Well, we've all thought about it and dreaded that it would happen and yesterday it did.
I was on my way to our house in another state for a few days to do some upkeep and I decided (with wife's approval) to dress for the trip. I had on a sleeveless crinkle blouse in white, a shortish summer skirt that is white with small yellow flowers on it and white flats. Full dress for the few hours to the house.

Off I go on the interstate and then a change of direction onto another and as I'm coming down the connecting ramp I see white smoke in the rear view mirror. A look at the gauges and I see it's overheating. Soon as a make the other roadway I pull off to the shoulder and I see a cloud of steam under the hood and smell the anitfreeze. OMG now what??

I pop the hood and go look and there's antifreeze everywhere except of course in the overflow or the radiator. A moment of panic sets in. Do I move everything around and find my baby wipes, polish remover and a change of clothes?? My God it's 11 a.m. and wouldn't you know it there's a state trooper on the other side just letting someone go after a stop. Is he going to come over here and see if I'm ok. A million things race through my mind, none of them calming.

Well, he doesn't come over, but as I'm rechecking the engine a passerby stops to see if I need help. I go to his car and tell him I'm fine I'm calling for a tow and thank him for stopping and he drives off. One down, how many more to come??
I call the assistance people and they take all the information. I'm guessing it will be a few hours till they get here so do I change before they do or not?? They send me a text, he'll be there in 20 minutes. So much for that idea. I'm staying dressed and that's that. I do change into jeans though (the skirt is a little short) and as I finish ... here comes the DOT roadside assistance truck. Again, Thank You for checking on me my tow will be here shortly and off he goes. 2 Down.

15 minutes later here comes my tow truck. I get out and tell him (or try to) that the vehicle is in neutral, keys in the ignition but the traffic is so loud I have to shout. So much for my feminine voice !!
Of course it's a young man, maybe 28, and as he puts the vehicle on his flatbed I climb in the cab for the ride home. Luckily I'm only 25 miles away so I don't have to be towed to some shop somewhere and all that that would entail.
He secures everything and jumps in and off we go. He gets a few calls along the way so there's not much time for chatting (Thank God) and to my comfort he's professional all the way. We reach home and before getting out I tip him, which surprises him and thank him for being so professional. Not a word was mentioned about my attire or anything else.
3 Down!!

It was scary at first, but now that I'm no longer a Virgin at this I have to say my first time wasn't at all bad. Everyone I encountered was helpful, respectful and considerate.
Yes it can happen, and it did. I survived and I'm stronger for it. All I can say is be prepared if you travel, you never know what might happen.