I wanted to share something my wife and I have talked about. We will get into deeper conversation when we are relaxed having a drink or a smoke.
One of these topics that my wife brought up was about getting married as Jessica.
It would not be an official wedding as we just got Married 2 years ago and I'm not going to change my name.
She said she likes the idea at some point but wanted to know if I ever had the want too.
I would love to, but at this point I don't feel the immediate need to do this but its nice to have the option.

She said we could do a small gathering of people that know (not many), she would like to get a new wedding dress then the one she used for our wedding. I would also need one too!
She has been such a supportive wife since I started to express my inner feminine self for a couple of years now and it sometime shocks me when she considers something like this on her own.

Has anyone else been able to experience getting married/remarried as there feminine self?

Jessica <3