Hi all,

Over the next few weeks I have the opportunity to be out of town on business.

I have stated before that if anyone was to know about my CD activities that I would come out to my wife first.... However...

I have never had the opportunity to speak to anyone about it (other than posting on this site) and wondered if it would be a good idea to meet someone who has the same experiences as myself just to chat about what I'm experiencing.

I'm not talking in depth or anything radical, but a chance to meet someone who knows how it feels.

In the short time I've had to think about it I think it could be beneficial but have reservations about betraying my wife's trust by talking to someone before her.

Has anyone ever done this? Is it the right thing to do?

I will say that it in my mind it could be any scenario, the other person could be drab, dressed......whatever. The meeting would be in a public place and over a coffee perhaps...

Let me know your thoughts and all comments welcome.

Miss S x