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Thread: What other fem names did you consider before deciding on the one you did?

  1. #1
    Ain't love grand :-) Jess_cd32's Avatar
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    What other fem names did you consider before deciding on the one you did?

    I considered: Jennifer, Kristen, Valerie, Xtacy (lol), Stacy and Jaqueline, finally fell in love w/ the name Jessica, Jess for short.
    Curious what names you considered.........
    Last edited by Jess_cd32; 09-24-2008 at 02:11 AM. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    Semi Sane innocent angel
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    Well I was originally Jasmine. But the trans naming committee rejected that name. I tried Josephine but they to rejected that name. Both were rejected on the basis that neither name suited me.

    Few other names divine brown .

    Chocolate wounder
    Alpha Omega.
    Last edited by Niya W; 09-23-2008 at 03:12 PM.
    Business is the the art of extracting money from another mans wallet with out resorting to violence

    9 out of 10 Dr say I'm sane. The 10th one never made it to the hearing. Did you know that California has drop bears ?

    First a groom then a bride. Never again.

  3. #3
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    Neither suited me.
    It takes a true Erin to be a pain in the assatar.

  4. #4
    Member Vicki65's Avatar
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    I like Sasha, Sharon, Xanthe. Dont know why really, just sound very sexy - so they certainly wouldn't suit a big lump like me!

  5. #5
    Junior Member Charlene Ogden's Avatar
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    I first named myself Tammy in honor of both my seventh grade band teacher whose hosed legs drove me crazy and a college girl I liked. Then, after spending some time in chat groups I realized that half the known crossdressing world goes my Tammy. Isn't that weird?? How did I pick up on that name all by myself??
    Anyway, it got too confusing online. You couldn't tell one Tammy from the next. So, I finally picked a name that was very close to my boy name :-) Charlene

  6. #6
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    There weren't any.. Karren's been the name that was screaming in the back of my head for the last 5 decades... But I did create a couple alter egos... Kandice Fabrique and Kerrie Wilde.. Both of which I've killed off because maintaining 2 distinct identities (Karren and anti-Karren) was enough work!! Lol
    Current Obsession - Breasts and Lingerie!

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  7. #7
    New Member
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    I live in the western slope in Colorado

    Other Names Considered...

    Some of the other names I considered were Demetria (Tria for short), Naomi, Tanya and Tosha. I finally fell for and settled on Emily.

  8. #8
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    Heather has always been one of my favorite female names. As well as: Valeria, Victoria, Patricia, and Constance. There are others but I can't remember them right at this moment.

  9. #9
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    Some of the other names i considered before settling on Debs were...
    Trace, Shaz, Chantelle [i still like that one ] Chardonnay and Suzee
    It must be something to do with how i pictured my femme self originally

    BTW, Deborah is the posh pronounciation of Debs

  10. #10
    Arien's girl Janetmichelle's Avatar
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    Well I never really though about it to much. My name is my name... mostly. Jan Michael turned into Janet Michelle. Didn't think it really needed to change to much.


  11. #11
    soft, smooth, beautiful <3Katie<3's Avatar
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    I thought about melanie (still one of my favs), jessica, emily, julia, kate, but i totally fell in love with katie once all was said and done.

  12. #12
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    There was a girl named Jane in the 5th grade...

  13. #13
    Junior Member Susan Loves Life's Avatar
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    Smile Names

    From as far back as I can remember, I have always known that my name should have been Susan - so that's my name and it will always be so.
    [SIZE="3"]Susan [/SIZE]

  14. #14
    Member Always Susan's Avatar
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    I did'nt name myself the girl next door did when she would dress me up in her old dresses and petticoats. I was her little sister Susan. so you see since that time I've always though of my inner girl as Susan.

    Me too,Susan

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deedee Dupree View Post
    Well, I considered Gertrude, Prudence, Bertha, Fern, Amaryllis, Petunia, and Daisy Bell.

    Seriously, I narrowed it down to Cynthia & Danielle, couldn't make up my mind so someone else dubbed me Deedee 13 years ago and now I'm very fond of it... doubt if I'll ever change it. dd
    How very ironic. Cynthia Danielle is the name of my oldest daughter born in 1969 in Norman, OK.

  16. #16
    Senior Member
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    Very good question. I thought about Candy or Suzann. Maybe I should have a poll, and see what everyone thinks!!!!

  17. #17
    Faith's Girl Kimberly Marie Kelly's Avatar
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    About four came to mind

    Vicki, Kimberly, Tammy or Jessica were the name's I liked. I eliminated them one by one which left Kimberly. She was a woman I knew many years ago when I was in my early 20's, I would have married her if my best friend didn't marry her first. I respected her and loved her, for her. And I am very proud to carry her name.
    With Love,

    "Count it pure joy when the world comes crashin
    hold your head up and keep on dancin" MercyMe

  18. #18
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    Hmm, I only considered one name before I decided on Tiffany...and that was Amber.

    I think Tiffany is a much cuter name that suits me more!

  19. #19
    Member Charona's Avatar
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    I wanted Cassandra, but it was taken. There was a Greek story of a woman known as Cassandra. Her loveliness caused Apollo to fall in love with her, and he granted her the gift of prophecy. But she didn't return his love, and in anger he cursed her so that, although her prophecies were true, no one would believe her. In one of my former jobs someone told me I had the unfortunate habit of saying things that turned out to be right, about three years later. Seemed like a natural fit.
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  20. #20
    Gold Member MJ's Avatar
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    not too many Lacey was another choice but i like being called mj so i went with Marissa Jennifer and my friends call me mj

  21. #21
    Junior Member sandyb40c's Avatar
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    I didn't have any others. It was always Sandra and sometime Sandy. I call myself Sandra B, after Sandra Bullock, whom I find so adorable.

  22. #22
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    I often feel like changing

    both male name, and cd lady name. My first lady name was Geraldine, later Alice, then Lucille, after Lucille Ball, who also was tall, with great long legs. Thinking of a new name soon, like Marcia, or Alice, or Tricia, or Donna, or Sheila. Maybe.

  23. #23
    Senior Member Lori31's Avatar
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    my femme name was given to me at birth only it is spelt in the male form "lauri". It is of finnish descent. So I never considered anything else.

  24. #24
    Member whitelace's Avatar
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    My name started with Sylvia a character.. lets call her a kindred sister who wore what I used to always wear ....'A black cat suit' she was portrayed in the "funnies" and to me it seem befitting and I liked the parallel comparison my last name came a short while later for my love for white laced lingerie but for short my friends all call me ' lacie'

    Sylvia Whitelace

  25. #25
    Life is more fun in heels Genifer Teal's Avatar
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    I chose something similar to my boy name. I wondered how I would learn to respond to a new name. I felt something similar sounding would make it easier. It must be my practical side showing through.

    Gen (short for Genifer) is very similar to my boy name. I had no trouble getting used to it. The spelling is a combination of intentional change on my part (the G) and mistake (1 N vs 2) also on my part. In the end, it all works perfectlky to my liking.


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