Quote Originally Posted by Ceera View Post
SometimesKari, I am 5' 10", and close to 5' 11" tall. I also have a 40D-36-44 figure, so I'm roughly the right proportions, just 'scaled up' from the average girl.

I'm certainly taller than all of the GG's I hang out with, but I just wear my heels when I feel like it, and don't worry. Heck, when I was in college I dated a GG girl who was 6' 1" tall! And I have been friends with other girls who were as tall as 6' 4". So you and I aren't really any taller than the natural high end for girls.

The first time I went to a nice restaurant fully en-femme, and wearing 4" stiletto heels, the hostess who seated me was 5' 11" in flats herself, and she complemented my shoes and then she said enthusiastically, "I just love it when a tall girl wears heels!" She went on to say that the only reason she wasn't wearing heels at work was that their dress code required flats. I frequently get complements from GG's on my shoes, when I am wearing heels.

When I am out en-femee, I just accept that I am a 'big girl', and I rock it. When I tell people what to look for when they meet me, I often say, "I'll probably be one of the tallest girls in the room." So I say, "Own it and enjoy it!"
Heels are a little way off yet (I am poor lol) but it's something to look forward to trying