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Thread: Does it ever go away?

  1. #51
    Member Jennifer Brooks's Avatar
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    After reading all of these responses, I know why I go through fazes. When I have plenty of alone time, I get in the mood to dress and it's the pedal to the metal, so to speak. Then I go back to working and such and I really don't think about it unless it's in fantasy/dreaming mode. As much as I love to dress, I can't figure out why I do not have nightly dream about it. I usually have 3-4 a year and it's mostly getting caught in lingerie (Guilt I suppose). I have about 3 more weeks of alone time (work injury) and so I'm going to use the best of that alone time for dressing. I figure tomorrow I'll take that first step to apply some make-up. That ought to be interesting.

  2. #52
    Silver Member kristinacd55's Avatar
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    does it ever go away?

    I don't think it could ever go away! It's panties now every day underneath my drab, since my wife found out a month ago. I don't NOT think about dressing every single day since i started when i was 5 years old. Don't fight it, just enjoy your femininity!

  3. #53
    Member Juanita O's Avatar
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    go away

    I have tried to give up dressing but it didn't last to long. Just go with the flow.
    I love being a girl

  4. #54
    Member Michelle PJ's Avatar
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    Come on Kelsey, where is Way East? Japan? Hong Kong? IF way east US I have to say your pic gives me some confidence. It is very becoming. AND I'm about your age. After my check up tomorrow at the doctor's I'm going to shave and start to enjoy fem clothing for the first time this year.

    Michelle PJ

  5. #55
    Senior Member Kelsy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michelle PJ View Post
    Come on Kelsey, where is Way East? Japan? Hong Kong? IF way east US

    Michelle PJ

    First it's USA Second you're going to have to get your feet wet

    Born female intended

    " Don't die with your music still in you!"

  6. #56
    Member Michelle PJ's Avatar
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    IF you're in the NYC area I would enjoy knowing so we can chat.


    Michelle PJ

  7. #57
    Silver Member Jilmac's Avatar
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    no Jen it never goes away, in fact it only gets stronger. I know the emotional stress of wanting to tell your wife but afraid she'll freak out. I told my ex while I was dating her, she was repulsed by the thought of it. I told my second wife and she believed it would turn me gay. (IT DIDN'T). Since my wife died I have been enjoying dressing more than ever. Now I have a new so and I want to tell her but I'm afraid she'll run for the hills and not look back. I'm getting butterflies all over again. Jill

  8. #58
    Banned Read only
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    I remember before i told my wife, it was killing me. I had no idea what she was going to do. I know that she has a pretty open mind and just came straight out and told her. I dont think i will stop dressing enfemme, but thank God i no longer have to hide it. I am much more comfortable with myself, and my wife loves the benefits ( usually she gets new clothes too)

  9. #59
    Sallee Sallee's Avatar
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    NO it never goes away I have gone without dressing for several years at a time but like the cat it keeps coming back. Embrace it join a group and if you never get out except to the group that is great Good luck

  10. #60
    Member shauna 9's Avatar
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    It never goes away.

  11. #61
    Junior Member danielle42's Avatar
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    for me no it does not go way and when i cant dress it makes me ,

  12. #62
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    IMHO, purging is only symptomatic of denial.
    It's your life, so it IS all about you!

  13. #63
    Member Crystal Alberta's Avatar
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    For me, the desire to dress waxes and wanes. During the past week or so, I've dressed (at least a bit) almost every day, but in the two months previous, I think I dressed maybe two or three times in total.

    I think some CDs manage to deny or "control" the urge to dress as well, but I don't think it ever goes away. This is a part of who we are, and I've come to accept that it is something that will always be with me.


  14. #64
    Susan Bravesoul's Avatar
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    I agree with most, it never goes away.I too have tried, but no luck.You know what, that's ok now, I do what I can and dress when I can. Life is good,since I stop trying to stop.
    [SIZE=2]Too many thing to do, to little time. Enjoy who you are,[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=2]The DH for Abigaild(GG)[/SIZE]

  15. #65
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    Smile I don't think so.

    From "5" to "70" its been a very constant companion to me. And seems like I'm enjoying it a lot more each day. And thats through 24 years military service and 50 years marriaage.

  16. #66
    Mrs Peel, We're needed jennifer41356's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jennifer Brooks View Post
    After reading all of these responses, I know why I go through fazes. When I have plenty of alone time, I get in the mood to dress and it's the pedal to the metal, so to speak. Then I go back to working and such and I really don't think about it unless it's in fantasy/dreaming mode. As much as I love to dress, I can't figure out why I do not have nightly dream about it. I usually have 3-4 a year and it's mostly getting caught in lingerie (Guilt I suppose). I have about 3 more weeks of alone time (work injury) and so I'm going to use the best of that alone time for dressing. I figure tomorrow I'll take that first step to apply some make-up. That ought to be interesting.

    practice makes perfect, experiment with different colors and you will find the right look to make you the beautiful girl that you are

  17. #67
    Member charlie-50's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jennifer Brooks View Post
    The desire of Crossdressing. Does it ever go away for those that don't dress full-time? I dress when nobody is around and since I am back on the day shift again, (on vacation right now) I am home when everybody else is. It's very tough to get any time in to dress and feel great/pretty. I though for a minute that I could stop dressing but it's always going to be there. I told my wife over the past 13 years that I dressed up until the time I was 12 but she would flip if she knew I did to this day (and up to about 6 hrs ago. Hee-Hee!). I think about stopping all the time. Especially when I think about age. I'm 36 now and can't imagine myself still going strong later on down the road. But I probably will. I was 5 when I first put on a bra and panties, so I do not think I will ever stop. I just wish I could really go out fem and party with the ladies and just look and feel like a woman. That would be the ultimate high. The ultimate.
    I nope it never goes away this is just too much fun.......Charlie...

  18. #68
    New Member JacquiUKTV's Avatar
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    Does it ever go away?

    There's a AWFUL lot I could say here but it would mean condensing a book into a post; I'll try to be concise at the risk of compromising intelligibility.

    I think the simple answer is probably "no" in most cases, but from my own experience it's certainly possible to reduce the intensity of the need; and therefore, if you can change it....engage with it at all, there is the possibilty that it could be eradicated altogether....if you want to that is. Without wishing to put words into anyone's mouth I wonder whether the question conceals an ambition to be free of the dressing-need?

    I need to state my position at this point and before I do, lest I cause offence, I wish to say this, with the greatest possible emphasis: my opinion is with reference to myself and ONLY myself....I presume to make no judgment, NONE WHATSOEVER of anyone else.

    I've tried to accept the dressing "thing" as an "expression of my true self"....a mere "phenomenon" that's acceptable and OK....all the justifications/euphemisms you could shake a stick at; and it just doesn't work.

    For myself, I just can't get away from the notion that dressing is a form of aberrated behaviour; something that needs to be handled; I fully accept that this attitude may, in itself be "aberrated"....wrong end of the telescope; I can only speak as I feel.

    And from this point of view, I have striven to approach it....view it from as many different angles as possible; this is where I stand right now:

    It seems to me that there are three distinct areas of major importance:

    a) physiological; i.e., hormone-bath, chromosomal pre-disposition etc.

    b) psychological: for whatever reason (probably quite complex) one associates a higher "survival-value" with being female v. being male. Speculations about "multiple personality" or "sub-personalities" would probably belong in this particular bucket, or maybe the next:

    c) spiritual...this being for many, I imagine, the most controversial. There have been posts about reincarnation, past lives, call it what you will; the relevance being that if we are indeed souls that migrate from one body (death) to another (birth) there may be certain baggage that we take with us. I personally put a lot of credence into this; I don't expect anyone to agree just on my say-so but it's an interesting area to look into.

    So it might prove to be the case (if "prove" belongs in this post ) that for a given individual their need to crossdress stems from some permutation of the above? And then, it falls to the individual to pursue the gamut of info. available on-line and elsewhere; sorry I can't be more specific but for each it's a voyage of self-discovery: the hospitality of Lord Google particular, try "psychology of crossdressing".

    It would appear that there ain't no pill you swallow, button you push or mantra you chant that does the job in one hit....but you can change in some measure if moved to do so.

    Hope this makes sense; as I said at the beginning a difficult precis; and again, my views are strictly apropos myself...pls accept my apology if I've upset anyone with my ravings?

    Happy Xmas, Solstice, Hannukah, Saturnalia, Winterval, whatever.... and a joyful'n'prosperous 2008 to all.

    and mince pies J.

  19. #69
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    I sure hope not

    When I was married I ABSOLUTELY could not dress or share this with my ex. After we were married she openly referred to it as deviate and ill. It was kind of like a cell door closing on your feelings. Now that were divorced I'm picking up the pieces of myself that I shelved and am grateful it never left. It is so fulfilling and enlightening for me ,I know I'll never purge or quit again for anyone

  20. #70
    Chewies sister-moulted!
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    It never goes away ......not totally . It may diminish for a while but will most certainly arrive back with a desired vigor ....well , it did for me anyway giggle

  21. #71
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    will it ever go away ?.... well...........

    Well hun, learn from my experience:

    When I was a teengager I thought I'd loose the desires once I left school
    When I started work I thought I'd change once I had a regular girlfriend
    Once I had a regular girlfriend I thought I'd feel different when I got married
    Once I got married I thought I'd change when the kids came along
    When the kids came along I thought I'd loose those desires when I got older
    When I got older the desires got even stronger !!!!!!!!!!!!

    So the short answer is "no"

    So don't hurt yourself by feeling guilty or purging - just enjoy !


  22. #72
    Member Patti Girl's Avatar
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    You are probably asking in the wrong forum.

    For everyone here, it hasn't gone away.

    If there are people for whom it has gone away, they are probably not on this forum

    It's kind of like asking people at a football game if their interest in football ever dies. (Mine has, you won't find me at a football game.)


  23. #73
    Senior Member Sabrina Flowers's Avatar
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    Like most of those here I have tried to surpress the dressing a few times in my life, but the urge comes back. Even though I'm in the closet with the dressing, these days it seems to be stronger and as I've got older I am beging not to worry so much about the dressing.
    What matters most is how you see yourself.

  24. #74
    Member Cara Allen's Avatar
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    Have you seen the Burlington Faux Fur items? They will make you feel pretty!

    I love going out in the Winter. If you have small-hip problems, a shaped pretty winter coat is just what you need! Also, boots! So sexy, and they help define calves.

    I once wore a beautifully tailored ermine coat, and the feeling is impossible to describe! I hate the idea of all of those cute little ermines getting killed just so that I can stay warm, but I can for sure see the attraction. After a corset, it is the most sensual experience you can have!


    Quote Originally Posted by Megan70 View Post
    No, it does not ever goes away, and you're not going to like to hear this but gets STRONGER as men age. I'm 60 and go out in public more now than ever and have the sexual and emotional need stronger than before. I am cycular though and don't dress during the hot summer months or Holidays or most of winter. Too much bod covered up with heavy cots and boots that i want to show off. Have to conform with pants and jeans because GG's don't wear stockings at all much less ever in winter. Enjoy growing into your old age, but fear not your question.... its normal for all of us.

    So I turned myself to face me, but I've never caught a glimpse
    Of how the others must see the faker,I'm much too fast to take that test.
    And these children you spit on, as they try to change their worlds,
    Are immune to your consultation, They're quite aware of what they're going thru!

    Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes David Bowie

    [SIZE="1"]by Cara Allen[/SIZE]Cara

  25. #75
    Chewies sister-moulted!
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    Quote Originally Posted by mistress michelle View Post
    It never goes away ......not totally . It may diminish for a while but will most certainly arrive back with a desired vigor ....well , it did for me anyway giggle
    In fact if I,m honest its getting worse ........after spending time as Michelle I hate the feeling of normal male attire .Its a terrible and horrid feeling if I have to change back on the same day - at least a night asleep helps settle the desire ..

    On the other hand .....strange as it may seem , there have been times when the thought of transforming to Michelle has left me feeling almost disgusted - work that one out if you can ...giggle

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