Because my wife insists on a DADT relationship, most of my dressing opportunities come when she is off shopping, at an appointment, or otherwise gone from the house. The problem with this, of course, is there's no guarantee how long she'll be gone, and some of my most stressful moments have come when she returned unexpectedly (e.g., "I forgot my shopping list"). And even when she stayed out for the expected length of time, the uncertainty was stressful, and it caused me to cut my sessions short prematurely.

Recently one of our daughters signed us up for an app called Life360 that tracks the cellphones of "circle" members, so that you always know where they are and whether they are stationary or moving. I am now relieved of the burden of anxiety. For example, my wife had a hair appointment this morning at a salon about 25 minutes away. I was able to confirm that she arrived, and the app alerted me when she left the salon about 10 minutes ago.

I'm sure there are probably other ways to track cellphones. I highly recommend using one. And, of course, there are many benefits other than the one I'm enjoying, especially safety.

I have to go now. She's 8 minutes away, and a few things are still on the bed.