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Thread: Now I Know I can never tell my wife

  1. #26
    Silver Member JoAnne Wheeler's Avatar
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    GOOD LUCK - I never told my spouse - but she found out - you are in a

    really tough spot - if you really love her and if she really loves you, I would

    honestly bring it up and talk about it - it would be a lot worse for her to find

    out on her own and if you have read many of the articles (posts) on this

    Forum, you know that in the long run, it would be best to tell her

    JoAnne Wheeler
    "I'm an all American Bluegrass Girl and Proud As I Can Be"

  2. #27
    Mrs. CDPAUL SouthernBelle.GG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StephanieT View Post
    I guess I will be in the closet with my wife forever.
    Have to agree with Sarah. This was a perfect opportunity to at least find out
    what kind of problem she had with it. Like if it was the person or the CDing in general.

    I really hope you don't have to be in that closet forever.


  3. #28
    Member Kendra Irene's Avatar
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    Sounds like your discribing a lady down the street from me. She is currently undergoing cancer treatment and is losing her hair in a male-pattern baldness. She can't be bothered with make-up and only uses lipstick. If I didn't know her, I might have have come to the same conclusion.

    Not all may be what it seems.

    Good luck with the wife.

  4. #29
    TJ Tresa TJ Tresa's Avatar
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    that is too bad I'm lucky my not only approves but helps me look my best
    by the way nice bike looks a great deal like mine

  5. #30
    Kimmie W Kimmie W's Avatar
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    When I first tried to tell my wife about the real me, she had a fit as well, so I stayed in the closet for a long time. A few years ago she found my girlie bag and asked who the things belonged to. She was actually relieved when I told her the truth. We had a series of long talks about my desire to be a girl, and she gradually came to accept it.

    Never in a million years did I dream she would. There is hope, we are who we are, and that is why those that truly love us will eventually accept the truth. Good luck.
    Kimmie W

    Every day gets better!

  6. #31
    Dolled up in Seattle
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    Trying to tell your partner

    Before one of those very special moments, I hinted to my wife that "I would love to BE in your panties whilst I am getting IN your panties..."
    We have not looked back since, go shopping together, dress up together, etc, etc...
    It is just not worth living a lie, you're not doing yourself any favor, you're not doing your partner any favors...
    Get some champagne in the bedroom, loosen up a little, enhance the mood, candle light etc. or what ever your partner likes, and then spill the beans... Well worth it from then on!
    Good luck to you all, it sure works for us!
    Love (M)ichelle

  7. #32
    Ain't love grand :-) Jess_cd32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by (M)ichelle View Post
    ...........Get some champagne in the bedroom, loosen up a little, enhance the mood, candle light etc. or what ever your partner likes, and then spill the beans..........
    First though research into whether it will burn your eyes if its thrown in your face....just being realistic.

  8. #33
    Ice queen Lorileah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erica A. View Post
    I guess there are some things I just don't get. I really can't understand how some, and I'm beginning to think most, CD'ers can live a "closeted" life with their SO. I can certainly see why most wouldn't want to advertise to the general public as most people are uninformed and judgemental, but I just can't see living with the love of your life and having to hide such a huge part of who you are. Perhaps this isn't the right thread for this topic, but this is where it really hit home for me. Would you secretly hide other fetishes, desires or problems from them too? Don't get me wrong, I lived many year's with someone that I couldn't be completely open with, but thank god that's over. Am I just lucky that I completely trust, support and encourage my SO, and she me? I once discovered that a SO had a secret drug problem. When confronted, it wasn't that she did drugs that almost ruined us. That is understandable and fixable. It was that she did something that she felt she couldn't tell me. I was excluded from the activity and the solution. It wasn't the drug's, it was the lie's that were almost irreconcilable. I'm just happy and blessed to share every part of who I am with who I love. Am I ranting? Is this a rant? OMG! O.K., I'm going to take a femtab now and lay down... -Erica

    The following is a paid opinion and doesn't reflect the ideas and thoughts of all people here.

    When you get into a relationship over time you become comfortable. You learn when to rock the boat and when to let it be. I know that some of the people here are overwhelmed by their desires and they eventually explode and that is never a good thing. But if you like your housr and car and you love your children and you really love your wife, sometimes you have to closet things.

    I think this is what the OP was saying. She read the Burma shave signs and has decided that eating and sleeping with her SO is better than eating McD' and sleeping in the garage right now. As many have said this is a good time to do some ground work. She now knows what her SO thinks and she can lay a foundation to help sway that opinion. Maybe she will maybe she won't. But as long as everyone is comfortable (note I didn't say happy) then it works for them.
    The earth is the mother of all people and all people should have equal rights upon it.
    Chief Joseph
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    “Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.” - Fred Rogers,

  9. #34
    Member leslie ann's Avatar
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    im also counting but to a 1000!!i totally agree with senban #24 about what katie #22 said (holding my breath and tounge) ive got long hair, balding on top ,and wear just lipstick allmost everyday! with a goatee so you think i need psychiatric help? i also have an accepting s/o ive also had a s/o who could never accept it in fact it HURT them very badly that it was part of there life! NOT WHAT THEY SIGNED UP FOR! I do agree that it was a good opportunity to feel the water but be very carefull with all that said I strongly recommend being up front from the start! BEFORE marriage to say the least we all make our own beds !!

  10. #35
    Gold Member DonnaT's Avatar
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    Remind your wife about the CD y'all saw, and ask her if she thinks she could do a better job of making you look feminine.

    Tell her you were just curious, and thought she might find it fun to try.

  11. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by leslie ann View Post
    face it some women will NEVER EVER EVER acept it and it very well could ruin your life so just be carefull ( experience aint cheap)
    Some people won't accept yeah?
    I figure like this - people are diverse and the "normal" folks better get used to it cause we are not going away.

  12. #37
    Silver Member kristinacd55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karren Hutton View Post
    Awww... I would have never told my wife either... But she found out anyway... ohh welll....
    Yeah, same here after 32 years........
    Better to open up the dialogue me thinks
    Last edited by kristinacd55; 03-20-2009 at 02:28 PM. Reason: added last sentence

  13. #38
    Aspiring Member
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    Guess again...

    >>>I guess I will be in the closet with my wife forever.

    Guess again.

    As many have pointed out, she will probably find out anyway.

    For example, did you miss the recent postings about, "Who would find your stuff if you died?"

    Another example, did you not read the numerous posts about, "Busted and in trouble!" that appear here almost daily?

    And, even if you get rid of the stuff, have you not followed the discussions about not being your real self with your most intimate partner?

    She's going to feel like this is a "Double or Triple Whammy" when she finds out, whenever that is... And, you'd be kinder to bring it up now with this latest event as a reference.

    "What was it about that CD that bothered you so much? You're usually not that hard on people."

    Take it from there.

    Speaking of taking it, I'm very careful not to. If someone makes a crude joke about an unattractive/old/crippled/overweight/black friend, I do not laugh. I say, "Wow, that's harsh. Seems like a nice person to me," or, "Well, you never know what people might be dealing with - life is complicated, you know."

    Same goes for gay/ts/tg/cd people and issues: "So, what's that to you? Did someone not ask you to the prom because they were gay/ts/tg/cd? If so, was that a good thing or a bad thing that they didn't ask?"

    Most people don't really want to fight. But, everyone says dumb things sometimes. Almost no one is prepared to argue and win their position explaining their prejudices. Know YOUR thoughts, feelings, and facts and be prepared to hang in there for the ten to sixty seconds of huffing and puffing that may come...

    You don't always have to say much; just calling attention to the point puts them on the spot AND puts them on notice that you, and probably other people, hear what they say and draw more conclusions about them than the people they complain about.

    Having said all that, get your life in order and open a line of communication about these issues and keep it open. You may need a "fall back" position someday, at the very least.

    By the way, for people who keep saying, "Well, I decided I liked my house, car, kids, boat enough to shut up about it."

    Funny thing is, it's that wanting the house, car, boat, kids, etc. so much that gives the SOs pause when they start dealing with these nearly inevitable "surprises."

    If they didn't need you for something, and, maybe like you too, you'd be gone in an instant. That you're not, means you both have some talking to do to work out a new plan.

    So, talk already.

  14. #39
    Banned Read only
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    Sooner or latter you will get caught.

    I feel that you let a great opportunity pass you by, this was a opportunity to ask your wife what was it that she did not like, was it because the CD did not try to pass, did she feel that it was mockery to women or was it that he must be gay because he likes to wear women clothing or is it just sick to see a man out in women clothing.

    What ever it is you can not keep this from your wife as long as you to are together she will find is time to talk to her about what it is she dose not like about Cd's....when your wife finds out about is not going to be good , and we all have try to keep it from our SO and we all sooner or latter got caught.


  15. #40
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    i was lucky, never had a problem with my so accepting.

  16. #41
    Member SusanMarie's Avatar
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    If you can't be honest with yourself and honest with your SO...then what's the point of having a relationship!!!
    No closet is big enough!

  17. #42
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    Try to tell her and you might be surprised with her reaction.I am a GG and I can tell you she would probably prefer to know!if she really loves you she will be able to see beyond dresses and make up and value you as a person!good luck

  18. #43
    Senior Member Carly D.'s Avatar
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    You should have said I bet I could look more like a woman than him and then proved it.. of course that's easy for me to say.. I'm in the closet behind the bowling ball and the old softball mitt you haven't worn in ten years...
    This is what I mean by "every guy can look like a girl from the right angles".. this is one of the first pictures of me dressed up.. very vague look.. almost fem...

  19. #44
    Female Spirit Bernadina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StephanieT View Post
    snip.. My wife then said she had a real problem with this CD. I guess I will be in the closet with my wife forever.
    I have agree with some of the previous comments. You really don't know what you wife really said. I'd see if I could bring the incident up again and ask a few questions.

  20. #45
    Aspiring Member Jenniferpl's Avatar
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    A lot of negative comments toward the spouses. THis is a blast with a supporting spuse. I have learned not to sell her short. You never know until you try. She may just surprise you. Mine sure has.
    If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.

  21. #46
    Meberette Hope's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruno View Post
    I am a GG and I can tell you she would probably prefer to know! if she really loves you she will be able to see beyond dresses and make up and value you as a person!good luck

    The problem is the IF.

    "if she really loves you she will be able to see beyond dresses and make up and value you as a person!"

    Read this forum for a while... you will read a lot of really horrible stories about things that SO's have said / done to CD husbands. Did those wives not really love their husbands? Maybe not, I would say probably not - but it isn't my place to say, or to know. The fact is that many of them, love and value aside, hate CDing... and want nothing to do with it, particularly with their husband.

    Is it sad? Of course. Is it horrible? Of course. Is it something that many CD's are forced to endure every day? Of course.
    "I don't mind living in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it." — Marilyn Monroe

  22. #47
    Member Ralph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katie B View Post
    I'd agree that that combination would look wierd, and I too would wonder if they needed psychiatric help.
    I certainly don't know you well enough to know if you're kidding, but... wow. I never would have expected to see anyone, much less a CD saying something like that around here. I mean, heck, I'm pretty judgemental and I'd never go that far.

    So now "looking weird" is a need for psychiatric help? We'd better round up all these kids with unnatural hair colors, multiple body piercings, goth makeup, and pants halfway down their butts and send 'em to the shrink. Meanwhile the rest of us who don't give a flying frock what people think about the way we look will just wear whatever we want to wear.

    old weird-looking ralph

  23. #48
    Junior Member Jennifer_Cross's Avatar
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    "It is just not worth living a lie, you're not doing yourself any favor, you're not doing your partner any favors...
    Get some champagne in the bedroom, loosen up a little, enhance the mood, candle light etc. or what ever your partner likes, and then spill the beans... Well worth it from then on!
    Good luck to you all, it sure works for us!
    Love (M)ichelle

    Well... I agree....

    I also agree with the earlier post saying that it is the NOT telling and keeping secrets causes most harm. None of us would like to discover something that our SO's have kept from us.... It plainly deceit and that kills any TRUST!

    Set the mood and suggest it to her... You may be very supprised

    Loving life to the full.... At long last

  24. #49
    AKA Lexi sometimes_miss's Avatar
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    Erika wrote:
    I guess there are some things I just don't get. I really can't understand how some, and I'm beginning to think most, CD'ers can live a "closeted" life with their SO.
    Out of necessity. Many of us have learned the hard way that it's either the part time closet, or out and be alone. In retrospect, I would never have told my ex. Ever. And at this rate, I'll never tell anyone again.

    Senban wrote:
    Get a different wife. I'm serious. A marriage where you have to live a lie rather than be accepted for who you are isn't a marriage.
    Get a different wife. Hahahahahahaha! If it were only that easy. Many marriages survive, even flourish despite the partners not knowing everything about each other. Indeed, very often they'd rather ignore the many things that they'd prefer not to know about. Think of all the lives that capitalist successes wind up crushing. Do you think wives of all the robber barons and their associates really want to know all the dirty deals that their husbands were involved in? NO. They want the comfortable, nice life, where they believe the guy is wonderful, successful, and treats everyone perfectly fairly. Many successful men marry younger women, who they suspect is fooling around while they go about making their fortunes each day at work. But they trade that for having that hot woman around when they want them, and ignore what goes on when they're not around. Pretty commonplace. There are all kinds of marriages, and most aren't based solely on love.

    Kimmie wrote:
    When I first tried to tell my wife about the real me, she had a fit as well, so I stayed in the closet for a long time. A few years ago she found my girlie bag and asked who the things belonged to. She was actually relieved when I told her the truth.
    This unfortunately, is not the most common reaction, although we can all dream.

    Michelle wrote:
    It is just not worth living a lie, you're not doing yourself any favor, you're not doing your partner any favors...
    Get some champagne in the bedroom, loosen up a little, enhance the mood, candle light etc. or what ever your partner likes, and then spill the beans... Well worth it from then on!
    Good luck to you all, it sure works for us!
    It doesn't work out that way for all; many of us wind up drinking that champagne alone for a very long time after 'spilling the beans'. And whether it's worth living life in a loving relationship while not being able to tell absolutely everything to our SO is really dependent on how much we are willing to give up for either.

    Bruno wrote:
    Try to tell her and you might be surprised with her reaction.I am a GG and I can tell you she would probably prefer to know!
    Oh, I'm sure she'd prefer to know. I found out the hard way that my wife sure would have preferred to know before she married me, so that she never would have. Women want complete honesty from men, but many reserve the right to keep some secrets to themselves.

    Jennifer wrote:
    I also agree with the earlier post saying that it is the NOT telling and keeping secrets causes most harm.
    It really depends on what those secrets are, now, doesn't it. See, there's a world of difference between being a closeted stamp collector and being a closeted seriel killer. Or, perhaps a woman who was thrilled for the past 30 years over the two carat diamond engagement ring you gave her, well, would she really benefit from knowing that you got it at a discount because the previous owner was murdered by her ex boyfriend the day she received it? Probably not. Some secrets are good, and people are quite happy never knowing about them as long as it doesn't affect the rest of their lives (much the same as tens of billions of women throughout history have been thrilled with their diamonds because they didn't have to face knowing how many people got killed in the process of mining and selling them). I tend to believe that part time crossdressing is most often one of those secrets; as long as it doesn't affect her life, she will be perfectly happy never knowing about it. When you're 90 years old and she finds your stash after you're dead, remember, she had perhaps 70 great happy years before that. As above, most people don't tell each other every single thing about their lives and each other, sometimes because we think it won't matter, and at other times because we think that it definately will.

    Stephanie, this part "A CD walked past our car and my wife about had a fit." pretty much says all you need to know. There are a whole lot of people who really, really don't like gender bending of any sort, it seems to upset their view of how the world should be.

    Before deciding to out yourself to anyone, you have to really consider all the possible reactions, and the results of your actions. If you can comfortably live with the worst possible outcome, then go for it. Sure, it's wonderful to hear all the nice words of support from those who managed to successfully wind up with wives who accepted them as their fem selves, but that isn't the most common outcome, and it seems that your wife isn't the type who really wants her husband in a dress.
    Some causes of crossdressing you've probably never even considered: My TG biography at:
    There's an addendum at post # 82 on that thread, too. It's about a ten minute read.
    Why don't we understand our desire to dress, behave and feel like a girl? Because from childhood, boys are told that the worst possible thing we can be, is a sissy. This feeling is so ingrained into our psyche, that we will suppress any thoughts that connect us to being or wanting to be feminine, even to the point of creating separate personalities to assign those female feelings into.

  25. #50
    Member leslie ann's Avatar
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    very well said miss i totally agree with ya, on everything you said!

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