Well, I know that I've only been a member for just a few months, and it has been great to get the support and hear the experiences from everyone here!

However, it looks like my wife just can't come to grips with my crossdressing. She has definitely tried though. She is a member on the GG forum and has even bought me some things (bra, panties, skirts, etc.) She thought that if she could participate in it with me that she could deal with it. But alas, that is not the case. She still feels that I may want to take things further and further and even to be with men. This is definitely NOT the case, but it's hard to prove that point.

I remember that there was an earlier thread that asked, if you were to choose between crossdressing and your family, what would it be? Well, my answer then was that my family comes first, and my answer is no different now.

My wife didn't ask me to choose though. There's a lot of things going on in our lives right now, and things just came to a head yesterday. We're going to change some things in our life. There are some things that we can't immediately change like moving away from Las Vegas, but crossdressing was one of the things that I could change, so I felt that I had to drop it. Then again, it's not like I was dressing all of the time. I probably only dressed a handful of times since this last November when my wife found out about me.

I do this because I love my wife with all of my heart, and I just can't imagine my life without her and my son in it. You sacrifice things for your loved ones, and I would definitely give my life up to save them.......so if I'd do that, then giving up crossdressing is an easy thing to do.

Anyway, I want to take this time to wish everyone the best and good luck in the future! You have touched my life, and I know that you will continue to touch and help others!