I had just finished my buisness in the stall of the ladies room at the Stage Door Bar last night (the main tranny hangout in Atlanta) I went to the mirror of course! Gotta check the look, brush the hair and apply lipstick if needed.

A pretty little lipstick lesbian from Texas that had been playing billards next to our group of trannies was in the mirror. I just stood behind and to the side of her like girls do in there since its the only one in a busy restroom.

She looked at me...turned around, gave me a compliment about my apprearance. Then said "let me fix your hair" then upon finishing that kissed me right on the lips, smiled and left the restroom.

Gotta admit it was a way cool experience and one of those great moments that can only happen because of CDing. To tell the truth I was a bit shocked...but very pleased.

And no I can't prove it but she was not actually hitting on me, it was not quite that feeling going on. I think she just got a kick out of a Tgirl.

To show trips to restroom are not always a hoot. Just two weeks ago in the same restroom a lesbian mocked my deep voice when I was chatting with some girls waiting on a stall. Guess as a Tgirl ya gotta take the bad to get to the good!