I have recently stumbled upon a look that turned some heads (LBD, short blonde wig), brings many to say kind things and, occasionally, inspires men to say and do foolish and amusing things.

Has anything like this ever happened to you, or a CD you know? GG's similar stories are welcome !

I have learned the feeling of POWER that comes with being beautiful. Last Friday night I was walking the sidewalk in the "Club Zone" along Santa Clara Avenue in San Jose. The street was choked with the cars going to/from the clubs, and some that were just Cruising.

As I was walking, an SUV stopped in the street, and a man in the passenger seat hollered out to me to come over and give him a Hug. Flattered, and feeling playful, I turned to face him, and give him a smile and a wink.

As I did, I watched his smile broaden, and then, suddenly, vanish as his eyes bugged out and he howled "OOOOH NOOoooooooooo!". I just laughed and pointed my arm and finger at him, thinking "GOTCHA!" and walked on. I can still hear his moaning echoing throughout the steel and glass canyons.

Being Read was never more fun !
