So I tried posting this two weeks ago after my first chemo session but they were switching formats here and went to the one I posted on and then came back to this one and I lost my post. So here I go again with it.

So at my first round of chemo I wore blue nail polish. I had planed to wear matching heart ear rings but was so intent on getting there I forgot. The blue is for Colon Cancer Awareness. So I took a picture to post on their facebook page and will post it here in the beauty section as a running count down. I plan to change the color of my nails each time. So my chemo nurse had came over to inject my port and get my drugs started. After checking on me several times and then had to start the final drug she broke down and asked why the nail polish. I told her that I was a transgendered, she looked funny at me and I said I was a cross dresser. She looked kind of shocked for a moment because I had chemo 16 months earlier and I didn't even come close to showing that I had a fem side other than the pony tail I had on the first 2 sessions. (My hair started coming out more than I liked so I cut the pony tail and kept it.) So I told her that seeing that the average expectancy of a stage 4 person is like 30 months, some have been living longer though, I wasn't going to keep myself hid. So I told her that at the end of the chemo, sometime in February, I was going all out and coming dressed. She suggested that it might be good to do it at Halloween so if there were those that didn't care for a CD in the room I had an excuse and I agreed. So after she went to the nurses station I noticed that the nurses were looking my way and even my oncologist was there looking over at me. So they know big deal. Apathy is the great liberator!

So today was my second round of chemo and I wore plum nail polish for the nurses that wore plum tops in the infusion room.