I've been doing a fair bit of thinking and problem solving lately, and I think I have discovered a solution to a "problem" of mine: I have no femme voice, and dedicating the time and resources to developing one isn't a high priority for me at the moment. As is, I have incredible vocal range (from just shy of two octaves below middle C to somewhere around an octave above middle C, for you fellow musically inclined people), but there's more to a femme voice than pitch. So, I thought, since my SO would probably go out shopping with me anyway, why don't the both of us learn ASL to the point we can converse adequately with each other, but I don't have to talk, and my SO (who is a gg) can use her natural feminine voice to speak for me? On one hand (no pun intended here), it would be good for me to learn another form of communication, and it would act as a stop gap until I can develop a feminine voice, but on the other hand, I don't want to seem offensive to anyone, especially someone with the disability of not being able to hear or speak. What are your thoughts?