Yesterday my friend told me she thought I was having a midlife crisis!! She said that she saw me as feminine, that was surrounding my maternal side as I have two sons of my own and a step son. She is into gender in a big way and studying for her Phd. We looked at how I had changed since I came out, initially very butch then I softened my approach to help others feel more comfortable about me in the workplace. Then I grew my hair for many reasons the wrong ones, now its how I like it and everybody says its me! Think I shocked her when I said I might want my boobs off in the future cos I hate them that much! I told her that I identify as boi when I talk on here but it's an inward thing right now only use it on the board. Very negative response she didn't think she could relate to me that way. So although she can accept me for whatever I see myself as she thinks I'm havin a mid life crisis. I left feelin deflated cos I know how I feel and I don't think I'm havin a midlife crisis, I told her that too!!
Lol I was out with my gay male friends later on ofcourse I went as as one of the boys I love gay men and find them attractive but I would not want a relationship with a gay man coz I am attrated to women. A friend of one of the guys thought I was the lad who he had pulled a couple of weeks before te he he so I passed well. That was my positive feedback. I told my best mate who I work with about the conversation with my friend and he said feminine I don't think so, lol good that he thinks that so I was set for a good evening!!! What do ya all think