I made a post about getting out in femme male mode a while back and how it wasn't the greatest experience. I pushed the limits a bit and had a definite femme rather than an androgynous look and went to a coffee shop on the way to a therapy session. I didn't really look to see how people reacted, but when i ordered my coffee, an attractive young barista who stood behind the guy taking my order seemed to want to gag at the sight of me. Since the barista reminded me somewhat of my wife when she was young, the feeling of instant shame was almost unbearable. I endured ten or fifteen minutes drinking my coffee in the shop before going on to my therapy session. The experience has kept me from allowing that kind of exposure until this morning.

I decided to back off on the presentation and was definitely more androgynous than feminine this time. i wore yoga pants with a sterling ankle bracelet above my unisex sneakers. I had on some unisex bracelets, but kept my pearls under the turtleneck i had on under the button-up I wore to hide that i had on a bra.

I walked in and the place seemed to be populated by a bunch of middle aged working men. I don't really think anyone even looked at me closely enough to form any opinion of me.

The young male barista had a bohemian look with a man-bun, so I felt safe from any negative judgment from him.

The outing was a success in that i became a little bit more comfortable and even anticipate that I'd allow a bit more feminine to show through next time.

All this is old news to many here, but maybe some others might be encouraged to let their freak flag fly just a bit...