I finished with my gender therapist back on the 8th of this month. For the first time in 3 years, I am seeing no psychotherapist of any sort. We ended my monthly sessions because we both felt I was no longer really working on anything with her, and, for want of a better term, I'm done. Really, I was done a while ago, but I decided to carry on my therapy for a time after GRS just to be sure I didn't suffer from any post operative depression.

I've really come a long way since I first logged in here.

And yet I'm still doing regular electrolysis. Will it ever end?!?

Once it does, though, and after the revision to my GRS, it's arguable that I am through with transition. Huh. I never thought I'd say that. I sent off for changing name / gender on the last two important documents (birth certificate and passport) a few days ago. I guess I could do my school records too, although I'm not sure that I'll ever bother with them.

It feels though, like I'm done for all intents and purposes.