Well, it happened last night.
The biggest fear for many is to be stopped by the police while out and fully dressed. It's not my fear as I've been in other similar situations before, but it is still for many.
We decided to get Chinese takeout. I had dressed in the morning and since we go out regularly it was not even a consideration that I would change. I was wearing a black and white striped blouse, grey skirt, black pantyhose and was in my short red wig (one I hadn't worn in a long time). I got my purse and coat and off we went to get our food. I always drive and she gets the food. Well, when she came out there was no traffic but 2 vehicles about 3 blocks away. So wanting to get the food home still warm (it was about 25 degrees out) I checked traffic, pulled out of the parking slot and made a quick U-turn. It's a 25 mph zone and I was doing 23 but this black SUV came up quickly and got really close.
Then it happened.

Lights, Siren, Police.

I pulled over quickly to let him by thinking he had gotten a call, but he pulled over behind me. UH-OH, what now!
Not waiting for him I got my license from my purse and the registration and insurance card from the glove box. About a minute later he got out and did the typical police thing. He looked at the license plate, touched the tail light (I think they do this to leave fingerprints to identify the car in case things go bad). He shined his flashlight in the rear seat and checked for passengers. I already had the window down waiting. He asked if I knew why he stopped me and I politely said I had no idea. I didn't even try to disguise my voice. At this point I had raised my hand with the paperwork and he just went "Oh" in surprise that he didn't have to ask. He told me I made an illegal U-turn as it was against the law in this town. He stated there were signs at each intersection (which I have never seen, but will look for) and I said I hadn't seen them.
When he finished checking my ID's he came back and said he wasn't issuing a summons this time but that I should be more careful in the future. I thanked him and we came home to have our dinner.

Later my wife asked if my heart fluttered when he pulled us over. I told her no, he wasn't my type and we laughed. I said my first thought was "$%@# how much will this be, about $100?" Then my next was How many points on my license (I haven't had any in 40 years). Then "Insurance surcharge I bet when they find out".

He was professional, courteous and never said a word about how I was dressed. Sure it's scary the first time something like this happens to you, but it's not the end of the world.

This is how I looked.