...what was your defining moment when you realized that you did, indeed, either pass/blend, or were otherwise treated just like any other GG by others whom you interacted with in public?

For me, there were several that have stood out over the years, and I am listing these in no particular order:

1) Having a young man stand up and offer me his seat while riding in the subway.

2) Random men holding open the doors to buildings for me while smiling and wishing me "Have a good day, Ma'am".

3) Cars screeching to a halt as I was attempting trying to cross a busy street to let me go by. As a man, I would likely either have been ignored or else run over by the same stressed-out, harried people.

4) Waiting at the fitting room area of a Marshall's department store with some women's clothes to try on, and having the attendant instinctively direct me towards the women's change room section as opposed to the men's.

5) Having GG customers solicit my input on their proposed choices of dresses while we were both perusing the clothing racks.

6) Having a fellow GG shopper go through the displays in a lingerie store beside me, look over at me, and then declare "If there's anything I hate more than buying shoes, it's buying bras!" I smiled knowingly at her, thinking to myself all the while "If there's anything I love more than buying shoes, it's bras".

7) Getting my nails done in a salon, chatting with the nail techs and getting no vibe from any of them that something might be amiss with me, all the while eliciting "0" attention from the other GG customers around me who were preoccupied with either their mobile phones or with how their own manicures were proceeding.

8) Being stopped at a sobriety checkpoint shortly before Christmas one year, having the police officer stick his head through the open window within 6" of my face to see if he could detect any hint of alcohol on my breath, and then sending me on my way with a "Thank you, and have a Merry Christmas, Ma'am".

So what are some of your "Greatest Hits"?