My wife and I will be celebrating out 40th anniversary in a few days. Back in 2017 when we purchased a 2nd home, we agreed no more gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, and Christmas as well as no vacations as the cost of the 2nd home (a condo) stretched our budget pretty tight. Back in late 2021 we sold our 1st home and the condo and purchased another home in the same area as the condo. We continued pretty much forgoing gifts and have yet to take a true vacation. That brings us to this week. My wife is going to a meeting with a tour company tomorrow and will likely sign us up for a 4 day tour to D.C. She's never been there and I've been there more times than I can count on all my fingers and toes.

Today as I was doing some major cleaning in the house, I noticed the toilet plunger had a crack in the rubber; so, it was time to go to the hardware store to get a new one. ...Yes, there is a connection...

As I was telling my wife good-bye before heading to the store, she commented, "Now promise me you're not getting me an anniversary present." I told her I hadn't gotten her anything but avoided saying I wouldn't. She mentioned she thought this 4 day tour to D.C. could be an anniversary gift for both of us. I told her I didn't really think that was really a gift. She said, "Fine. Get me a toilet plunger if you want." I replied, "Fine. Then you can get me something." When she asked what I wanted, I simply said, "I'd love it if you'd go dress shopping with me." That's when she told me she thought I had enough dresses as I have the guest bedroom closet pretty well filled. Actually, it's only half filled with my hanging clothes. I counted tonight and found I have 12 dresses, 8 nighties, a hanger with 9 or 10 suspender fishnets, 5 tops, 2 pair of jeans, and 2 skirts. I also have 2 wigs I keep in plastic bags (think Walmart bags) hanging from 1 hanger. How dare her suggest I have too many dresses.

Epilog: While I was out, I did stop by the jeweler's and purchased a necklace to give her. I know she will actually be upset; but, when I explain how special she is by not giving me grief about my CDing and that it's a daily present she gives me, I think she will get over this small transgression on my part.