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Thread: You want to tell them, but can't

  1. #1
    Gold Member
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    You want to tell them, but can't

    We all have at least one. Well, those of us not out entirely to the world anyway. So who do you have that you most want to tell about yourself but can't and why? It could be because they moved, you don't have the nerve, they made a disparaging TG remark, or whatever. Guys and SOs (about your partner) can certainly jump in here too as I bet we all feel it.

    Mine is my youngest daughter. I would like to tell her because I think she would be quite fun. She is a pretty open minded person and I think she would like to help. But she is in a bad place lifewise and being in her upper teens means there is a lot of drama going on. Not a good situation to interject myself into. The good side is the potential for the future.

    So who is your's?

  2. #2
    What is normal anyway? Rianna Humble's Avatar
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    I have two brothers - one in Canada is very reactionary and from remarks he has made in the past I don't think he would accept me - the other in London is going through a bad patch and would worry about me.

    Mind you, given how wrong I was about my dad's reaction, I could be equally wrong about my Canadian brother.
    Check out this link if you are wondering about joining Safe Haven.

    This above all: To thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any

    Galileo said "You cannot teach a man anything" and they accuse ME of being sexist

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  3. #3
    Junior Member kimmigir1's Avatar
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    my neighbor, and lifelong childhood friend, ive known her for over 20 years (im 24 lol) and the reason i dont want to is i just dont want to jeopardize a friendship thats about as old as i am, im pretty sure everything would go good, but *shrug* ya never know... and im not really one to gamble

  4. #4
    purty gurl corynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sue View Post
    We all have at least one. Well, those of us not out entirely to the world anyway. So who do you have that you most want to tell about yourself but can't and why? It could be because they moved, you don't have the nerve, they made a disparaging TG remark, or whatever. Guys and SOs (about your partner) can certainly jump in here too as I bet we all feel it.

    Mine is my youngest daughter. I would like to tell her because I think she would be quite fun. She is a pretty open minded person and I think she would like to help. But she is in a bad place lifewise and being in her upper teens means there is a lot of drama going on. Not a good situation to interject myself into. The good side is the potential for the future.

    So who is your's?

    I told my Sister and she is actually a supporter of us special girls her name is krimson stop by and say hello and to say thanks for supporting us CD'ERS

    The only reason I told my sister is because it's a bonding thing between us and it actually brought us closer and telling someone you love that much like FAMILY is important because of the support that us a CD'ERS need and want very bad from our own

    My only regret is not being able to tell my mother before she had passed on I am not sure how my mother would have take the news but being true to yourself by telling those who you love and care for is the right step

    just think if we all could come out that easy to our friends and family we would have a world with a lot more acceptance and compassion for each other

    we all have to be nice with each other because you never know who is a CD'ER just think the officer that might pull you over might be wearing a thong and tights tee hee

    well thats just my take care all Corynn
    Last edited by corynn; 06-04-2010 at 01:13 AM. Reason: correction in paragraph

  5. #5
    Junior Member RobynBella's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmigir1 View Post
    my neighbor, and lifelong childhood friend, ive known her for over 20 years (im 24 lol) and the reason i dont want to is i just dont want to jeopardize a friendship thats about as old as i am, im pretty sure everything would go good, but *shrug* ya never know... and im not really one to gamble
    Just about the same story as mine. My best friend since I was like four, and we had a little fling. I want to tell him so bad, because I know he'd never forsake me. But apparently we were drunk one time a few years ago and told him "I may be a woman." And he told me I could never pull it off and I will always be a man. So fear of him writing it off as nonsense and telling me I shouldn't do it keeps me from telling him 100% seriously...
    A transwoman trapped in a crossdressers body

  6. #6
    per ardua ad astra Sarah811's Avatar
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    With me it is my wife. We have been married for 13 years, been togther for over 20! We have been through some very tough times together and she has always been my rock, my support system. It hurts like hell to keep a secret from her, but I need her by my side, and not knowing how she would react to Sarah means she stays firmly in the closet. However, I am gradualy coming to the conclusion that I owe her the right to the truth, why I get mood swings, and why I value my time alone!
    Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone - Ella Wheeler-Wilcox

  7. #7
    Member VikkiVixen7188's Avatar
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    My mom, I think she knows though.

  8. #8
    Worlds Prettiest Dad!!! Jocelyn Quivers's Avatar
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    I would like to come out to a couple of my very close guy friends and a few of my GG family members. With each case I feel as if there is no need to further complicate our relationships and risk losing their friendship by revealing this side of me. So for now it's just easier to remain with the status quo.

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  9. #9
    Silver Member AKAMichelle's Avatar
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    Mine would have to be my mother but I see no point in telling her. She is so closed minded about things that it will only lead to me not wanting to be around her. She is 83 and won't live much longer and I see no need to make matters worse.

  10. #10
    Member Naomi Rayne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmigir1 View Post
    my neighbor, and lifelong childhood friend, ive known her for over 20 years (im 24 lol) and the reason i dont want to is i just dont want to jeopardize a friendship thats about as old as i am, im pretty sure everything would go good, but *shrug* ya never know... and im not really one to gamble

    Funny thing is its usually the lifelong ones that are the ones that dont care. I told a lifelong GG and her answer to me was pretty much something like this. It doesnt matter what you wanna wear your still the same person the clothes dont change that. Also there is something someone on this forum posted in a thread once that they told a male friend and the friend said "it doesnt matter what your wearing if my car breaks down im still calling you to fix it". The lifelong friends are usually the good ones

    I would like to tell certain male friends but for some reason telling male friends scares the hell out of me. I feel as if they are most likely to reject it over any GGs
    Being dressed up is much better if you have someone else to admire and enjoy it with you.

    If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?
    - Alice Kingsley

  11. #11
    Member MrKunk's Avatar
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    Mine is my step mom who is more like a friend to me me and my step sister who
    is like a little sister to me. The problem here is that while my father suspects it he
    dosent know and my step brother who is my friend and little brother has no idea.
    I don't believe my dad and step brother would accept it, and I am unsure about my
    step mom and step sister.

    My step sister is the one I really want to tell because she is the one that got me into
    it accidently by allowing me to touch her in the clothing when we were younger and
    turning a blind eye when I tried it on. Also my step sister and step mom got me into
    my inflatable fetish by making leaks in pretty much every inflatable we got, because
    they knew I liked the feel of vinyl. So I just wish I could tell my step sister. But I cant .

    I have already told my mother and step dad, amongst several friends and it has been
    taken very well. Especially with the girls. A lot of my younger friends that are girls have
    been guiding me in the right direction, and even though I have done this for years
    without them, it is better with their help.
    Last edited by MrKunk; 06-04-2010 at 09:48 AM.
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  12. #12
    Silver Member Billijo49504's Avatar
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  13. #13
    Miss Lisa Miss Lisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah811 View Post
    With me it is my wife. We have been married for 13 years, been togther for over 20! We have been through some very tough times together and she has always been my rock, my support system. It hurts like hell to keep a secret from her, but I need her by my side, and not knowing how she would react to Sarah means she stays firmly in the closet. However, I am gradualy coming to the conclusion that I owe her the right to the truth, why I get mood swings, and why I value my time alone!
    I have been married for 6 years and been together for eight and two kids. I came out two nights ago to my wife. I was so scared of what her reaction would be. She took it quite well in fact she took me out yesterday to buy myself some matching bra and undie sets so I would stop stretching hers. Even brought me a sexy pink chemoise. Then lastnight she broke down saying she feel like she has lost her husband and gained a wife. She is totally ok with me cding but this is the one thing she is hooked up on. I know in time she will learn to accept that I am still the same on the inside, just a little diferent on the outside. Going out with her today to buy myself a nice dress.

  14. #14
    Member Michaela42's Avatar
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    Just one?

    Most of all it would be my Father. I am not sure how he would take it; sometimes I think he would be fine with it, other times, well, not so much.

    For the biggie (living as Makaila ) I think that my family would be the least of the problems. My big concern would be the friends of the family, specifically my Father's friends. I would be more afraid of how they would treat him than anything they could say or do to me

  15. #15
    Silver Member Marissa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Lisa View Post
    I have been married for 6 years and been together for eight and two kids. I came out two nights ago to my wife. I was so scared of what her reaction would be. She took it quite well in fact she took me out yesterday to buy myself some matching bra and undie sets so I would stop stretching hers. Even brought me a sexy pink chemoise. Then lastnight she broke down saying she feel like she has lost her husband and gained a wife. She is totally ok with me cding but this is the one thing she is hooked up on. I know in time she will learn to accept that I am still the same on the inside, just a little diferent on the outside. Going out with her today to buy myself a nice dress.
    [SIZE=4]Lisa.. know this is not the theme of the thread but maybe you can come to an agreement of middle ground.. husband 4 nights, girlfriend 3.. so she doesn't lose or forget the man she married.. and then enjoy a close friend to share those girl moments.. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=4]okay, back to the thread.. both daughters know, but want both to accept and see..youngest is not ready.. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=4]then i want my neighbors to know that one night a week, a woman walks out of my house and goes out.. that is all i ask for.. [/SIZE]

    "You better look hard and look twice, that me, baby or just a brilliant disguise?"- The Boss

  16. #16
    Senior Age Member sissystephanie's Avatar
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    I told my late wife before we married, and the two of kept it a secret for the almost 50 years we had together. I finally told my son and daughter earlier this year, and of course my daughter told the grandchildren. They are all grown, so no problem with the story spreading. I do think at least some of my neighbors know, since I walk around outside in short skirts all the time.

    In fact, this evening I went out to a local restaurant for dinner. I was wearing a brand new light brown skirt with a scarf like tie, along with a metallic gold tank top. Of course I had on a bra and panties underneath. I was seated at a table near the front. As I was eating, my neighbors from 3 houses away came by on their way out and said hello. They had to have seen me come in!! Never said a word about my clothes!

    Miss Lisa, I was not only my late wife's husband for almost 50 years, I was also her best girl friend! She told me often that she enjoyed Stephanie almost as much as she enjoyed me!

    Lady on the outside, but man underneath!

  17. #17
    The avvy pic isn't me
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    My family

    I'm the youngest of 4, all male and my Mom passed several years back. Now since desperately wanted a girl, i think after the shock she would have been OK with it.
    We are a simple and close bunch of guys, minus all the hugging and such; forgiving and generally peaceful. So i know they would not be angry or treat me poorly, there would be no ridicule.
    But it would make them uncomfortable, and thereby cause me discomfort, so at this point i just can't justify coming out. Yes, it would be a great feeling of freedom, and prolly answer some questions my sis-in-laws have, but nope, not now........mj (Cassie)

  18. #18
    New Member midnighter03's Avatar
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    For me it would be family and my in laws...the wife knows. We talked about it again last night. She said that she loves me no matter what and the hell with everyone else. But my Dad lives with my wife and I and it makes it difficult to do anything at home.

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