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Thread: Caught in the Act

  1. #26
    Member JamieTG's Avatar
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    Because I find humiliation and embarrassment to be an erotic aspect of my dressing, being "caught" was one of my strongest fantasies growing up. Although I had many close calls I never was caught in the act. Probably a good thing because no doubt the reality would not have turned out like the fantasy. My dad was old school and had he ever found out, his belt would have been the cure.

  2. #27
    Gold Member NicoleScott's Avatar
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    At about age 8 or so I was caught playing with lipstick. My dad held me down and put it on me while verbally humiliating me. I've hardly touched the stuff since then.
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  3. #28
    Junior Member AnntoAnn's Avatar
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    I have posted this story before, but thought it apt for this thread.

    I have enjoyed dress up sessions in my hotel room. One hotel I was a regular at got to know me (male me) quite well and the receptionist and I were on first name terms always shearing a joke or two. One day I went back to the hotel V early and decided to dress up before my evening meal and then stay in male attire after and have a late drink with the staff, as sometimes I would retire to my room after the meal and then get dressed up. I had just put the finishing touches to my outfit (no makeup) and in walked the receptionist (I had forgot to put the latch on) “Oh sorry I didn’t expect any body back yet and I needed to put fresh towels in, do you mind?” I was in shock this was the first person ever to see me dressed. She walked strait past me into the bath room. I was stuck to the spot with my mouth open lost for words. She came back out smiled and went to the door, but just before leaving turned and said “nice outfit, going anywhere nice?” and left. It took me a while to charm down after. I went down to the restaurant and was sure that word would have spread about the CD in room ?? but not a word was said. Just after finishing my meal the receptionist came through after finishing her shift. Came up to me and asked if I would like company and sat beside me. I was still in shock and did not know what to do. It was then she explained that my secret was safe and she had seen a lot worse go on. We talked to the small hours and became good friends from then on. She even took me out a few time dressed up. We have to this day kept in touch and I go back to see her twice a year (no longer at that hotel). It might seem like something out of Fictionmania but it is a true story.

  4. #29
    Full-Time Duality NathalieX66's Avatar
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    My grandfather, who lived next door when I was 9, caught me wearing my sisters clothes while I was alone in my parent's house.

    Recently, I decided to avoid all future embarrassment by posting a pic of me on my guy fb page. Problem solved.

  5. #30
    Silver Member
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    I must be a klutz, or way to adventurous. Got caught in my teens. Bright red lipstick does not come off easy or quickly.

    Was moving into a new house one day out in the country and the neighbor walked in to see if I could use some help. There I was fully dressed in a dress with nylons. Told him I would be right out. Anyway I stood there with a box to hide behind which meant he could see my bare legs and bust. Couldn't get the dress off so I put on a sweatshirt, pants and sandals. As he was showing me about the barn I realized my nylons had reinforced toes and they were clearly visible. He never said a thing about it.

    I could fill a book with my misadventures.

  6. #31
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    I was never caught in the act but my friends mom figured out that I was occasionally wearing her things. it was all good though.

  7. #32
    Aspiring Member Chiana's Avatar
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    Picture the movie "Mannequin". During most of my school years, my Dad was the window dresser for a couple of different department stores. Since he did his work at night, when the stores were closed, I would occasionally go with him when he went to work. Play time. Dresses, bras, panties, wigs, makeup, fur coats. A wonderland of fun things. While he was busy dressing maggequins, I would sneak off and dress myself. One time my Mom showed up for some reason at my Dad's store and caught me wearing something girlie. Ooops. She was obviously upset and told me to take it off immediately. She took me home with her and I wasn't allowed to go to work with my Dad for a while.
    Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right.

  8. #33
    Member Jess Marie's Avatar
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    Reading your stories has been fun and exciting. I felt how you ladies felt and it was a rush Here's my story:

    I still live at home with my mom since I just graduated high school this spring and I go to a Community College 20 minutes away. I have owned my own panties since I was 16 and I am now 18. I wear panties on a daily basis and I rarely get laundry time. Occasionally, a few pairs of undies have went through the wash, but I was able to quickly play them off as my g/f's or my brothers wife's (he is fresh out of the military and looking for an appt/house and living at home for the time being). Well, last week I was in desperate need of a laundry day. I had about 30 pairs of undies to wash. I decided to wash my bed sheets and work clothes. This was at around 8:00 pm. Long story short, I completely forgot about the wash. My mom sent my sister upstairs to tell me my laundry was done. I get downstairs and my work clothes are hanging to dry, I was like oh god. Then I go in the bathroom and my mom is closing the dryer door saying that I could start my laundry whenever I want. I couldn't blame it on anyone. She walked out and hasn't said anything since. It's been about a week and I'm just waiting. I decided since she now knows for sure, that my undies no longer need to be hidden, so they are in my underwear drawer with my socks and are not hidden at all.

  9. #34
    Junior Member HappyErica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcraig View Post
    Reading your stories has been fun and exciting. I felt how you ladies felt and it was a rush Here's my story:

    I still live at home with my mom since I just graduated high school this spring and I go to a Community College 20 minutes away. I have owned my own panties since I was 16 and I am now 18. I wear panties on a daily basis and I rarely get laundry time. Occasionally, a few pairs of undies have went through the wash, but I was able to quickly play them off as my g/f's or my brothers wife's (he is fresh out of the military and looking for an appt/house and living at home for the time being). Well, last week I was in desperate need of a laundry day. I had about 30 pairs of undies to wash. I decided to wash my bed sheets and work clothes. This was at around 8:00 pm. Long story short, I completely forgot about the wash. My mom sent my sister upstairs to tell me my laundry was done. I get downstairs and my work clothes are hanging to dry, I was like oh god. Then I go in the bathroom and my mom is closing the dryer door saying that I could start my laundry whenever I want. I couldn't blame it on anyone. She walked out and hasn't said anything since. It's been about a week and I'm just waiting. I decided since she now knows for sure, that my undies no longer need to be hidden, so they are in my underwear drawer with my socks and are not hidden at all.
    what did she do with the panties you washed?

  10. #35
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    I have been caught twice. First time was just last year. I was shopping with my wife for clothes for the kids. We were in the dressing room and she pulled out a nice pair of pants she wanted me to try on. What could I do? I told her that I was wearing some of her panties because of how comfortable they were. I tried on the pants. She saw my panties and said "If that's what you want to wear I guess I can live with it." She doesn't really like it but tolerates it. I was just glad I had chosen to wear plain white cotton panties that day instead of some of my lacier ones. So far she has accepted the cotton panties, even the pastel colors and bright red. I am not sure what she would say if she walked in on me now as I am wearing black lace panties with a garter belt and stockings.

    The second time I got caught was just yesterday. I walked into Victoria Secret and asked the sales lady for a simple black garter belt and matching stockings for my wife, told her the size and she went to the back to get them. When she came out and handed them to me, I told her they were just perfect. She looked me straight in the eye and said "I am sure YOU are going to love them." Just guessing, but I think I was busted. By the way, she was right, I do love them. They are the ones I am wearing right now. Now if I could just find a black 42b demi bra with lots of lace to match, I would be in heaven. It would be even better if my wife would go shopping for it with me but that's a different thread...

  11. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schatten Lupus View Post
    I almost outed myself last week. My girlfriend got me these pj pants that are very warm and super comfortable. My mom decided to show up un announced. She knocked, and I had to throw a few things under the couch cushions, and I started to head towards the door and the last minute I realized "OH yeah! I'm wearing very girly fleece pants that have pink marks all of them."
    I look at it as "Oh are comfy and I like what? lol..all that matters is you are who you are. I like to lounge around in comfy girly things whenever I can, and my wife loves it..snuggling up to a soft and cuddly person.
    : I may not know where I'm going, but I know where I am!

  12. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jason+ View Post
    I wasn't caught in the act itself, but one of my little brothers helped my parents "find" my stash of panties which lead to a discussion of why I had them and a request from my parents to never bring another pair home. They said it was a road I didn't want to go down.

    Fortunately many years later my dad said that if putting on panties and a dress is the worst thing you do in a day you must be pretty okay.
    I think alot of parents maybe "dread" the thought that maybe their son is up to something preverse and sick, like maybe stealing panties and possibly a peeping tom..or even worse, contemplating a horrible act like rape, ect. When dad found out you just like to wear them, it must have been a relief and I think its admirable and agree with his thought that if this is the worse thing you do, your ok. Sounds like a very understanding father to me.
    : I may not know where I'm going, but I know where I am!

  13. #38
    Member Jess Marie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HappyErica View Post
    what did she do with the panties you washed?
    I put them in the washer when I started the laundry and when I came downstairs everything was loaded in the dryer. She put them in the dryer and hasn't said a work

  14. #39
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    I can't began to count how many times I was caught by an older sister, after a while I would dress intentionally to get caught by her.
    She had moved out of our parents house and I was still living there, one time they had went on a vacation for a week to ten days. I had called in sick the first day they were gone and spent the day dressed as a woman. She had come by to check on me and I was dressed as the woman I felt I was. I had to open the door as I had the screen door locked, she started to leave but came back and asked if I wanted to talk about it. To this day I remember saying I wanted to have a woman to woman talk with her, she said we can never have a woman to woman talk and I said woman to whatever then. We talk about how I find the correct sizes for me and she asked if I was gay. Told her how I found my size and no I wasn't gay just enjoy dressing as a woman and wearing makeup.
    To this day neither one of us has said anything about what happen that day and I know she still wouldn't approve of it.

  15. #40
    Not sure where I am yet Jay Cee's Avatar
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    I was lying on the bed of my hotel room, dressed up in some pretty nice lingerie, when the maid walked in...


  16. #41
    Junior Member StephiefromSyr's Avatar
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    after trying to exchange some heels at payless, i got the wrong size the first time. The SA said to go ahead and get the size i needed. i went over and got them and thought i better put one on just to be sure, and as i slipped it on sure enough she came over to see if I needed help. Yup Busted!

  17. #42
    In the closet - for now. Shadeauxmarie's Avatar
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    The latest time i was caught was just last week. I was at Payless last week looking for some boots with a decent heel. I was underdressed in panties, garter-belt, and stockings. I picked up the pair I liked and headed to the back to sit down and try them on. The salesgirl saw me attempting to put my my stocking clad foot in the boot. Nothing was said. The boots didn't fit, and I got a run in my stocking to boot. (No pun intended)
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  18. #43
    Member Jess Marie's Avatar
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    Guess who just got caught? Me. I was laying in bed with guy shorts and shirt, panties, bra, inserts, and a cami. My mom walks in and wants to get my futon mattress that I keep under my bed for my friend Ryan when he comes over. I hear her coming up the stairs, so I throw the blankets over me as a pre-caution. Then I hear my door knob get turned. My mom walks in and throws a hoodie on the ground and asks me to help her get the futon. I sit there trying to stall saying I'll get it later. The attempts fail. So I stretch and go under the blankets a little. I pull the inserts out cleverly and throw them under my pillow without her knowing. Then I spin around and she rips the blankets off my bed and says hurry up. My bra was still protruding my from my chest and it was very obvious I was wearing one. She just looked at it and said you lift your bed and I'll pull it out. We get it out and she says, "go back to your business. I didn't mean to interrupt" with last weeks incident that you can read about already in here, I'm expecting something to be said soon.

  19. #44
    Junior Member Roxanne_Alternate's Avatar
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    There were a lot of close calls, but I've never been caught. Not when I wasn't intending to have someone see me en femme anyway.

  20. #45
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    Mom story - Years ago, when I was a teen, I had hastily stashed a pair of panties under my pillow. My sweet mom turned down the bed and the panties were discovered. Not a mention of it.

    More recently, I thought I had the place to myself (my wife is supportive, but wasn't home). One mild spring day, I was sitting at our poolside patio wearing a tank top, women's khaki shorts, sandals and nylons. My stepdaughter came in the back yard and I had no avenue for escape, so I tried to be calm and we chatted for a few minutes. The outfit was fairly androgynous, butI can't imagine how she would not have noticed the stockings. She never said a word. Then a few months later, she and a girlfriend came home unexpectedly while I was sunning by the pool wearing nothing but a g-string. She politely closed the back gate and asked if she should come around front.

    We did talk about that one - not biggie. She apologized for surprising me and I apologized for surprsing her. Anyway, there were no adverse repercussions. I still don't dress when she's around, but I'm not quite so paranoid as I was before these incidents.

  21. #46
    Member JenniferLynn0370's Avatar
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    Well, I agree that it shouldn't really count if you don't care...that is how I was as a child until my teenage years. I played dress up, house, Mommy, etc with my Sister as we grew up and I was dressed as a girl every single time. I was "caught" by Mom on more than one occassion; she hardly seemed to care. Strangely, as I grew older (into my mid-late teens) I began to try to hide it and did have several close calls. I used to wear Mom's bras and I would stuff them with toilet paper. Well, one day I had just fastened the bra, spun it around and pulled the shoulder straps up and was just about to put the toilet paper in the cups when the phone rang. I ran over and answered the phone and it was Mom. We talked a few minutes and then I realized I needed to use the restroom. Next thing I know, Mom and dad are home and asking me about the two huge wads of toilet paper sitting on Mom's dresser (oh crap)!!! I thought my goose was cooked! Needless to say, I pawned it off as having gotten it from their bathroom for mine and said I set them down there when the phone rang. They said "ok", but I got "the look"...Blonde moment!!!

  22. #47
    New Member bostonbecky's Avatar
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    Not going to lie, for a while I would try and leave hints to my mother. I would wear her intimates then put them in the laundry, or risk getting caught just to have someone to connect to... I realized that was just stupid. However, recently she found a very revealing photo I had taken of myself... I thought I was dead but she must have subconsciously assured herself it wasn't me because no face was in it, and told me about it the next day pheww

  23. #48
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    I remember when I was married I had just started to dress again after quite a few years of putting it on the back burner and had desed wearing some black high heeled ankle strap sandals and black capi pants and a halter top. Well wouldn't you know it I fel asleep on the bed and when the wife came home after work and to change to go play co-ed softball she came upstairs and found me. Question was " WTF ", and she stated she was leaving me when she came home from the game. We went to dinner two nights later saying we could talk and of course she asked me if I was gay, to which I responded no and had made up the story that the clothes were from a halloween costume from years prior to meeting and being with her. I was under the impresion we were going to be able to talk about things and then she informed me she wanted a divorce. All said and done I later found she had been having an affair for 2 1/2 years. I have only indulged myself into this even further since then with stronger and stronger desires, which is what finally led me to joiniong here after luring in the visiting shadow for years, which by the way has cost me thousands of dollars to continue to emulate a female formand be comfortable when I do try and make myself presentable in public. It has been awhile since I have been out dressed because of other issues but unable to find the time and place because of my ever increasing work schedule and obligations with my daughter.

  24. #49
    There's that smile! CarlaWestin's Avatar
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    One of my best times caught was in my early years. I would go for drives late at night. I was going through a strip mall parking lot and the police pulled me over. I was all dressed up but definitely not at all passable. The officers had me stand outside the car and pose for Polaroid pictures. They said it was to check against known criminal pictures at the station (pre-computer days). Yeah, sure. Anyway, the female officer commented that it was strange that I was wearing clothing of the other gender. I quickly replied, "I'm not the only one cross-dressing here!" We all had a good laugh and I was free to go.

  25. #50
    New Member Joanna_81's Avatar
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    Thankfully I was never "caught in the act", but had several more-or-less close calls. Including one (some 3-4 years ago) when my Dad returned home unexpectedly (unfortunately, for financial reasons I couldn't move from family home :/ ) and I had to quickly take off everything below the neck - loose summer dress, strapless bra, garter belt, panties, stockings and shoes - in a single move - LITERALLY.

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