What prompted the idea for this thread was seeing the participation of quite a few girls from Melbourne. I've been there two times in my life and absolutely adored the city and the people. I came to ask myself "Is Melbourne a CD friendly town?"

And while asking myself that question I wandered about how CD friendly might be some other towns around the world.

Having been to Montreal, I had the feeling it was a CD frienly place. I shoped a lot at local department stores and even bought a pair of high heels shoes, trying them on for the first time ever. The sales attendent was extremely friendly.

In Manhattan its rather easy to blend in the variety of the crowd. I went in a shop to buy a skirt (I was in drab) took a few from he rack and went to the try on cabin. Made my selection, dressed back in drab and went to the counter. No one asked anything...

In Brussels, I've seen nice people while shoping for a wig. Received great advice from the sales person. However, Brussels is a rather small town, albeit with a large population, but the center is very concentrated around "La grand Place" and I fear meeting people who know me...

Any other CDs who could share their experience about Friendly countries/towns for X-dressers?


PS: Having loved so much Melbourne, if it is also a CD friendly city I might consider moving there not mentionning the pleasure of meeting the beautiful girls who are with us in this forum...