No, not the going up, coming down sort of steps, I mean the number of extra small steps I've noticed myself making when heel wearing.

For example, I go to get something out of the fridge. As I get to the door I'll put in an extra little step to bring my legs together as I stand. Same when standing at the kitchen counter. I drab, walk up, left foot, right foot down and stand. In heels it's left, then right and then slightly reposition left ( or visa versa).

Once I noticed it I found myself doing it all the time. Stopping to open a door, it's the same little three step shuffle.

I know we all walk differently in heels than we do in drab. They alter your posture and stride but I'd not noticed this small change in just how I not so much how I walked, as how I came to a stop.

Is it just me or do you find yourself making these what up to now have been subconscious little changes to how you move?