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Thread: If you were well over 6' tall what would you do

  1. #26
    Gold Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllieSummers View Post

    I'm almost 6'3" tall. I had to face the fact that even if I wear flats I'm going to be taller than most women (and men). So you know what I did? NO. I didn't go back into the closet.

    I wear 5" spike heels most of the time. That makes me almost 6'8" when I wear them. I have embraced the fact that I am special, that I stick out in the crowd. I don't want to be like other women. I am me.

    I was told something by another girl one night. She said, "You have to own it". What is it? It doesn't matter what it is. Whatever you have you have to own it.

    If I go out I have a ton of guys and girls hit on me. They ask to take pictures of me and even come up and just start dancing with me when I'm in clubs. It is because I own it and I flaunt it. ;-)

    I have CONFIDENCE...that is what attracts people to you. I don't care how tall you are. If you don't have confidence then people can smell it and they will look at you as weak. It doesn't matter how tall you are if you are weak people will not be attracted to you as friends or lovers.

    If you don't have confidence then fake it until you get it. When I'm dressed I don't care what other people think. If they don't like me then forget them. I don't need them.

    So, my advice is simple...

    Get out of that closet, flaunt what you have and OWN IT!!!


    Allie Summers

    P.S. Sorry if my post sounds cocky but that is the attitude you need. I'm really a very nice, sweet person and get most of my joy from making other people happy. I'm not self-centered or conceited or anything like that. I just was trying to get the "attitude" across that you need to develop.
    Insightful post Allie and some good advice.

  2. #27
    firesoul Byanca's Avatar
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    Agree with Allie. But it is not so easy.....but thanks
    I'm 6.1. I hear so much that it is so bad. It's a bit special, that's all. You will have longer legs, that is a good thing

    Here is a long chick How I've been dressed the last few days.

    Was just outside. And a woman came past with her dog. The she stopped. And shy as I am I did not say anything, just smiled. Then she started talking. And I clapped the dog. And even talked back a bit, until she grew bored I think, when I did not say anything more. Anyway. This is nice. She has walked past before. Next time I will talk more! And fix my face with some make up and such.

    Go out, I always think so negative, but it also always turns out better!
    Last edited by Byanca; 05-13-2009 at 05:53 PM.

  3. #28
    Aspiring Member
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    I'm between 6' and 6' 5" in heels, and have broad shoulders. Eventually, I stopped comparing myself to others in a negative way, that is, rather than be envious, etc., I incorporated what I could from other's examples and learned to make the most of my attributes... misdirecting away from what I once thought of as shortcommings. What GG's do... i hope<smile>

    I dress for me, and I am satisfied how I look most of the time... that's what counts. When someone compliments me, that is very nice, but I think the compliments may have as much to do with my attitude as they do with my appearance.


  4. #29
    Zorro with a makeup brush BeckiB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissConstrued View Post
    At 6' even, I might blend in flat shoes... but flats are nowhere near as fun as high heels. The shoes I like make me the tallest chick in a 5-mile radius. But I don't care about being read.

    When your only real option is to stick out, then stick out with pride, and have fun doing it.

    There are always people worse off than you.
    I totally agree and I am over 6' myself.

  5. #30
    Silver Member "Mary"'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miranda09 View Post
    Dianne, I was just at the grocery store and saw a women who was taller than me and I'm 6'1". And she was a GG!!! So don't let it bother you.
    I'm 5' 13"

    I see 6' girls several times a week. They stand out and do get second looks, so that's part of our challenge if you want to blend in.

    Quote Originally Posted by DianneRoberts View Post
    Everytime a man over 6' sees a woman taller than he is he takes a triple take.
    A heavy burdon for newbies that would rather not be noticed.

    Maybe in time, probably in a different geographical area.

    Nobody around here would say, "Hey, isn't that Dianne" no they'd say "Hey, isn't that ZZZZZZZ in a dress"

    If I won a trip to Vegas it would be 100% no problem, nobody there knows me. Wow am I excited just thinking about that !!!!
    Full make-over, shopping, shopping, dining out all en femme.

    A girl can dream !


    and I promise to buy a camera as soon as I land a job, promise
    An equally good point - that's my view.
    Last edited by Di; 05-18-2009 at 06:44 PM. Reason: use the multi quote option

  6. #31
    Senior Member
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    Dianne, look at Candace Parker the WNBA player. I think she's absolutely gorgeous and she is 6'4". I also have a couple of GG friends who are 5'11" without heels.
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  7. #32
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    she is beautiful.
    I guess I have some work to do.

    Gabbrial Reese is beautiful also.

    They have the advantage of starting out pretty.
    I'll have a lot further to go.

    Thank you for all of your help with CD.
    Maybe someday I'll be able to go out freely.

    I look forward to the day when men can wear dresses as freely as woman wear pants ! ( my new motto )


  8. #33
    sophomoric member Xenia's Avatar
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    Add me to the tall-drink-o'-water list.....6'4" here. Yes, I realize that there are GGs around my height, but they're vanishingly rare. Heck, it's pretty unusual for me to meet a man who's taller than I am.

    My major peeve with being the size that I am is shoes. I take a size 14 or 15 in women's shoes, which pretty much means the only ones I'll find in my size are the ultra-fetish 5-inch stilettos that some shady-looking websites carry. Yeah, they're fun, they're sexy, but sheesh....THAT's what makes it impossible for me to pass. What woman would wear those to run down to the corner store for a gallon of milk?

    In such modern times, it just boggles my mind that there's not ONE company willing to make a sensible two-inch pump in size 14. Criminy.

  9. #34
    Silver Member Teri Jean's Avatar
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    Dianne, I stand 6-4 in my nylons and with heels well over 6-7 but the thing that I have found is hieght is relevant. My youngest daughter is 6-2 and gorgeous, so don't dwell on that issue and enjoy. Personally I would like to be 5-4 and a size 1 but then no one would notice me, LOL


  10. #35
    Aussie girl Tasha McIntyre's Avatar
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    At 6 ft 2, it looks like I am one of the shorter girls posting on this thread. I love the long legged look I can get in a mini skirt.

    Be proud of who you are, and carrry yourself with dignity.

    Good luck


  11. #36
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    Hi Dianne,
    I am 6'3" in flats if I wore them. all my shoes have 3-4 inch heels. I figure I will be noticed no matter what so I stand tall, hold my head up, and out I go. But never alone (your other post) unless ive been to the place before. Day time is abit different.
    My hieght was the main thing that kept me from getting out sooner than I did
    Hugs Phyliss

  12. #37
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    I understand quite a bit! At six foot six barefoot, and six ten in heels! I am like a tight end in a dress! I only go out about once or twice a year, and am read unless some distance away. Kind of like Jethro on The Beverly Hillbillies, as his sister Jethrine. It is hard to find guy or gal clthes, that fit, too.

    I wish there were a few more single GG's, six foot or over around these parts. Seems the ones i do get to talk to are all shorter guys. I know of a lot of over six foot single men, who can't find a tall single GG. Send some this way!
    Last edited by Di; 05-18-2009 at 06:45 PM. Reason: use the multi quote option

  13. #38
    Senior Member Intertwined's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Persephone View Post
    Fashion Tips for Tall Women: Choosing Clothes that Flatter Your Stature (click here)

    The article includes two sections, "Emphasize Your Height" and "De-emphasize Your Height," so you can take your choice.

    Several different stores and brands have clothing designed for tall women.

    You might check the J. C. Penny catalog. Their stores don't typically carry them, but they have misses' and women's clothes in "Tall" and "Ultra-tall." If you have one of their outlet stores nearby you may find those styles there.
    Thank you VERY much for that information !

    I am 6 foot 2 inches barefooted, and usually wear a 5 inch heel.
    "I am Yin & Yang, North & South, Night & Day, Feminine & Masculine" [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

  14. #39
    Member happygirl's Avatar
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    Is there too tall?

    I dont do public because I would draw a crowd, and that's not my intention. the only problem is when in heels I hit my head on the doorway. 6'5" in flats, in heels I can touch the moon

  15. #40
    Banned Read only Vicky_Scot's Avatar
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    6'2" in stocking soles here and nothing I can do about it.

    So just enjoy being a tall beautiful woman.

    Xx Vicky xX

  16. #41
    Fab Karen Fab Karen's Avatar
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    Tall girls rule, others drool
    Walk tall & proud.
    [SIZE="3"]Gender is a state of mind[/SIZE]
    As of Oct. 5th, go here to see my pics:
    A Yankee Doodle T-Girl
    proud of my President

  17. #42
    Silver Member Teri Jean's Avatar
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    Some of us are vertically gifted and others vertically challenged. LOL giggles LOL snicker LOL LOTF In reality I would like to be 5-4 instead of 6-4 but then maybe next time around. Short guys love tall women with big boobs, hmmmmmmmm. LOL


  18. #43
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    In my stocking feet I am 6'-4" but I enjoy wearing heels along with dresses, skirts and blouses.
    At this time about the only time I go out is either for a drive and/or to the post office after hours. I don't worry too much about people when I am out dressed as a woman mailing something. Now if I just had the nerve to have a manicure done, I would probably go out more than what I do and would go to a gay and lesbian nightclub and maybe shopping somewhere.

  19. #44
    Meberette Hope's Avatar
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    What if I were over 6' tall? What would I do?

    I AM over 6' - 6'2" in fact. Which seems to put me on the short side in this thread - which is weird because I am pretty used to being the tallest GUY in most any room I walk into - much less girl.

    But the truth is that there are tall girls out there. Trust me, I used to have a thing for tall girls - they are around - though admittedly much fewer and farther in between. Like we don't already know that.

    But what do we do? Besides undergo some weird, painful, experimental shrinking surgery... we do our best and we make do. We just have to make sure everything else is perfect - makeup, outfit, hair... and remember that the most influential aspect to passing is not how perfect our make-up and hair is, but rather how we move, how we carry ourselves, and even more powerfully - having the attitude in order.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xenia View Post
    Add me to the tall-drink-o'-water list.....6'4" here. Yes, I realize that there are GGs around my height, but they're vanishingly rare. Heck, it's pretty unusual for me to meet a man who's taller than I am.

    My major peeve with being the size that I am is shoes. I take a size 14 or 15 in women's shoes, which pretty much means the only ones I'll find in my size are the ultra-fetish 5-inch stilettos that some shady-looking websites carry. Yeah, they're fun, they're sexy, but sheesh....THAT's what makes it impossible for me to pass. What woman would wear those to run down to the corner store for a gallon of milk?

    In such modern times, it just boggles my mind that there's not ONE company willing to make a sensible two-inch pump in size 14. Criminy.
    Oh I hear you. I would give half my kingdom for shoes that were not patent leather, stripper sandals or ballet flats - and in colors other than black, red, white or pink. They exist - but they cost about half of my kingdom. Check out the site below:

    Some of her shoes are available on Amazon for better prices - but still not cheap. Still not like most girls can do at Payless... but they are cute shoes that don't make you look like a stripper.
    "I don't mind living in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it." — Marilyn Monroe

  20. #45
    Senior Member Lilith Moon's Avatar
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    My wife and I are both 6' tall. She looks great and still turns heads even though she is no longer a young cutie.

  21. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissConstrued View Post
    At 6' even, I might blend in flat shoes... but flats are nowhere near as fun as high heels. The shoes I like make me the tallest chick in a 5-mile radius. But I don't care about being read.

    When your only real option is to stick out, then stick out with pride, and have fun doing it.

    There are always people worse off than you.
    That's a really good attitude. I try to feel that way myself but I'm not there yet. I'm 6'3" with a big build. I don't mean fat but just big - athletic I guess you'd call it. So even in flats, thats over 6'3". In my favorite 2" heels I'm 6'5" and believe me, people take a 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 10th look at a 6'5" woman.

    So I try to count my blessings - I'm happy & comfortable with my femininity, I've pretty good legs, smooth skin, little body hair and a well proportioned (if over sized) female figure.

    And I try to remember, "There are always people worse off than you/me"

  22. #47
    Senior Member Jennifer in CO's Avatar
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    to add an OBTW to this thread...our youngest daughter (just turned 21) is 6'. It has been funny to hear her tell tails of getting hit on...usually by short guys.


  23. #48
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    Dianne, I am 6' 1" and do not let this stop me from going out. I see plenty of GG's that are as tall as me or taller so it is not that big of a deal. I just don't care what others think of my height so it is not a problem for me.

  24. #49
    AKA Lexi sometimes_miss's Avatar
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    Hey, Dianne, don't get so down. There are lots of us tall guys who are disappointed that we can never look like the beautiful women do.
    Whenever I look at my 'lineman's physique', I just try to remember what one gay girl told me: Even though I may be a girl on the inside, there are still going to be way more women interested in me because I'm a big strong male than will ever be interested in her. Not much of a consolation prize, but it is something. One recent survey on dating said that the one key advantage a guy can have over other guys is just to be tall.
    So....sure, in my heels, I hit the top of the doorway. But I can only guess it's better than the opposite, like being four foot three (apologies to any of you who actually are four foot three, nothing personal). The very short people who I've known really hate the limitations they have to live with. Me, I've learned to live with the additional bumps on my head. I can always cover them with a pretty wig.
    Some causes of crossdressing you've probably never even considered: My TG biography at:
    There's an addendum at post # 82 on that thread, too. It's about a ten minute read.
    Why don't we understand our desire to dress, behave and feel like a girl? Because from childhood, boys are told that the worst possible thing we can be, is a sissy. This feeling is so ingrained into our psyche, that we will suppress any thoughts that connect us to being or wanting to be feminine, even to the point of creating separate personalities to assign those female feelings into.

  25. #50
    New Member Orlee's Avatar
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    Hehe, gosh, don't make me feel better for being merely 5"6' :P ! When I play basketball I always wish I was taller. Or reaching tall shelves, or looking over a crowd. More benefits if you ask me to being tall, practically speaking.

    Bottom line, if I were y'all heights I'd go play basketball :P


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