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Thread: Why Im I Like This?????????????

  1. #1
    Senior Member Sammy777's Avatar
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    Why Im I Like This???

    In the past month this site has soooo opened my eyes and I thank EVERYBODY for that.
    I know im not sick i know this is who we are and we are born this way and nothing can chage that and it scares me it does it explains alot it does but it stil doesnt explain me and why im crying my eyes out right now and why i cant stop why i see a movie n like it n the next time i cry when i hear the line "Thats no astronaunt that yours your father" n why im i cant stop crying now now n wish i was always the heman but cant be n whjy it took me 6 months to cryt when my grandfather died n why i still did the same when my grandmother died like i cant show emonit when im a guy even if i want to i cant because its to hard.

    im going to loo for a shrink i am i dont want these feelings to go away i just need a reason why they are there.
    Last edited by Sammy777; 11-01-2008 at 09:09 PM. Reason: Just got rid of some of the "?"'s in the header
    Warning: This post may contain up to 63% post consumer recycled Sarcasm ... or Peanuts."
    "Sammy, really next time do try to make your point without being quite so abrasive." -RD

  2. #2
    Banned Read only
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    You are what you are, a MTF crossdresser, same as me, same as most girls here. I think you should stop putting yourself down and start enjoying being what you are. I really beleive it's unwise to go against your nature.


    Last edited by avril findlay; 11-05-2008 at 11:30 PM.

  3. #3
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    You need to accept yourself for who you are Samantha, once you do life gets far better
    Nobodies really sure why we are like we are, but the simple fact is once you accept it and enjoy it, it gives us a much better outlook on life.
    I had a hard job accepting this myself ,as in guy mode i tend to be a "he man" anyway, so i went to a therapist to get help. My therapist helped me a lot to become myself and now i really enjoy being me

  4. #4
    Member nikki47's Avatar
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    Samantha,i was like you i found it so confusing,i used to wonder what was wrong with me,allways living a secret life,but as i have got older i have learnt to stop beating myself up about it and just to enjoy who i am.The last few months since been a member here,i've found it inspiring to know there are a lot like me and now i don't have any doubts about who i am.I am just so happy now.


  5. #5
    Banned Read only
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    Hunny I'm sorry you are confused and crying.

    But part of the joys of being a woman is a good cry now and then during a movie or a touching moment.

    When you are in guy mode you have been conditioned to act stoic like a man "should" act.

    But one reason men crossdress (talking about CD's, not TS here) is to relax a little from social pressures.

    When you get en femme mode you relax and feel you can do the things acceptable that a woman does.It's that simple.

    That is the answer someone who knows what they're talking about would give for this, but I agree with you, still look for a psychiatrist or therapist. And before you make your appointment if it's a psychatrist, make sure you're going to the kind that does psychotherapy, not just psychopharmacology (sees you for 5 minutes, writes a script and ushers you out the office)

    A gender therapist who works with TG ppl would be ideal. They would be able to hold a mirror up to you and you could see the person you are and understand why.

  6. #6
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    Well being sensative and crying are natural responses... Some people are more sensative than others.. I will tear up uncontrollably watching the Extreme Home Makeover!! Just the way I am and I really don't need to pay someone to tell me why I'm like this... Or why I like to wear womens clothing or am more fem the the average guy.. Its just me. And I accept me at face value... . And knowing why wouldn't change a thing for me... I'd still be me and love doing what I love doing....

    Ok one thing would change... I'd just have less money!! And the shrink would have a new boat!! Hahahaha
    Current Obsession - Breasts and Lingerie!

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  7. #7
    Aspiring Member
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    ...there has to be at least a million reasons why you are like that! Maybe billions? Our bodies themselves are extremely complex... and rely on such things as hormones, for example, to make us "who we are". And each and every experience we have throughout our lives contributes to make us "who we are".

    I agree with much us what has already been said... don't just look for a prescription to "even out" your emotions... there are enough valium zombies in the world already. Embrace what makes you "who you are" and learn to use those features to your advantage!

    You know that we are all here for you!

  8. #8
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    Emotions! I can relate, and used to have overwhelming desire to cry, grieve, for many reasons. Near suicide a number of times no girlfriend, father who rejected me, older brothers who rejected me, and I fimally went to community clinic, after co-workers urged me. I am on lithium, and a few other meds. Also, have learned about vitamins, and minerals that help us feel better, do better. Exercise is so important, also. I also went to support groups, like codependents anonymous, and adult children anonynous, for ten yrs. Some of us, have been abused by parents, and siblings, severely. So, like me, and others, we live lives of reparenting ourselves, recovery, healing, one day, or one minute, at a time, forgiving ourselves, and others, but not setting ourselves up, for more abuse, which sometimes we do, by habit. I cry sometimes, when i see a girl figure skating beautifully! When my first girfriend killed herself, i cried for two days. And, when a father figure friend died on the basketball court, at his funeral memorial, i cried a lot. He was like a father to me. I apologize for the length of this. For the last 45 yrs, or so, masculinty has been devalued, and under constant attack. Non CDers, and CDers, are having lots of issues, confusion, perplexity. You are not alone! I was told to stop being so utterly critical of myself, too, and get to acceptance, that this is something I have to deal with, accept, and live with, and stop beating myself up over. You will do better, with time, and acceptance, maybe meds, exercise, vitamins, minerals, communicating on here, support groups. Sorry if i seemed preachy, just sharing. Make this a good day.

  9. #9
    Senior Member lauraabdl's Avatar
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    I know how you feel, I was there once and it isnt any fun. But little by little you start to accept your self and then it gets better.
    Hang in there girlfriend.

  10. #10
    Just finding my way.... StaceyJane's Avatar
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    I used to look for a reason but eventually I learned there was none. This is just the way I am. I don't blame anyone in my family or any other outside influence. Coming to accept that was a big step. I have tried for so long to explain myself, once I realized there was no explaination I could move on to acceptance.


    I'm not a doctor, I just play one on TV.

  11. #11
    Big Sister Nicki B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SamanthaM View Post
    I know im not sick i know this is who we are and we are born this way and nothing can chage that and it scares me it does it explains alot it does but it stil doesnt explain me and why im crying my eyes out right now and why i cant stop why i see a movie n like it n the next time i cry when i hear the line "Thats no astronaunt that yours your father" n why im i cant stop crying now now n wish i was always the heman but cant be n whjy it took me 6 months to cryt when my grandfather died n why i still did the same when my grandmother died like i cant show emonit when im a guy even if i want to i cant because its to hard.

    im going to loo for a shrink i am i dont want these feelings to go away i just need a reason why they are there.
    You've been fiercely keeping a tight lid on all your feelings for a long time, haven't you?

    Give yourself permission to let go, cry, scream, let those feelings out... You'll bounce around for a little while, but you'll be so much better for letting go of all the baggage?


  12. #12
    Senior Member Sammy777's Avatar
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    I want to thank Tessa & Karren the most.
    Thank you everybody for responding.

    Tessa because you said the one word that describes me "Stoic"

    Something I have always been regardless of him or her.
    Either I'm without feeling or I just can't process them or bring them to the surface for a long time.

    I wasn't lying, it took me 6 months or so to finally break down in tears over my grandfathers death, and he was like a father to me. And it happen out of no where I just got in my head "your grandfathers dead" and it finally hit me. 6 months later it hit me.
    He was like my father, why the hell did it take 6 months to cry??

    It was the same for my grandmother.
    Why am I always the rock the one others come to, to cry to and release, why am I the one everybody looks to, to take care of business?

    Why? because Im the one not crying Im not the one that needs a shoulder.
    Am I just being strong for those around me, or am I just f*cked up & it takes me days/weeks/months to feel what everybody around is feeling that day?

    And why is it now that everybody is past, their passing that I tear up every time I think or talk about either of them?

    PS: Karren, your my hero. lol
    Last edited by Sammy777; 11-01-2008 at 04:28 AM.
    Warning: This post may contain up to 63% post consumer recycled Sarcasm ... or Peanuts."
    "Sammy, really next time do try to make your point without being quite so abrasive." -RD

  13. #13
    Silver Member Jonianne's Avatar
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    Hi Samantha,

    It used to be so hard for me to express emotions. It wasn't until I went to individual and group therapy in my thirties that enough of the frozen inside was allowed to express itsself. When I was in group, I began to cry so hard, it started scaring the other group members, but oh was it ever so good to finally let all that stuff out. Since then, it doesn't take much for a movie or incident that I can relate to, to start to cause me to ball my eyes out. So much of it comes from childhood repression. I never want to lose the ability to express myself emotionaly again.

    Just learn to be OK with yourself, whether you feel like cyring or not. It will come in time. The irony is that the more you are OK with yourself as is, even with not being able to express your emotions as you would like, the easier and sooner they will come.

    My wife and I have often talked about how we both have to play the "strong one" to others in our lives. And where do the strong go when they need to turn to someone? - to each other!
    Last edited by Jonianne; 11-01-2008 at 05:00 AM.

    "Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free" Bob Dylan

  14. #14
    Senior Member Sammy777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonianne View Post
    And where do the strong go when they need to turn to someone? - to each other!
    But what if there is no "other", then what do you do??
    What if the only other is someone doing the same thing you are doing [be a shoulder] to those that need it?
    What happens when suddenly before you know it, people except you to be "that" person? Then who do you turn to?

    I am not that old and already I have been to more funerals then I care to remember.
    The worse was my best friends brothers.
    I was the ONLY person he could go to express his feelings to.
    This was one of the only times I ever saw him cry.
    What could I do? The only thing I knew I needed to do, let him do it & not be someone who did it too. You Know.

    What do you do when the only other rock in the room comes to you to cry???
    Last edited by Sammy777; 11-01-2008 at 05:44 AM.
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    "Sammy, really next time do try to make your point without being quite so abrasive." -RD

  15. #15
    Silver Member Amy Hepker's Avatar
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    You are not alone in your feelings, I know I have gone through those very same feelings and it does tear you apart when one side of you tries to express something the other side was not programed to do. Yes, I used the word PROGRAMED. I feel this is what happens when we grow up, we are programed to be Male or Female and we are not supposed to cross those forbidden boundries. This is also why many of us have a hard time accepting our true selves is because of the way we were programed as a child. Many of you will have the same feelings as Samantha, because of our programing, if we cannot handle it we need to get the help, others of us can and will go on and change our programing to be the other sex either partially or totally.

    May GOD BLESS us on our own journeries we are taking to be happy within ourselves. We have to realize that we have to live with ourselves BEFORE we can live with others and have a happy life.
    Ladies have a GREAT time!
    Smile GOD LOVES you!!!
    AMY Hepker

    I'LL BE ME

  16. #16
    Big Sister Nicki B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SamanthaM View Post
    Am I just being strong for those around me, or am I just f*cked up & it takes me days/weeks/months to feel what everybody around is feeling that day?
    Surely the first one leads inexorably to the second...

    What happens when suddenly before you know it, people except you to be "that" person? Then who do you turn to?
    Well, if you can't let those emotions free on your own, start by doing it with us? Just write how you feel, it doesn't matter if it makes no sense?

    All that pain you've taken from others shoulders, you have to be able to let it out in turn somehow, it's tearing you up inside, now?

    If you must have someone physical to talk to, you could speak to your GP or seek a counsellor/therapist - but you could also talk to one of those friends you've been strong for, in the past?

    You might find that they come to respect you more, for showing your own feelings, at last - plus they may feel they owe you something?
    Last edited by Nicki B; 11-01-2008 at 06:52 AM.


  17. #17
    Senior Member Sammy777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicki B View Post
    you could speak to your GP
    I'm lost......... my GP??

    On everything else, Thank you Nicki

    Me being the strong one is a burden sometimes, but also something I am good at [& sorry Amy, but, it wasn't something that was programmed in] I chose to take that role.
    Maybe not showing my feelings led me to it, maybe I chose it because no one else wanted the job, idk? I really don't know which came first, but that is besides the point now.
    It hurts sometimes but I'm getting better at dealing with it.

    Sometimes I just can't control my feelings, like it goes from zero to open flood gates. I need to work on the in between.

    It would be nice to be on the other side of that fence for once.
    Like it or not, I will be soon enough because Im hoping on, betting on the amount of respect my family/friends have for me when I tell them about this side of me & that at least some or one of them will just let me do what I have been doing for them for so long.

    I have been thinking about that & me a lot this past month.
    I want it out, at least to my close family.
    Warning: This post may contain up to 63% post consumer recycled Sarcasm ... or Peanuts."
    "Sammy, really next time do try to make your point without being quite so abrasive." -RD

  18. #18
    Silver Member Jonianne's Avatar
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    Hi Samantha,

    Like Nicki said, we are here to listen. I believe she also meant to talk to your Doctor (General Practitioner) or therapist if you need face to face help. As I mentioned in my post I went to individual and group therapy for nearly 8 years and that changed my life.

    You certainly are going through a lot - I can hear it in your posts. You can find someone that can be strong for you when you need to be "weak". Like Amy said "You are not alone".

    "In all our searching, the only thing that makes the emptiness bearable, is each other."

    Let us hear from you often Samantha.

    Hugs, Hugs, Hugs

    Last edited by Jonianne; 11-01-2008 at 07:12 PM.

    "Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free" Bob Dylan

  19. #19
    Platinum Member Shelly Preston's Avatar
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    GP = General Practitioner = Local Doctor

    Super Moderator....How to tell your partner......Abbreviations

  20. #20
    Junior Member Sam44's Avatar
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    Perhaps relating my experience might help:

    When I was in Jr and Sr High school my emotions were quite bottled up. By the time I was a senior I came across as so self satisfied that many people would do things to try to get my goat. (Once someone "borrowed" my trombone and later it was found in the band director's office with the slide having been bent over someones leg (or whatever)) I didn't noticed at the time that people were doing this, it was just a part of life.

    When I was first engaged, I was surprised at the emotions that it let loose. I suppose in retrospect that I attributed some "normal" emotions to being in love.

    As time went on I'd find myself tearing up at movies when other's didn't seem to be moved, etc. I went to a couple of different counselors/psychiatrists only to discover that I was just becoming more normal (Not their words.)

    I've come to believe that I've always been more empathetic than most guys and that with all of the emotions that come with puberty I just couldn't take it. It took a while to see this because often when I'd properly guess people's problems they'd deny it and I'd take their denials at face value discounting my ability to understand people. I slowly realized that there are a lot of reasons people might not want to talk about their problems and that I needed to be more careful and pay better attention to if, when and how I should try to help. Also I've slowly learned that guys usually try to fix problems and that's not always what gals want when they talk

    I'm rambling so I'll quit with this:

    Good luck recognizing and integrating all of your own gifts into a whole person. I hope it takes you less time than it did for me

  21. #21
    Senior Member Sammy777's Avatar
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    I guess if I had a regular GP/Doctor I would have figured out what that meant.

    I'm from the camp of: If I don't need stitches I don't need a doctor.
    I have better diagnostic skills anyway, lol.

    Thank you Joni & Sam & again to everybody else.

    I want to tell my close family about this part of me.
    I'm wondering which part will be more of a surprise to them?
    This or finding out I actually do have feelings & emotions.

    Being very stoic has always been a part of who I am.
    That is mostly the only part of me they have really seen.

    Breaking things off with my recent girlfriend this month hasn't helped any either.
    I really can't deal with "fixers".
    Like me for me, don't like most of me & think you can fix the stuff you don't like.
    It doesn't work that way.

    If a girl wants to try & clean up her bf fine, good for you.
    A lot of guys can use it, but I don't need cleaning up.
    Maybe some make-up tips, lol, but fashion tips no,
    I have that covered for the both of us, it she only knew.

    But don't try & change me/us/them into something we're not.

    Now I'm rambling, again.
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    "Sammy, really next time do try to make your point without being quite so abrasive." -RD

  22. #22
    Platinum Member Angie G's Avatar
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    We have a great gift in as we have so much of a softer side just love and enjoy it hun.
    It's a sweet gift saver it Samantha.

  23. #23
    Girl, Interrupted Jennifer Cox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SamanthaM View Post
    ... whjy it took me 6 months to cryt when my grandfather died n why i still did the same when my grandmother died like i cant show emonit when im a guy even if i want to i cant because its to hard...
    Don't worry about it. I once wondered why I didn't really cry about my parents dying, but was upset for weeks (months) about losing my dog.

    I think it's natural to feel this way. We expect parents/grand-parents to die before us, so are conditioned to it. Only if it's unexpected or particularly traumatic in some way are we likely to be more upset. Of course, everyone's different in their emotional states, and in their closeness to others, so that's only a generalization. If you feel more emotional fine, but as I said you're probably already conditioned to accept it to some degree.

  24. #24
    Big Sister Nicki B's Avatar
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    Samantha - I get the impression you like being a stoic... But no one can take on everybody else's troubles? You can't keep on doing it without damaging yourself - which, I think, may be what you're starting to realise?

    That doesn't mean you have to run around flapping at everything, but just remember 'no man (or woman) is an island'?


  25. #25
    Senior Member Sammy777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicki B View Post
    Samantha - I get the impression you like being a stoic...
    Not really, no.
    But it is handy when the sh*t hits the fan.
    Think foghorn leghorn leaning against the tree filing his nails while the little chicken is running around shouting the sky is falling.

    I just need to dial in down a bit more in everyday life.
    Warning: This post may contain up to 63% post consumer recycled Sarcasm ... or Peanuts."
    "Sammy, really next time do try to make your point without being quite so abrasive." -RD

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