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Thread: Religion Plus CDing:Does it work for you?

  1. #1
    Titleless wanderer Mirragea's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Religion Plus CDing:Does it work for you?

    I would say that I don't have a particular allegiance with any organized religion but try to be spiritual(pondering on our existence).At times I feel agnostic and sometimes atheist maybe even a little new age.But Now I mostly draw more questions than answers from many faiths.Since CDing is now a recognized part of my life I'm lead to wonder how others CD/TG lifestyle blends with religion? Are they in conflict?Have you chosen another path to resovle it?Maybe even CDing has opened you up to be more spiritual ?Perhaps you just said "ahhh screw it !""This is it!"

    [size=3]Did you have a spiritual compromise or did it die?The killer......Crossdressing:think:[/size]

    thanx 4 readin
    Last edited by Mirragea; 09-15-2005 at 10:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Banned Read only
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    aahh screw it !
    this is most definitely it !

    Love Angela XX

  3. #3
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    Re: Religion Plus CDing: Does it work for you?

    In Buddhism you have something called "choosing the Middle Way" which could be utilised for finding some internal balance... With goals such as Enlightenment, and at some further point Nirvana. Buddhism is non-gender centric (particularly as compared to Judeo/Christian/Islamic philosophies)... So, all in all, a good ages-old philosophy for someone who identifies with Androgyny (like myself for example).


  4. #4
    Southern Belle Phoebe Reece's Avatar
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    I and my wife have no personal or theological conflict between my crossdressing and our Christian faith. We are both very active in our church, doing a lot of volunteer work there, and serving on various committees. I am certain though that a number of other members would have a problem if they knew about this side of me. I will not out myself at this church, as I do not think it would serve any useful purpose, and such an action would create problems for my wife and other family members.

  5. #5
    Tiffany Lee Tiffy's Avatar
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    I believe in the heavens above. But religion or no. I do not want any excuses for what I have done. So if it wrong by religion then so be it. If it meant I was going to the place below for doing what I do. The so be it, burn away baby. Because this is me and there is nothing out there that can make me any other way. So I will ride it out and see where I land. Sorry about the rant. I am a yank from up north and now live in the bible belt. thanks for letting me vent.

    Kisses, April
    no matter how much love we have, we can not feel it if we are not happy inside

    "Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways totally worn out, shouting "Holy ****, what a ride!",author unknown

    Women to me are gods greatest forms of beauty and art in motion.

  6. #6
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    I am taking the "aww screw it" approach. The more I tried to stop the more unhappy I would become until I realized that this is a part of who I am and to destroy it would destroy me. So they were in conflict at one time but not anymore

  7. #7
    Senior Member emmicd's Avatar
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    I am a firm believer in God and Jesus and feel the need to be more religious. I have fallen away from the church but do feel the need to get back and restore my faith.

    As far as the cd'ing, I don't believe it to be offensive but just a manifestation of who we are. If we believe and confess our sins and hold on to our belief and maintain our spirituality then I believe we are truly on the right path.


  8. #8
    Girl in disguise Emily Ann Brown's Avatar
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    I confess my last 3 1/2 years as a CD have caused a great internal struggle where my faith in God was concerned. However every time I wondered if my God had turned His back on me because of the clothes I was wearing He showed me in mighty ways that He has not left me at all. So I guess I'm stronger than before and my faith is intact and more precious to me than ever.

    And I thank Him for Karren and Lauren, who he has spoken through to me more than they will ever know.

    Sister Emily Ann

  9. #9
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    I myself have no particular allegience to any organized religion although I was raised a Christian. I have never really got into practicing religion in any kind of meaningful way, although I believe that it laid the groundwork for some of my own personal spiritual, moral, and ethical views but none of the churches I attended encouraged or promoted the kind of hatred and/or intolerance that I see exhibited way too often nowadays by people claiming to represent Christianity. As a result, I never really struggled with any kind of moral, ethical, and/or religious conflicts in regards to my crossdressing, especially since: a.)Crossdressing is not listed as a "sin" in any parts of the Bible (at least as far as I know anyway) b.)Crossdressing does NOT (inherently) harm anybody or anything in any way, shape, or form. As such, no conflicts here.

  10. #10
    fallen angel samanthajay's Avatar
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    if its a sin then i pry that god forgives me. he is cool like that
    the fallen angel of love, music, and vengence samanthael fell to earth and fell in love with jay and merged with him. she is him and he is her. they love their friends and their sisters.

  11. #11
    Aspiring Member Imogen_Mann's Avatar
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    Smile The fundamentals of it boy.

    I saw the following quote (or similar)... it sums up my view of religion.

    "I stopped believing in god the same day I realised they had lied to me about the tooth fairy and father christmas"

    I have spiritual thoughts... in so much as, I believe all living things have a spirit... and I also know, there's a lot I dont understand about it.

    I like the expression (regarding the meaning of life).. I slink therefore I am.



  12. #12
    Silky panties are best Sandra H's Avatar
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    I would not think that cross-dressing is a sin because it is human society that has over the years determined how we dress in both fashion and gender. Not Gods instructions.

    I was born and brought-up a Catholic, but like many the world over have stopped attending the church. The reason is many fold, but one is the hypocritical people who tend to run the church both priests and lay people. Phoebe said that she would not out herself at her church because of the fear of the reaction of the church members. Well we are told and I believe that God loves us for who we are. It’s just a pity that those who have elected themselves, as church elders are not as loving and understanding as the God the say they represent. Just then maybe more people would attend and the churches would have more than small-minded bigots attending them.
    Love Sandra xx

  13. #13
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    I was born and brought-up a Catholic, but like many the world over have stopped attending the church. The reason is many fold, but one is the hypocritical people who tend to run the church both priests and lay people. Phoebe said that she would not out herself at her church because of the fear of the reaction of the church members. Well we are told and I believe that God loves us for who we are. It’s just a pity that those who have elected themselves, as church elders are not as loving and understanding as the God the say they represent. Just then maybe more people would attend and the churches would have more than small-minded bigots attending them.

    I too was rasied Catholic and have stopped attending church. I believe in in Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
    But just because you go to church and know the bible does not make you a christian, it may help, but I believe being a christian comes from the inside of you, how you treat and respect people of all faiths not just your own.
    I wasn't put on this earth to judge people in what I think is right as some would say what I do to relax and enjoy life. When I give to or make a donation it not about how much I can deduct off of my taxes it because that is what I want to do to me that is being a christian.
    As long as I believe in God I feel he will take care of me, for every right you can find in the bible you can also find something something differant in the bible. If you must quote something quote the whole meaning not just one word or sentence to suit your needs.

  14. #14
    Resident Polymath MarinaTwelve200's Avatar
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    I have no problem with it, and I consider myself a good METHODIST. The Bible says nothing against CDing anyway----Save for purposes of "Deception" to break laws---such as a guy disguising himself as a female to get into a womans tent or a woman dressing as a man to get into the inner part of the temple where women arent allowed anyway.

    Hey, I was a big hit last Halloween, dressed as a gypsy fortuntelling lady at out adult sunday school class HALLOWEEN Party. No crazy "devil worship" associations with us. Just common sense and fun.

    --- Unlike Catholics, we Methodists follow what the bible says (or does not say)--not the words of ill- informed preists. After all, the Bible is all we really have we can be sure of, and even that must be constantly re-interpreted in the light of new knowledge we gain about the world. As opposed to the "Fundimentalists" who stick to interpretations made centuries ago, based on knowledge available at those times. And the "screwball" religions who might hang everything on one obscure verse--and make up stuff out of thin air---Snake kissing anyone?

    I find that people who have trouble with religion usually were raised in a fundie or "screwball" christian church, (or none at all) and dont know what real religion is all about. Joining a good "mainstream", Protestant Church, Like Methodisim, Episcopal, Luthern or (some) Baptist congregations, and attending sunday school is a good cure for that.

  15. #15
    Soccer Mom in Training MsEva's Avatar
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    Both my wife and I are very involved in practicing our religion. We attend a local Catholic church and are in many ministries there. Is there a disconnect between religion and crossdressing? Perhaps if the dressing takes over all aspects of my life. It is just a part of doesn't define me. I would not want to be out to my church or many people because it is a private thing. I don't think that many people would out themselves with many problems because it isn't directly involved with their worship..MHO

  16. #16
    Senior Member Lawren's Avatar
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    Greetings ladies,

    I haven't been active in the forum for a while but just recieved a private message and found I couldn't resist the "bait"

    As for the question of religion vs. crossdressing, well, that's a tough one for me. My background: I was somewhat active in Sunday school at a Christian church as a child. Became a member of a Southern Baptist church as an adult. I am a believer in God and try to live my life accordingly but not fanatically. I do not try to live "by the letter" of the Bible but have read it through several times. I know of only one passage of scripture that states that crossdressing "is an abomination to the Lord". Is it "sin" or not? I'll leave that to your interpretation. In all my experience in church I do not believe I ever heard one sermon denouncing crossdressiong as a sin. However, as it applies to my life there seems to be a definite correlation between crossdressing and the most troubled times of my life. Is God withdrawing His blessings from me because of my crossdressing? Again, you interpret that how you wish. On the other hand, scripture also says, (paraphrased), "Take no thought of clothes. Consider the lillies of the field..., ...and even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed as well as these".

    Well, that's the brief "sermon" from me. Again, I am not trying to shove the bible down your throat. That's just not my thing. This is all just personal opinion and experience. I have a lot of difficulty getting it all straight in my head at times. Maybe it would help me if I could get a GG into my life but that seems to be an insurmountable obstacle.

    Ok, no more meloncholy. That's my thoughts on the question at hand.


  17. #17
    Silver Member insearchofme's Avatar
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    I am Catholic, born and raised, left and came back. As another poster said I am quite unhappy about the abuse by priests but I understand that all churches are made up of human beings and there for are imperfect.

    As far as CDing is concerned I was told by a priest that God dosen't play games with your sexuality. We were not talking about CDing at the time but I think this applies. My personal view is that God gave me this gift of both a male and female nature. How I use it is up to me. As long as I embrace it and don't let it interfer with the other aspects of my life it's OK.

  18. #18
    Before/after Stephenie's Avatar
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    As a Christain I struggled at first with this issue. But I believe that God love sme and sent his son to save me, not from Cding but from death.
    We live in a fallen world, the way it was set up to be is not how it is now. I believe that as time goes on things that were supose to last forever are wearing out. As our DNA is mixed around at conseption and by virisus things that were not supose to happen are happening. This is why we are seeing women and men in the wrong bodies. God knows this is happening and why. That he still loves us and cares about us is amazing.

    that I feel there are seperate parts of my and that they both need to be expressed is not a sin. God loves me and I him. And one day I will be complete and he will still love me.

  19. #19
    Hopeless Romantic RobynP's Avatar
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    As a Catholic active in my church, there is no issue or conflicts with cding. Crossdressing is not "sinful"... Of course, if one crossdresses to hide their identity to rob a bank, that would be a problem... robbing the bank, that is... (The feds wouldn't like that very much either...)

    Robyn P.

  20. #20

    Abomination versus Sin

    The only place I read in the Bible that has anything to say about the issue is Deuteronomy. It says that "a woman must not wear man's clothes, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this." There are true problems with regarding this as sin. First, Deuteronomy also advises against mixing fibers, which is now done, as is women wearing men's clothes. Second, this and homosexuality are regarded as abominations. Meaning they are not sins against God, they are a shame against oneself. If you can live with shame, you can live with it anyway.

    This gives me such a headache, I decided instead to become either Taoist or Taoist-Christian. The stance is easy, so long as you are being natural (true to yourself), this may allow for you to embrace the Yin side of yourself if done in moderation. In excess, it might turn you over to Yin instead, which would not help balance self. Although, it doesn't allow me to modify myself, so I can't get a tattoo much less a sex change.

  21. #21
    Aspiring Member NatalieBliss's Avatar
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    I beleive that as long as you live your life being the best person you can be, it does not matter to god if you wear skirts or jeans.
    - Natalie

    P.S. that's what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R where eliminated.
    -Mitch Headburg

    "If you think you think outside the box, you're trapped in one"
    - M.C. Paul Barman

  22. #22

    Re: Religion and Cd'ng

    I was brought up by fundamentalists, so you can imagine the conflict as a young person I went through. Very early I realized that the Bible says anything you want it to, for instance it approves of slavery (Exodus) Jesus says if you don't follow him you will burn forever (that's love) and homosexuality is an abomination. Interesting that a man making love to another man is an abomination, but owning and beating a slave is ok, such is the God of love. I set out on a journey of spiritual enlightenment, taking all the religion courses in college, supplemented with research in depth on all the worlds major religions. The Abrahamic religions (Judaism,Christianity, Islam) all thrive on intolerance. Remember, it is unacceptable to have a religion where the alternative to faith is punishment! That is how you train dogs, not develop humans. Buddhism is much more tolerant, but again it is a religion more than a philosophy. Being a transvestite, that is in my case being a woman and a man, I am bisexual, so the idea that something is wrong with me is not acceptable, I was born this way and I am a child of the universe, unique and wonderful. I have found following Tao (pronounced dow) to help me with my spirituality and happiness. Not the religion Tao, but the philosophy of Tao, that is of balance and living in harmony with nature and your surroundings. I encourage anyone to look into this, it is a way of life that is compatible with everyone, unless you are locked into religious dogma. remember, religion is just another government, a means of other people to control you. What you read, watch on TV, what you wear, who you associate with, and who you sleep with. As a human being I want to grow everyday, happiness is not a sideline, it is a primary goal. Many in this country want to ban people the joy of marriage to a lifelong soul mate, simply because their God and their religion tell them of a sexual difference. How absurd. Forget about religion and stive for enlightenment and happiness. Hope I haven't gotten carried away, but I see soooooooo many of my sisters in torment, I just had to speak my piece.

  23. #23
    Member arula's Avatar
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    We only have our selves to live with every day inside our minds. If you are content and have done no harm to your fellow beings, you can lay your head down, and the rest will be rewarding. No guilt?, no conflict?, then you are one with the universe, and religion becomes a vehicle to the next level. Kisses, Arula.
    From Transvestite to *******
    a fantasy turning into reality
    in the not too distant future.

    xoxo Arula.

  24. #24
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    I was raised in a christian household. But I'm not a christian, even when I went to church in the early years of my life I could not find myself in that religion. My mom finially gave up making me goto church when I was nine or so. For me, christianity had something missing and wasn't complete. When I was eighteen I met a man named John. We got onto the subject of religion when sitting around one day with some other guys at the squadron headquarters, when I said "I don't have a religion, there isn't one out there for me. However I have a strong fondness for the norse and celtic mythologies and nature." John said "I'm a wiccan, and it sounds to me that your a pagan." He lent me a couple books and I found my religion, and what I was missing. I was missing the female side. In wicca/paganism there is a god and a goddess who personifiy nature as father sky and mother earth. So in short, my religion accepts that there is both a female and a male side in everything and everyone. So there is no conflict its kinda expected. I guess some people are alittle more one than the other.

    Last edited by MaylinJane; 09-16-2005 at 11:55 PM.

  25. #25
    Banned Read only Olivia's Avatar
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    No religion for me thanks. I know that organized religion and strong faith are a great comfort for may; if it is for you, then that's great. I have never been able to make that "leap of faith" required for all believers. Maybe there is a universal spirit, perhaps that is a revelation that comes to us all after this life is done. I don't believe in a "grandfatherly", traditional concept of god though. It's easier for me to think that the "god spirit" is within us all, whatever manifestation that spirit might take. Call that more a belief in a personal spiritual realization.

    I guess I would fall more into the classic definition of agnostictism; we don't know enough to say there is a god or not. I think organized religion has been the source of so much war, hatred and suffering in the history of this planet. It has been the refuge of so many hypocrites and self-righteous tyrants throughout the long history of humankind. I certainly don't intend to offend or insult those who do believe. That is one's right, to believe or not to believe. I just ask for the same consideration. I don't try to sway other's belief and don't care to be swayed by them either. As for crossdressing, any religious condemnation of that only reinforces my belief that religion has largely served to control people through fear, guilt and uncertainty.

    If you need the crutch that faith provides for some, good for you. Use it for good things. I can't pretend to believe; doing that would be so hyprocritical. I try to live a good life, be a good person and treat others as I would like to be treated. That's my spirituality. I would feel that way whether I was a crossdresser or not. Olivia
    Last edited by Olivia; 09-17-2005 at 01:53 AM.

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