Hi All
What a night Friday was, Well you see that since sonia had emigrated to Canada, Ann Marie and friends decided Emelda needed a night on the town.
When I had finished deciding what to wear Karen and Tracie came to pick me up, and give me a lift into town as quite frequently when this lot take me out I end up fairly tipsy and unable to drive home.
We met up with Ann Marie and Lindsey in a local wine bar that the owner is alternative lifestyle friendly and his doormen are really up for a laugh and look out for us.
So after a couple LAB cocktails on ice [LAB=Lambrini+Apple Juice+Brandy]Thought we would go for a meal.
Now one of the reasons that I like going out with this particular group of lady friends is Ann Marie is the one with the best figure and the most petit, as for Tracie and Lindsey they are slightly on the large size, Actually They are the about the same size as me but with bigger breasts. But they are really bubbly, lovely, very pretty and a bloody good fun to be with.
So as you might have guessed we didn't really need to go for a meal but decided what the hell. So we decided to do the typical Essex Girl thing and went to a Nandos for a quick meal.
Well it was here while waiting for a table that something really funny happened.
Now you have seen pictures of me and I openly admit that even to a blind person I would not pass as a female.
The 5 of us was standing at the bar when I needed to go to the powder room to release a couple of the cocktails I had drunk. Now when dressed do you use the gents or the ladies, I explained this problem to the girls and Tracie said she needed to go also so promptly dragged me into the ladies room, now I finished quicker so touched up the make up and made my way out into the corridor to wait for her. While waiting a young chap came up to me and asked where I was going and if he could buy me a drink and accompany me for the evening, at this panic set in big time as I don't have a very fem voice and have never really tried to pratice one as most people I go out with know who I am.
I was looking around for help wishing Tracie would hurry up or one of the others would come looking for us or even the ground open up and swallow me, as I have never been in this situation before while dressed. So into the handbag went the hand to find my cigarettes almost instantly he offered one of his so this was it I had to speak to him to say thank you. I didn't try to put on a fem voice but tried to soften my natural voice.
Well in for a penny in for a pound so while waiting for Tracie I chatted with Adam, politely giving him the brush off as not to upset his feelings because it must have taken alot of courage to try chatting up the butchest bird in the place.
After about five minutes Tracie came out of the ladies room grabbed my hand span me round and planted a kiss on my cheek. This gave me the perfect way of telling Adam that he was the wrong gender but thanks for the compliment by asking to spend the evening with me.
On the way back to the others I asked Tracie what took her so long, and with a big smile on her face she said she had been standing behind the door and had heard what was going on and didn't want to crap my style. The COW !!!!!
We got a table and Tracie told the story to the others during the meal, Ann Marie found it very amusing and said that if I dress like a lady and act like a lady that every now and then I'm bound to be chatted up. and to look at the experience as a learning experience. So I will probably need to think about this abit more in case it happens again.
So after the meal it was off to the club.
While queueing to get in we got a few side ways looks from people but that could ahve been down to the amount of noise we were making. Although I think a few people spotted that I was not what met the eye.
But once inside we headed straight to the bar for some LAB's.
We found a side booth and started to have a bloody good laugh, a few more drinks later and it was dance time, now as you know dancing in heels is an art form that ladies manage easily and I don't so it's usually stand on the spot and sway [ or is that the alchole].
After a couple of dances went back to the booth and had a few more LAB's when Tracie noticed that Adam had come to the club as well, and look over my way so I just smiled.
When the others noticed this they started tease me about being the only one that night who's likely to get asked to dance by a man, I said that even if I was asked to dance I wouldn't as for one thing Ann Marie is with us and if I was going to dance with anyone it would be with her and secondly I had already knocked him back once and it would be unfair on him to lead him on as I don't fancy men and I am happily married to wonderful girl.
As the night wore on a couple more friends arrived male and female and as the drink flowed we just got noiser and noiser right up to the point when a bouncer asked us to quieten down abit, while was standing there and without thinking I pinched his bum and promptly blamed Tracie. He went red in the face and Tracie went doey eyed and all gushy, I then piped up that maybe he should buy the nice young lady a drink [ revenge is sweet ].
Just before the end of the evening Adam and a friend came over and asked me and Ann Marie for a dance to round the night off, at this I leant across and whispered in Ann Maries ear asking her to refuse the offer, the cow just smiled and accepted saying Emmy's just a little shy round men, and dragged me up.
The first dance was alright abit up beat so no need to touch each other accept holding hands.
The second dance was the last track of the night so it was the usual slow dance, and Adam pulled me in close and put his arms round my substanial waist, now I was feeling very uncomfortable as male to male contact is just not my thing.
Ann Marie noticed this and said good bye to the lad she was with and came over and said it was time to leave, Adam bent forward to give me a kiss good bye and I just turned me head so all he got was my cheek.
I grabbed Ann Marie's hand went and got the others and left, mind you it was 3.30 in the morning.
It was really good evening and can't wait for another night out with the girls.
As for Adam, well he paid me the greatest of compliments by thinking I was a lady, but I think it was just youth or inexperience as he was apparently only 21 but he was no stud.
I had a chat today with Ann Marie and asked why she had dragged me up to dance with Adam, She replied that it help her to deal with a nagging doubt about my sexuality. and just by the look on my face while dancing with Adam confirmed to her that it is women that I'm attracted to and not men.
So what am I doing this evening. Staying in watching TV with a nice bottle of wine, and cuddling the most beautiful, wonderful and loving Woman in the world ANN MARIE