kind for us all to learn how the opposite sex experiences life from birth, weather male or female. I would love to have that experience.

The only question is once I'd taken the Pink pill, would I want to take the Blue pill and transition back now that I'd become female? Despite my conviction at the outset, would it be a question that I could only answer after becoming female?

As I've said, I don't want to transition I'm a male CD and that's me, but I know that I'd take that Pink pill and relish every moment of it, knowing that it can be reversed. So what does that say about me? or you if you feel the same?

Jenny. x