I went to visit a friend of mine that works at a consignment shop yesterday. Now she talked to me earlier online and said it was really dead there and wanted me to come visit to pass the time.
I arrived and we chatted for a good 15 minutes and no one came in to shop. I asked her if she had any crossdressers that came in. She said yes and they were all old and creepy to her. That conversation ended after that.
A couple minutes later she jokingly asked me if I wanted to try on a wedding dress and she knew I'd say 'no'. Well she's a good friend of mine and since she thought crossdressers were disgusting I sheepishly said 'no' but truely wanted to try a couple on... I couldn't say 'yes' and risk losing a friend or her telling everyone else that I like wearing dresses.
Another reason I hate our society...