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Thread: ever see a girl! oops! a boy! in public?

  1. #1
    Member britneyb's Avatar
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    Last edited by britneyb; 11-07-2010 at 09:06 PM.

  2. #2
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
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    Right there. To your left. No, your LEFT! Yes, that's it. Hi.
    Yeah, it was an older lady shopping. She was dressed beyond belief (very dressy for the mall), had a big choker over her adam's apple, etc. I tried to tell her she looked great, but she kept mumbling and trotting off. I probably scared the poor thing. Now I know to leave well enough alone. You know though, if someone saw me, I wouldn't have ANY problem. So, if you happen to see me, stop on by and say hi!


  3. #3
    Member Kelly Blaine's Avatar
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    Yes I have experienced that.

    I was in NYC last month and coming from the theater decided to bypass all the crowds and walk over to broadway and in the crowd of people by time square there was a gurl standing in the shadows and avoiding eye contact. I wanted to say, "sister be proud".

  4. #4
    New Member Kirra_Moon's Avatar
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    The only place I’ve seen another CD was in a tolerant bar. I’ve never had a for sure confirmation of a CD in the wild.

    I’m rather iffy if I would walk up to a CDer in public. If I was dressed at the moment at the time I spotted another I would be more likely to start a conversation. But I think tact would be very important. If I was “caught” by a fellow CD in public, I personally probably wouldn’t take it badly. Unless, they caused a scene. After all a CDer’s eye are attuned to the difference that no make-up or whatever can get rid of. So, it wouldn’t be like one was sticking out like a sore-thumb.

  5. #5
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    Well I for one wouldnt mind another CD coming oover to say hello. That goes for being in drab or dressed. Extra points if they are a forum member. If not I wil definitely recommend this place. Heck Id probably invite them to get a coffee and bore them to death with my chatter. They would probably never approach another person again after meeting me!

  6. #6
    Silver Member Barbara Dugan's Avatar
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    I saw a young cute girl once at the mall...It was on a early Sunday morning there was only elderly mall walkers I took my dad to walk there and I saw her she was a little overdressed for the time of the day but she looked very good .. Its true I think big girls can blend more easy .

    It really broke my heart she looked kind of nervous and had a look of loneliness on her face .. I guess some of us reflect those feelings too

  7. #7
    Banned Read only
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    yes we did

    It was several months ago, while coming out of K-mart. I walked out first while my wife was checking out so I was ahead of her. As I walked from the front door, a car with a cd driving turned beside me and we made eye contact, she then circled several times passing up good parking spaces for they were not packed. I guess it was to see if I was going to drive off first. But I got in my car and my wife was almost to the car when "She" stepped out. I said look, there's a cd (spoken very respectfully). We watched her get out and walk in the store. We didn't think much of it. My wife said well she looks like she would be mighty hot in that business suit. I said ,yeah, he probably is. And we went on home. I could have said more but this was before I told my wife that I too, was a cd. But being one myself and had I seen her being verbally abused or even worse, attacked, I would have come to her defense for she is one of us.

  8. #8
    Member christiecd's Avatar
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    I've never seen a t-girl in public... but maybe then again, she looked too femme that I didn't even notice!

    I think I need to go to more places where I would bump into other CDs!

  9. #9
    Gold Member
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    Some months ago; my wife and myself were having dinner at a little place with the best fish boil in town.
    Across the room sat 3 people. Obviously a ma and pa, But in the center was a 40, ish person with a large
    wig, an oversize top, large bust line, a full skirt, tennis shoes, a 5 o'clock shadow and a Adams apple, and
    hands bigger than mind. She sat there with out a care, although the man (pa) was a bit edgy. No one noticed,
    or at least made mention of a guy in a dress, and no make-up. Rader

  10. #10
    Member DressyJenny's Avatar
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    I had a transexual deliver to me once. She had longer hair and her nails done up ( a pretty blue color). Plus her name was one that you would think was a TS name. It was a pretty name though. I didn't say anything. Just treated her like I would any other driver.

  11. #11
    Silver Member AKAMichelle's Avatar
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    I have seen only one person who must have been TS. They were well put together and I wouldn't have even noticed except for their height.

  12. #12
    Chick for a Day Tricia Lee's Avatar
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    Three times.

    Once in the late morning at a Denny's restaurant. A really tall gal walked past our table. I didn't notice until she had already past, and my back was to her. We were in a college town, and I made a comment about her probably being on the women's college basketball team. My wife and step-daughter, who were facing toward her as she stood at the checkout counter said no, it was a CD. I looked, and sure enough. She had very little makeup, was dressed nicely, and seemed to be doing just fine. She paid and left without any problem.

    One evening I saw a tall well-dressed woman walking into the local JC Penney's. I had a hunch it was a CD'r. I parked and went in. After browsing around for a few minutes, I saw her at the checkout counter. Obviously a guy, had quite the 5 o'clock shadow going. She checked out and left. The young female SA's giggled after she walked away. I felt bad about that.

    Once on a Halloween, I was standing with a bunch of friends waiting in line to get in a bar. This hotly dressed young gal came walking up. Ruffly top, tight leggings, and 5 inch heels. I said "check it out" thinking it was a girl. We were all ogling this "chick" when another female in line in front of us got really agitated that we thought it was a girl. She told us it was a guy. I wouldn't have known otherwise, but I'm sure she was right. The CD waited in line behind us. All my guy friends just acted like nothing was amiss. I saw her walk by several times later inside the bar, but never talked to her. Wish I would have, but couldn't really since I was out with a bunch of male friends.

  13. #13
    Member Eva_nine's Avatar
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    ^^why not talk to her just because you are with guy friends. they may tease a bit but it may also help them accept that CD'ing isnt so weird.

    I was at a bar, in drab, watchin a friends band when a really young cd started dancing. i only noticed cause her feet were probably a womens 11 or so and she had what i thought was a scar from a trac surgery under her chin. i wanted to say hi but she already had alot of positive attention. i still wonder but i am not 100% sure.

  14. #14
    Chick for a Day Tricia Lee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eva_nine View Post
    ^^why not talk to her just because you are with guy friends. they may tease a bit but it may also help them accept that CD'ing isnt so weird.
    It was 25 years ago. I wasn't even accepting of myself then. Now I would say hi!

  15. #15
    Aspiring Member Christy_M's Avatar
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    I have seen a couple handfuls (no pun intended). the two most memorable:

    in the mid eighties, shopping with my first wife at Fredericks of Hollywood for shoes for me, we saw a very skinny T-girl with a HUGE melon on her neck that really stood out. She was dressed to the nines for a weekend morning and on the arm of a relatively older guy who appeared to have purchased her services for the previous evening. At the time, I think we were still using the term "transvestite" so I told my wife "see, there's another transvestite shopping in here with us."

    In the early nineties, I was walking through a JCPenny's and there was this gurl (older "lady") looking through the skirt rack. She really looked like one of those pictures you see from the fifties with the white men in a boardroom except the make-up, turtleneck sweater (in July in Southern California) and surprisingly large feet for her frame.

    Any others I see or have seen since then I always try to make eye contact and smile...especially in male mode. I know how that would make me feel having a guy smile at me while I was dressed. I am not looking for a guy but the acknowledgement that I may have passed would be pretty substantial.

  16. #16
    Junior Member Jennifer Girl's Avatar
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    Well, I live in Portland, so YES I see other CDs almost everyday! I'll relate two recent stories.

    Two days ago in the grocery store I saw the most gorgeous crossdresser ever. Totally understated and not over-the-top at all. Nice flats, skinny jeans (but not too skinny), perfect long straight dark hair, perfect understated makeup, breast perfectly proportioned to her thin frame, nice understated blouse. She was definitely dressed to pass, not to attract attention. The only two things that made me look a second time was the fact that she was about 5'10" tall or taller, and she was wearing a turtleneck and long sleeves on a warmish day. Other than that, I wouldn’t have ever thought to give her a second look. Well, it took about ten looks for me to actually determine that she was a crossderesser. I ended up following her around the grocery store mesmerized by her. She pulled off the tall thin look perfectly! She was, and I say this with an unblemished record of staunch heterosexuality, GORGEOUS! She probably thought that I was weird. I so badly wanted to say something to her and tell her how inspiring she was and to heap compliments upon her about her style of dressing and makeup, but I wanted to respect her privacy and she seemed really shy.

    On the other end of the spectrum, last week on the bus I saw what could only be best described as "a guy in a dress". Mid-fifties, thinning hair, 5 o'clock shadow, high heel sandals with reinforced toe pantyhose, green leggings, navy blue skin tight mini skirt, and a multi-colored blouse. No bra, no breast forms, no makeup...just a middle-aged hairy guy who like dressing like a girl. As I got on the bus, "she" was talking to three young girls (high school age, I'm guessing) who were giving her a hard time and teasing her a bit. These girls were giggling at her and she was trying to make small talk with them to ease the tension. She said to one of the girls "I love your shoes! Where did you get them?" The young girl told her the name of the store and giggled at her, and then looked over at me with this look on her face like she was expecting me to join in on laughing at the CD. I said "Those are awesome shoes! I have a pair just like those, but mine are a size nine and a half." Well, you could have heard a pin drop, as everybody’s attention turned to me. Those young girls instantly forgot all about the "guy in a dress". The CD got off at the next stop and shot me a look that said "thank you". The young girls didn’t say another word to me but giggled at me until I got off of the bus. I didn't care at all.

  17. #17
    Senior Member faltenrock's Avatar
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    I traveled to the US last months, while checking in my bag in Hamburg, I saw two fairly beautiful woman, one with blonde and the other with black long hair and short shorts. I wanted to watch them to see, if they were really TS - and they were, but beautiful. I believe they were working girls. Anyway, I watched them for about 20 min in the restaurant/cafeteria. I saw them checking in their bags for a flight to the Spanish island Ibiza, which is well known for gay people and trandgedered people to go on a wild holiday

  18. #18
    Tricia Dale tricia_uktv's Avatar
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    I see them quite oten and also know a number of girls who go out in town. My rules are:
    If I'm in drab leave well alone.
    If I'm dressed go up to them, smile, and ask them how they are.

    Its so much easier for girls!
    I strut my stuff, I feel so proud,
    I need to shout, to scream out loud,
    I am Tricia I am she,
    I am who I want to be

  19. #19
    Member FionaO's Avatar
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    Once while in London on a late night bus, a group of girls came on. One of them had short dyed blonde hair, beautiful make-up and the most gorgeous party dress with a flaired skirt. It was her dress that initially caught my attention. But then I noticed her five o'clock shadow showing through her make-up. I was really jealous she was young, really pretty and hanging out with a bunch of girls. I would loved to have asked her where she got her dress but was with a work colleague so it wouldn't have been easy.
    A couple of years ago over about two months, I kept seeing the same older lady in different places when I travelled into the city. I met her while my SO was dress shopping, a few weeks later she was in a restaurant and then she got up and spoke at a lecture in the university. I did a bit of research and discovered she was a TS. I'd love to talk to her if I ever get the chance again. Her clothes were always fantastic.

  20. #20
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    you are right we should tell them they look pretty when we see them out.....huggs kimberly

  21. #21
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    Ive never seen one in NJ at any normal places, and I would know the instant I saw one. Ive seen them at bars and clubs a few times, dark places, only at night, but seems most just keep it discreet. I actually personally think it would be strange to see a man dressed as a woman at the mall. Of course I wouldnt say anything mean, Im not like that, and Im a CD myself, but I definitely get why people would think thats very weird and stare at them in a bright public place in the middle of that day. That's not something I would ever do, thats not why I dress. This is pretty much just a sexual thing for me, if sex isnt involved I dont want to do it.

    I certainy dont have a problem with them going out, people can do whatever they want, but there's a big part of me that things its strange.

  22. #22
    New Member Panophobia's Avatar
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    I work at a target store, and i have helped a few very scared, lost girls. I always feel better helping them, but also try not let them know that I can "read" them. 1 was lost in the girls department looking for the womens department, just told her to spin 180 and she would run into it, she looked greatful. i would have loved to talked with her.

  23. #23
    Banned Read only
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    Yes, I've seen quite a few. Some looked absolutely fabulous, others not so convincing. But I have to say, while I guess a touch of envy was the over-riding emotion that I felt towards the ones that looked stunning, total admiration was the emotion that I felt towards the ones that weren't so convincing. I think this stems from the notion of it being easier to go out in public if you look really convincing (in the sense that not as many people will realise), and how hard it can be to go out if it's obvious that you're going to be read, but it doesn't stop you from having the courage to venture out anyway. I've never said anything to those I've seen out in public (unless out at a cd/tv/ts club), but I have always smiled towards them when they walked past. Some didn't notice my smile (keeping themselves totally to themselves), but some did, and they would smile back. I like to think that they thought of me as a crossdresser also, but I think more than that, I'd like to think that they just thought I was a regular guy in the street who was being accepting of them.

  24. #24
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    Ive seen a few here and there, not in public places during the day though. I dont think ive ever seen one during the day at any store, mall or anywhere. Ive seen some at night when I go to NYC or atlantic city, but even then its not like there's a ton of them around, just 1 or 2 here and there on occation.

  25. #25
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    Years and years ago, when I first started going out dressed in public in the daytime, my crossdressing mentor at the time gave me some advice. If you ever see another TV/TS in public and you read them, whether you are dressed or not, do not bother them. You could be wrong about their actual gender, or you could embarass them by de-facto telling them you read them and therefore they are not as passable as they think, or they could be trying to go "stealth" and may not want anything to do with other transgender folks.

    I have stuck to this advice, even though there have been times I have wanted to say something to them. Oddly enough, I have been with friends (them dressed, me not) and cisgender people have come up and asked her about herself (one was a friend of a DQ and assumed she was also a DQ/performer.)

    Alas, our transgender community does not have some sort of system of signs and countersigns as some "secret societies" do, so identifying one another without casing any embarrassment is a real dilemma without an easy answer.

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