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Thread: She might know now.

  1. #1
    Has left this planet Spacey's Avatar
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    She might know now.

    There is quite the chance that my wife now knows. I have been going to therapy and I told her that there is some things that I can't find myself to share with her just yet. Things I have carried a long time. I know she is wanting to know what it is.

    I can't be to sure if she knows but last night she was cleaning our daughters craft area in our basement which happens to be right near some clothes of mine. Oh and wig, purse makeup, coat, boots. Lol! I had them stored in a cabinet where I keep all my art things and such.

    I had woken up after falling asleep after reading my daughter her bedtime story. Many parents here know about that scenario. Anyway as I walked down the last steps I hear the sound of a cabinet drawer closing and well She was right there and looked a little strange. You know that look. I know that look cause I had it too.

    After what seemed to be forever we simple talked about the craft area and such. Conversation seemed awkward. Now I have no idea if she did find my things. But I do know last night felt odd. We decided to go to bed shortly after. Unusual for me. I'm a night owl and work on art then. But I do sometimes go to bed at the same time. Unusual that we talked so much in bed. As If we couldn't sleep.

    I will have to see what the days ahead will bring. I don't feel as frightened as I have been though. I feel I'm almost ready to tell her anyway. That is what is important.

  2. #2
    Silver Member victoriamwilliams1's Avatar
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    Wow! This is one that I too may have to address as well since most of my things are also hidden in a similar fashion. I think you should go with how you feel on telling and feel it out.

  3. #3
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    Before my wife really found out, we had severe flooding in the basement near where my stash was. She wouldn't normally have gone down there as the stairs were a little unsafe.

    She didn't actually find my stuff but it was nearly brown pants time

  4. #4
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    Hi Stacey, well, I think that if she doesn't know, your wife must be at least a bit curious. I mean, if you were the one who made that discovery, you'd at least have to wonder where all that stuff came from...

    I do think its time to have the first of what may be many conversations with your wife. I'm hoping for your whole family's sake that the conversations can be constructive, mainly positive and in the end rewarding for both of you.

    Stacey, it sounds like you're a great parent. And from looking at your album, you're a gorgeous girl. My prayer is that with patience, open communication and steadfast attention to her needs, that you share this part of your life with her in a positive way, and conversely that she can learn to both accept and enjoy the extra dimension you bring to your relationship!

  5. #5
    Has left this planet Spacey's Avatar
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    Thank you. I'm finding that the more I learn about myself the less fear I have in communicating it to the ones I love. This is a slow process but at least I can see and end. If she knows now, so be it. In way it might makes things easier. Sometimes I need a push. Even an accidental one.

  6. #6
    Member Topsykret's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spacey View Post
    In way it might makes things easier.
    I will tell you well I will try to explain when My wife as know for the first time. It was a night without kids when we drunk a lot and suppose it to have a great night toghter. I have tell here Did you ever thought slipping with an other woman, and she answer Yes I already think about this... So I went upstares and Do a quick makeup and put on some cloths. Then wnt back to the basement as a girl. It was weird, she was shock and we started talked about my xdresing. Then she finally said I don't care if you do it but I don't wanted to know when you do the thing. Since this moment, she know it and never talk anymore about it. I usualy do my xdressing when she's not there but the thinks never been easier.

    Sorry for all syntax error I usualy speak french

  7. #7
    Gold Member sherri52's Avatar
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    I think she knows and was waiting for you to tell her a story. She knows you know. It's time to tell her, she didn't get mean when she seen them, give it a shot
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  8. #8
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    Its always a hard thing to do, tell someone something that may hurt them or make them feel differently about you.

    I had been faced with that several times , I figured it was best to let them know is from my point of veiw ,on my lifestyle ( crossdressing) rather them trying to put the pieces together themselves.

    It's good you are seeking support from a therapist, is this for sexual identity? If so maybe your wife could go on a visit with you or alone. A professinal can sometimes be mis leading so be careful in doing that,

    I just sat my ex, and my new girlfriend down and gave them the option of getting out of the relationship before it was a serious one. I explained every detail of my lifestyle to them and I also left the door wide open for questions. I allowed them to speak without OVERLY DEFENDING MYSELF . Because S.O. go through many stages of shock with this sort of news.

    I will say after I spilled the beans about my lifestyle , I felt a ton of bricks come off my shoulders. Most of the time it's not a deal breaker and from what I have read in here what ends the relationship is what you do afterwards. Going to fast going to far , no set boundries and selfisness along with lying.

    I hope it goes well for you when you do let her know.

  9. #9
    Sheila Kane SheilaK_CD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Topsykret View Post
    ... I have tell here Did you ever thought slipping with an other woman, and she answer Yes I already think about this... So I went upstares and Do a quick makeup and put on some cloths. Then wnt back to the basement as a girl.
    LOVE your method I am going to try it too. Wonder if my better half will go for it

  10. #10
    Mohave Desert Diva jacky83's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucy_Bella View Post
    I will say after I spilled the beans about my lifestyle , I felt a ton of bricks come off my shoulders.
    [SIZE="3"]This is true![/SIZE]

  11. #11
    SRS complete. Natasha TG's Avatar
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    some advice

    Hi Spacey,

    I have just sent you a pm.

    let me know if you want to meet up and talk to try and put the situation into some perspective, or just use me as a sounding board. I am a great listener

    ta ta

  12. #12
    Has left this planet Spacey's Avatar
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    Still not one hundred percent sure that she found my things. Nevertheless I need to prepare to come out and have answers to her questions.

  13. #13
    Aspiring Member Jenny Gurl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SheilaK_CD View Post
    LOVE your method I am going to try it too. Wonder if my better half will go for it
    I would not try that method. If you read here a bit, you will find the results are usually not good when you spring it on her that way. They need more time to absorb and understand this. Popping out made up and dressed does not give them enough time, and is visually shocking.

    I don't mean to hijack the thread from original post, I just saw a chance to maybe keep someone from making a common mistake early in a relationship others have learned the hard way.

    As to original thread, I would act normal, and consider what you will say if she does ask you about it. Many here were not ready to come out to SO, but when the cat was out of the bag they made the best of it and had a long meaningful conversation explaining it. I would rehearse that conversation if you feel it is the way to go. She may ask you about it soon, and it is always better to have what you will say rehearsed, rather than accidentally saying the wrong thing and it being taken wrong. If you are not ready to come out, you need to be coming up with a reason those things are there.
    Last edited by Jenny Gurl; 02-09-2010 at 05:18 AM. Reason: un-thread hijacking

  14. #14
    Pausing To Femme-flect melissacd's Avatar
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    You will feel so much better when you have that conversation. I am not sure how she will respond, but if she loves you deeply and if you handle things in an open, honest,caring, repectful and authentic way then you will be able to work through this together. Many before you have successfully done this.

    Good luck,

    What stop do I get off at? Hmmm...

  15. #15
    Aspiring Member gabimartini's Avatar
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    Spacey, it's very hard telling people what to do in such delicate situations. I'll share with you my thoughts, and it's up to you to make heads or tails of it.

    I'd bet money she knows. Heck, if we are more sensitive than ordinary men, what do you make of GGs? They have 6th, 7th and 8th senses to work with, it's unfair competition.

    My take? She found out but cares too much about you to violate your space. Especially since you told her there's something you will need to talk about.

    I mean, put yourself in her shoes. Right now, her mind is probably on overdrive trying to fill in the blanks the whole situation has created. A "secret" to be unveiled, female paraphernalia in the basement, awkward silences. Problem is she may be making the wrong assumptions about you. She may feel unappreciate, replaced, cheated, left out, who knows?

    I've found that honest, open and direct communication to be the best remedy for such instances. Not sure it works for everybody, but it did for me. It was awkward at first, it produced a flurry of questions, but it was also very liberating for me and my SO. We started to fill in the blanks together, guesswork was over!

    Hope it works out well for you guys.

    Good luck!

  16. #16
    Transman Andy66's Avatar
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    Please tell her before she jumps to the wrong conclusions.

  17. #17
    Senior Member Kristen Marie's Avatar
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    Hi Spacey,

    This is a tough call. My thinking is that if she found your stask once, she may go back and look again. Is there anyway you can position your clothes so you know she looked at them? I'm not saying to do any devious, just do it to set your own mind at ease. Seems like you are unsure and that can drive you nuts...I know.

    My wife does not know the full extent of Kristen and while I think I am a good husband and father, that may be the reason I don't get too much pushback on some of my little desires like wearing panties on occassion with her.

    I would go easy and see what unfolds and just be prepared with some simple answers.

  18. #18
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    My partner has known since we met 7 years ago that i was a very fem guy. She also knew my cd past with my previous girlfriend. But when i "officially" came out to her she told me she wishes i never told her. So for her i play the guy. When i get home i am bron.

  19. #19
    Christian Crossdresser DiannaRose's Avatar
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    Spacey, I just read this. No wonder you've been feeling off kilter!

    I think that if she found your stash, but didn't mention it, she's not ready to talk about it. I could be wrong, of course...this is just my perspective.

    But, clearly she knows there are things about you that you're not comfortable talking to her about--you told her as much. She may have found your stuff but is respectiing your timing and comfort-levels on this.

    It IS a tyough call, because it could go either way. If it was me, I'd probably just leave things alone for now, be positive (but not over-cheerful) around her, and show her that you're still you. If she's uncomfortable because she DID find the clothes, you'll make her more comfortable around you and maybe that'll get her to broach the subject. If she didn't find the clothes, nothing is lost.

    Talk to your therapist about it, too, and see what she/he says.

    I'm glad that you've reached a point where you'd be okay talking about it with her. That's a critical first step. Now, you're ready if and when the time comes to come out to her. You know I'm praying for you, Spacey! Keep us posted!
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  20. #20
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spacey View Post
    Still not one hundred percent sure that she found my things. Nevertheless I need to prepare to come out and have answers to her questions.
    I am sure you've gotten all the advice you can absorb, so I won't offer any more. Just the very best wishes for you and your family!



  21. #21
    Lady By Choice Leslie Langford's Avatar
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    Spacey, I totally agree with the other posters...

    ...and given my own experience in being at the receiving end of women's intuition (not always a pleasant event!), your wife has probably known (or at least suspected) that something like this was in the offing for some time now. The presumed "find" in the basement would just add more creedence to those prior suspicions.

    The fact that she did not freak out on the spot and knows that you are already seeing a therapist to deal with issues that you have difficulty in talking about openly work strongly in your favour that your wife would be quite receptive to your opening up to her about your crossdressing. That said, you must make sure that you control of the time, circumstances, and contents of the discussion when it does take place so that it is conducted in an appropriate and constructive manner. You also need to be fully prepared to truthfully answer the usual " Are you gay? Do you want to have a sex change operation?' etc. questions that will invariably arise during such revelations.

    If you research past posts on this forum, you will find a wealth of information and advice from fellow crossdressers who have already "been there, done that", as well as advice on what landmines to avoid. You might also want to take a look at the website entitled "A Crossdresser's Secret Garden" which can be found via this link:

    I, personally, have found this site to be a great resource regarding advice on how to proceed with disclosure of our crossdressing to our loved ones, as has been this forum in helping me fully accept this part of me. As others here have also alluded to, taking the plunge and coming clean to your SO and immediate family can be extremely daunting, as one can never predict the ultimate outcome with 100% certainty. But like the first parachute jump, it becomes easier and easier to do with each successful repeat, and the sense of relief and unburdening is indescribably liberating.

    My wife has known about "Leslie" for many years now but we still face rocky times on occasion, and I attribute much of that to the historical legacy of the very unfortunate circumstances under which she found out about my crossdressing. By contrast, I finally (and with much apprehension!) revealed this side of myself to my adult children on separate occasions over the last 3 years, but in the manner that I have recommended to you. It went far better than I could ever have imagined, both proved themselves to be fully supportive, and there has been absolutely no negative fallout to our existing excellent relationship. My only regret now is that I didn't do it sooner, and I think that everyone in our family is relieved that this "elephant in the room" has finally been dealt with conclusively.

    One can only hold such a deep, dark secret bottled up inside for so long before it either leaks out, or else the strain of trying to manage and contain it becomes unbearable.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anne66 View Post
    Please tell her before she jumps to the wrong conclusions.
    I agree with that, it seems that the time has come to let a bit of you out to her, or at least to clarify some points. can't stop progress.

    yet, you may use caution, since you don't what she knows or have seen.

    There is also a sticky thread about how to tell your partner I wish I read before...

    Best of luck


  23. #23
    Aspiring Member Blaire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabimartini View Post
    I mean, put yourself in her shoes. Right now, her mind is probably on overdrive trying to fill in the blanks the whole situation has created. A "secret" to be unveiled, female paraphernalia in the basement, awkward silences. Problem is she may be making the wrong assumptions about you. She may feel unappreciate, replaced, cheated, left out, who knows?
    May be wrong assumptions? Wife finds another girls clothes in the house... If I was to bet on an assumption, them being worn by hubby isn't it.

    Her not immediately showing signs doesn't necessarily mean anything. She now knows that something is up, and she's quite likely going to be looking for more clues - happily feeding you enough rope to hang yourself.

    Spacey, you've been living a lie so far in your relationship, and now there's every chance that lie has been found out. It's your choice to cover it up or to come clean. How do you want to leave your mark?
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  24. #24
    Has left this planet Spacey's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the words. I have to tell her regardless if she found my things. I can't say when that will be but I want it to be soon. I didn't feel that way a few months before. It's something I have to live with. I will let you know when it happens.

  25. #25
    Wife's best friend Jenny Beth's Avatar
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    It doesn't matter if she found your things or not. Since you told her there are things you can't share with her yet try to imagine what's going through her mind, it can't be good. Time to come clean, if she did if fact find your things the initial shock might be over but the longer you leave this the more she is going to assume things. Good luck.
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