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Thread: Have you ever found another crossdresser while out and about?

  1. #51
    Platinum Member Read only
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    I saw the same person twice. Once leaving Costco with her S/O. Then again on public transportation with her S/O. Both times she was wearing the same outfit, which was inappropriate for anyone for the situation. I stayed in San Francisco twice for a total of seven weeks, and, well SF doesn't count. The two CD's together looked very attractive and dressed very tastefully. Given how dumpy a lot of GG's look in the work place these days, and, how attractive and tastefully dressed almost all of the posted pictures look here, I think many GG's would run you out of town on a rail. It use to be said that women dress for other women. Not any more. I think CD's as a group dress better. Personal opinion only.

  2. #52
    Silver Member Babeba's Avatar
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    I have, several times. There was a fellow who would come into a store I worked at and occasionally be wearing girl pants (which looked very nice on him, I might add) and once or twice he was in makeup. I could never figure out if it was because he was stylish, or partially dressed/coming off of a stage performance (he was in the fine arts). Nice guy though, and we usually chatted or at least smiled and waved when he came in.

    One of the librarians at the uni I did my master's in was a partial dresser - usually wore a skirt and nice shoes or boots; I heard a range of comments from other students about him, some disbelieving, mostly tolerant, one or two (generally students from India) who thought it was gross and that he shouldn't be working like that - but when I challenged them as to why (and if it hurt them or made them unable to study) they generally backed down. One of my friends had done her undergrad there, too - and she and some friends had kept a chart of how this librarian's mood corellated with his clothing. The more feminine the apparel, the happier, calmer, and more likely to be helpful and pleasant he was.

    I've seen a couple other partial dressers out there - men in skirts on vacation, mostly - and two very gorgeously exotic drag queens on the tube in London with their boyfriends (one of them sat on my luggage and kind of broke it, grr.) They were elaborate, exotic, and not quite fitted in with the everyday sort of look most of the ladies on here try to go for, so I'm not sure if they count the same way as someone really trying hard to pass?

    Another time I saw a lady waiting on a train platform at the same time as me who I thought might be a cross dresser on an errand. Very well dressed (I loved her outfit, especially her boots) but her feet were quite large, the hair seemed a little too bright and there was something about the side of her cheek... I did try to sneak a bit of a peek and try to be sure, but I think she saw me and hid her face a bit. I'm not quite sure.

    I also came across a gentleman who was VERY embarrassed to be in a female clothing store - I had smiled when I had seen him (to be polite, I do that to most everyone I make eye contact with) and a couple minutes later he came over and demanded to know if I was laughing at him. What do you say in a situation like that?! He could've been shopping for himself, or waiting for a wife... I settled with 'No, sir, I wasn't' and tried very hard not to look at him. I really hope I hadn't offended him!

    Another time I was shopping in a charity shop with my grandmother and my mom, and one of the ladies working there was a transwoman with quite a bit of a beard shadow starting to crop up. We talked about it a bit later that night, and I absolutely loved their reactions. My grandmother was quite oblivious and hadn't noticed she wasn't a GG; my mom thought it was great that this woman was being true to herself on the inside. Grandma asked a few questions about the whole process (not judgemental sorts of ones) and confessed she was very curious about it, and wanted to know more about transgenderism, but didn't want to be rude and prying and ask. Without trying to give anything away (my family doesn't know about Crystal) I tried to give broad answers based on what I know about transgenders (fortunately my family kind of takes it for granted that I am curious about a lot of stuff, and it didn't seem weird that I knew quite a bit about the topic.) I also encouraged her to go and ask that particular translady if it was okay for her to ask questions; I figure that would be alright as the translady in question wasn't wearing any foundation/beard cover and hadn't made any attempts to lighten her voice. My mom was also very encouraging about the topic, and (although she was hesitant about pronouns) is very much in favour of people being who they are on the inside and what makes them happy. It was a very good day, I think, because now I figure that if my mom and my grandma ever got wind of that part of my boyfriend it'd be just fine. :-)

  3. #53
    Silver Member linnea's Avatar
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    I don't know that I have. I've met some for coffee or shopping, but I've never just run into any--as far as I know. Like those whom I haven't run into, when I'm out, I just want to blend in (not sneak around but blend in) and feel that I'm normal. That may be why I've never "run" into any others.
    warmly, Linnea

  4. #54
    Member sami1952's Avatar
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    i met one online last year and we have been hanging together since then.really enjoy her company and even got intimate with one another.
    janielatb: I'm in love with the person inside me.

  5. #55
    Quietly making noise Torrey's Avatar
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    Three times:
    -once at the thrift store I frequent-no wig or makeup
    -There's one working at Wal Mart as a checker
    -I regularly delivered pizza to one in an apartment complex when I did that...she had every box she'd ordered stacked up against the dining room wall

    "Never laugh, and you will live to regret it.
    That's what living is to me..." - Jimmy Buffett

  6. #56
    Silver Member Loni's Avatar
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    not while i have been out dressed, but i have done a couple double takes, and it really was a gg. just a very manly face.

  7. #57
    Silver Member Maria 60's Avatar
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    I was walking the streets of Niagra on the lake Ontario when i seen a 6' foot 7' girl in a tiny mini skirt, i automatically turned to check her out, as we got closer i noticed it was a cd. I didn't know what to do, just froze didn't want him to feel uncomfortable.

  8. #58
    Aspiring Member Trish's Avatar
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    I've seen three crossdressers on different ocasions. All three make crossdressers look like clowns. They were dressed to really stand out. Two have been in Houston Texas, and one was in Kansas. All were laughed at by the people around.
    Last edited by Trish; 02-06-2011 at 08:33 AM.

  9. #59
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    I have seen three at airports two I read easy one I had to look closer other people
    I am sure noticed but didn't let on , another time I was driving with my
    mom and sister in the city and one crossed in front of my car i read her but my mom and sister didn,t ,which goes to show most people dont pay attention

  10. #60
    Silver Member victoriamwilliams1's Avatar
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    I have but we did not exchange comments. I have seen more while endrab and what is so funny is I think one of them I have emailed back a fourth a few times They did not even notice me endrab

  11. #61
    Member demibra's Avatar
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    I have had the fortunate opportunity to meet two wonderful sisters as a result of wearing a green rubber band on my left wrist. Both times I was in a Thrift Shop browsing for some feminine wear. I would suggest based on my experience, shopping on Monday or Tuesday in the mornings might find more of us out and about.

  12. #62
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    can you tell more about the rubber band ?

  13. #63
    Junior Member Wendy G's Avatar
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    I once saw a gal in a mall in NY. She was gorgeous and I was in total admiration of her confidence. She saw me gazing at her, and I'm sure she thought I was another gawker. I wish at that moment she knew how much I appreciated her beauty and strength.

  14. #64
    Gold Member Sometimes Steffi's Avatar
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    I went to the Maryland Renaissance Festival a couple of times en femme. I rented a wench costume there.

    The second time I saw a couple of other CDs dress in female period costumes.
    Hi, I'm Steffi and I'm a crossdresser... And I accept and celebrate both sides of me. Or, maybe I'm gender fluid.

  15. #65
    Member demibra's Avatar
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    I had heard that wearing a colored rubber band on your left wrist often sent a signal to others that you were interested in meeting with people with similar interests, and with me shopping for dresses and skirts in a thrift shop sent a strong signal as to what my interests were. As I mentioned before, I had two wonderful sisters (en drab) say hello which sparked a conversation and nice relationship. I am sure this would not have happened if not for the rubber band.

  16. #66
    Not so new of a girl Missy Tanya's Avatar
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    I walked into my favorite Wig Store as Tanya, and was greeted by the owner, I've never dealt with before. She ask if she could help me and I asked for my SA, Tami. She's busy right now with a client, are you related?? I thought for a second but didn't have a clue what she was talking about. So long story short, the owner helped me pick out many wigs and was in the main part of the store, as the private room was occupied. Shorty, the private room door opened and out walks a sister and Tami. Tami gives me a big Hello and that was that. I so wanted to get up and introduce myself to the CDer. But was just too shy I guess.

    Now I know what the owner was talking about, "related". It was a "Sister" in the room!!!


  17. #67
    Silver Member christinac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OccasionalSkirt View Post
    Has anyone found another crossdresser while just out and about? Besides when you go to a LGBT bar or club, I figure it's pretty hard to find one, and I've never run into anyone by chance.
    Every once in a while I'll happen across one in the Five points area of Jacksonville, but though it is becoming more common it is still just a once in awhile situation. There is a group of younger CD's on the southside of Jax, but to be polite, they are not my type crowd.

  18. #68
    Truth, Love, Freedom Angiemead12's Avatar
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    no sadly, I don't think Im out often enough!

  19. #69
    Member BethCD's Avatar
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    Larry, Check out Linnea and her posts. About a 1 1/2 yrs. ago?? she started a thread suggesting we all wear a rubber band (any color) on our left wrist as a way to indicate that we are CD. A "secret" sign. I haven't crossed paths with any yet but I'm still wearing and still looking.
    Oh, how I wish....

  20. #70
    content cindychan's Avatar
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    Somewhere very rainy and grassy.
    I don't see to many around my neck of the woods. I do see this one at Gem Faire almost every year (whom was nicely dressed).
    Bored? Try wearing a pretty dress. It's fun.

  21. #71
    My name is Carol Julogden's Avatar
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    I've occasionally seen CD's around here.

    My record is two definites and one maybe in one day. I had to go to a local drugstore about 8 in the morning, and while shopping noticed a rather tall woman wearing a rather dressy dress with fishnets and spike heels, closer inspection revealed that she was one of us. Later that morning, I took my dad to a local hospital where he had to go every week for treatments for a heart condition, and on the way out noticed a nicely-dressed CD talking to the lady at the information desk. Then I went to a local Borders bookstore on the way home and ran into a young girl who I suspect very strongly was a CD, not sure about her though.

    In the town I live near, there was a long-time resident who had been going out dressed since back in the 1960's, she was well-known around town, and I used to see her occasionally. I've seen a couple other CD's around here too, and a local Walgreens has an employee who has a woman's hairstyle, long, artfully painted nails and always wears eye makeup, but sometimes with visible beard stubble. And there used to be a very effeminate boy who always wore a little makeup and nail polish working the drive-up window at a local Burger King too.

    We're around, you just have to pay attention.

    My name is Carol.

  22. #72
    Senior Member UNDERDRESSER's Avatar
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    Usually, wearing a skirt somewhere
    Not sure, I've seen quite a few androgynous types, and just the other day, something about the girl across from me in the train had me wondering. There were some things about her that seemed somewhat masculine, but not anywhere near enough to be definite.

  23. #73
    Junior Member vaga505's Avatar
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    Yes, I was dressed out and about, makeing my way out of Wallyworld. People were moving through space all around. I glanced upon shoes with heels (not stillettos), I knowtaced how simlar we both were dressed (levies pants, comfertable blouse not to loud, hair tied back, and glasping our purses) we smiled at one another and went on with our day. It felt like seeing your self in the mirror, you look at some one else and its like looking at something from another world, but with her it is, we are sisters. It took a little time to figure this out, by then we most likely were shooting far into our distanations.

  24. #74
    New Member beth_30's Avatar
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    I'm where I want to be... maybe not where I deserve to be
    I'm 99% certain I saw a CD'er a few months ago. I only saw them from the back so can't be 100%.
    She was wearing a long coat, boots and a knee-length skirt, long hair with a bad blond dye job. From the back she could have been seen as just a poor (i.e. low income) woman. But there was something about the way she was walking and the reaction of people she was walking towards.

    Although I think she could have been better turned-out, she was clearly trying her best (and throwing herself some admiring looks in the shop windows) and I've not had the confidence yet to head out to a busy high street.

    I do keep a look out; but I live in a fairly conservative country.

  25. #75
    Member ColleenW's Avatar
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    I'm guessing that you don't mean just underdressed. Every once and a while I do see men who are obviously wearing bras but under male clothing.

    Twice I've met crossdressers while out and about. Once while shopping at Kohl's and the other while on a cruise ship. I was in one of the ship's hot tubs with some friends and this guy got in, in male mode but obviously a crossdresser, you could plainly see the marks his bra had left on his chest. Later I remarked to my friends that he was a crossdresser but no one believed me, even when I explained to them how I knew until we all saw him fully dressed on deck. What surprised me then and still surprises me now is how unobservant my friends were. It was then that came of the opinion that most people either don't notice or don't care when I'm dressed.

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