Most mornings while the SO's still in bed I'm up tidying the kitchen and making her breakfast in bed. I'm usually dressed in Bra + forms, knickers, hose, a skirt and a tee style top with a pair of thick socks to hide the hose.

Once the kitchen is all clean and tidy, breakfast tray is ready, I put on joggers, a fleece top and off with the forms and off to deliver said tray.

The other morning I found myself having done the first two, joggers and fleece but was in the process of heading out of the kitchen tray in hand and on my way to head upstairs. It was only then I realised I'd still got my forms on. Problem is, I'm so used to wearing them, so comfortable in how they feel they've become a part of me that I forgot I'd got them on.

So, reverse gear, tray down, forms off and start again.

So what item(s) have you either nearly or actually forgotten about, come close to or ended up facing those awkward questions?