Hello my lovely's. Welp, I am packing for an adventurous weekend. Hotel is booked, tickets purchased. Wigs washed. My wife and I will be attending a Patty's day event followed by a Studio 54 style birthday party. Our friend is the DJ for both events. I know a few who will be attending. We will get all dressed up and decked out in our St. Patrick's green garb and then out for the evening.

This will be the first time I have ever done such a thing. I have gone to a local bar hosting CD friendly events in the past. This though feels different. Walking out the lobby, through parking lots and down city streets. Nervous yes but ever so excited. I hope to take several pictures to share.

Staying up so late really seems like the hard part. I don't drink so soda for me. Often by 10pm I am done for the day. Early riser. So I am taking today to pack, rest up and practice my eye liner skills.

Wish me luck, Luck of the Irish.