Hello girls,
Recently I recieved a magazine from a cd group that had an article in it that set me off. It said that the only true crossdressers do everyting possible to present as a women, and those that wore only a garment or two under their clothes where only fetish dressers. First let me admit there is a fetish aspect to my dressing at times,with or with out full atire. Other times it is just an acceptance of a part of myself that I am starting to love. Not just the clothes, but the feminine side of myself. I know that person was only expressing her opinion. But coming from a cd group that extends a welcome to all of us, its not very welcoming.
My opinion, it doesn't matter if you only wear panties or if you can look like the girl next door. It doesn't matter if you only think about dressing and don't wear one feminine thing. What does matter is that you are true to yourself and if your not there yet, practice. This crossdresser is true to herself and I promise never to think you have to be like me, to be you. From the heart,