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Thread: Another coming-out-of-the-closet story

  1. #1
    Member Ms Mira's Avatar
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    Another coming-out-of-the-closet story

    No real purpose to this thread, other than to share my own recent coming-out-of-the-closet story.

    Hope you enjoy.
    The thought of telling my best friend and my (non-biological, but still lovely) sister (they’re a couple!) all about my “girl side” rattled around in my brain, as it often has for more than a year, and frightfully, it didn’t reject the idea… again. Egad, stupid brain! You’re supposed to be in charge of keeping the iron wall of secrecy around ‘mira’! Lately, I’d been in a permanent state of semi-freaked out, and realizing I can’t just hold things inside forever and still make good decisions. Sigh. OK, then, onto the matter of actually making the words somehow physically come out of my mouth; surely, I’d be more eloquent and composed if I wrote a letter…

    On the weekend, it was just my sister and I in the living room, and I knew this was as prime of a chance as I was going to get to actually be able to say what I wanted. It was all written down and everything! Of course, as soon as that dawned on me, my eyes began desperately darting around waiting for some sort of hole in the ground to open up for me to escape into forever. “So, what is it Conrad..? What’s your secret?” sitting on the couch she cheerfully asked me with a disarming grin.

    A couple weeks ago, I subtly hinted to her that I had something to reveal about myself. Except that it was so subtle she didn’t really get that there was a hint. A few days later, I suddenly blurted out that, maybe, just maybe, I was soon going to reveal something about myself. Whatever she was doing, she didn’t stop doing it. But, eventually, finally a spark of curiosity as I pretty much directly told her that… I had something big to tell her!

    I reminded her of this often over the past few weeks, playfully deflecting all lines of repetitively chirping questioning, because, well… I wanted to torture her for a bit and to make my announcement more momentous! I mean, this has been a PRETTY GODDAMN BIG secret that has tormented me since, like, puberty, so it was only fair that I get to dish some of that pain onto my loved ones… just for a bit. Plus, how could I EVER effectively make fun of her again, knowing she had the trump card knowledge of the fact that I like to wear g-strings and lipstick and call myself mira (and it actually only begins there)? It was a mild form of torture, all things considered, but of course even in those few weeks I lost sleep and I’m pretty sure she didn’t, so I didn’t even get my little bit of fun. UNFAIR.

    I thought that I was totally cool with myself, at least it felt like it before I reached the door, and I actually felt, (editor's note: hahahaha, idiot), I’d just say it gracefully, with gusto, because I was now Chinky Stardust, who was a genderless, raceless, ageless shaman outlaw! Of course, getting your brain to cut down all those fences it has erected to defend the words “I am a transvestite” from coming out of your mouth... It would have been easier to, I dunno, confess to shooting my dad with a crossbow or something. I opened up a carefully thought out document on my laptop of the letter I’d written confessing my transvestitic sins, and looked at her beaming face. Oh God. Did it have to be so beaming? ****ing Christ. I made my best pathetic puppy dog face, and it was pathetic, just hoping it might get me out of this somehow.

    The document was open in front of her! Now, I just had to read it. One… word… at… a… time. I started reciting it like a kid who just learned how to read trying to co-ordinate his brain and his mouth in front of his class. Of course, in my letter I’d made sure there were a couple paragraphs of rambling before I said anything of any consequence. That, combined with my stuttering pace, made sure to draw out this entire ordeal until I was sweating and having a nervous breakdown. Actually, the whole I AM A TRANSVESTITE thing didn’t really appear till the end of the letter and was a shockingly small portion of it. It did give me time to stop and make her pledge unconditional love again, however. After an eternity of dry mouthed, monosyllabic jumbles of words, I eventually did get to that dreaded point of the document.

    “I have…” Pause. She looked at me. I tried to hide from her inquiring eyes by looking at my computer screen, but all those earlier words were drowned out by one, just staring at my slanty-eyed face: transvestite. Puppy dog face.

    “You have..?”

    I just stared at her, trying to silently ask her to please love me. I knew I’d finally gone too far to back out of this now, that I couldn’t really get out of it, and that if I did, I’d be a dunce, and worse, I’d STILL be a transvestite. Unless…? Nope, still no hole in the ground. The clock kept ticking, even the damn thing thought I looked pitiable, and I was still sitting in that exact same spot, staring at her helplessly.

    “I…. have….” She was trying to piece it out, but I craftily worded it in a way where she wouldn’t be able to guess! Ha! Except for the flaw in my plan in that I would actually have to say it. “I…… I…… have….” I couldn’t help but glance up at her quizzical, amused expression. It’s like my girl side was conspiring with my sister to make me squirm. “I… have… g….” Why would you tell me I should do this, and then prevent me from saying the words, BRAIN?! It kept dragging the letters back in! I sat there and sighed aloud for dramatic effect. She looked at me, trying to find the words to reassure me.

    “You… like to have sex with animals?” She dwelled on that for a bit. “I mean, even if you did, it’d be a bit weird, but I’d still love you”. Did she mean that? I guess being a transvestite isn’t as bad as having sex with animals. I guess.

    “No… no… I don’t like having sex with animals…… That’s not it”, I replied, with perfect seriousness. “No sex with animals”, I reiterated, with a sweaty face. She smiled at my inability to even crack a corner of a smile. “I………… have……………. g…g…g…..” It was unfair how relaxed she was, using her genetic-female-multitasking skills to be amused at me melting down while simultaneously being supportive. Me, I was single minded in my inability to say the words. “Ggggggg…..” It wasn’t fair that I could feel all confident and then it could disappear completely like this. “End…er we..i…rd…ness.” Wait. Did I just say it? After all these years? Really? Well, kind of: she looked more confused than before. “Gender… weirdness” she asked herself?. It was probably because I said it like my brain was being sucked by a vacuum cleaner. And the description didn’t really tell her anything. “Jena, I have… gender weirdness”, I repeated. Puppy dog face. Please love me.

    Well, this was it. I was officially a transvestite weirdo now. I felt like one big raw nerve, my every thought and her every expression making me want to curl up into a ball. Of course, by not being a big-girl earlier and saying gender weirdness instead of transvestite, I had to clarify pretty much everything all over again, plus some. “Wait… So you like to sleep with transvestites?” she asked. “No, no… Well, actually, yes, but…” “So, you like to just wear outfits… Or like makeup and everything?” “Everything.” Pause. “Interesting.” She nodded at me and studied me for a second like I was a capibera or something. It would have been a nice time for that hole to open up.

    As she was digesting this information, turning away for just a second, I sat there, unable to move. My whole body was awash with a cluster**** of emotions, some classifiable, most not, and I was overwhelmed, emotionally over exerted. I feebly tried to escape, but all I could do was flop against the couch, trying to look dignified, helplessly waiting for a response. I sat there, and with all my might, tried to keep myself contained, which I’m normally really, really good at. But not today. A burning feeling of indignation, as I felt tears claw their way slowly out of my eyes. Oh no! I was really not going to be able to laugh at her uselessness for a while. Not only did she know that I liked to dress as a girl, but now, she had seen me cry too (to be fair, it was more like salty secretions were leaking from my eyes, not actual actual crying). C'mon.

    “Ohhh.” She startled out of whatever thought was drifting in her brain, wrapped her arms around me, and I was overcome with sisterly warmth. I felt my body and all those foreign emotions it was housing at the moment melting into a small puddle. I tearily blinked. It was a hug I actually felt inside my body, like my soul was being consoled by her sisterly-empathy-powers… I have to admit that her shaman powers are more potent than mine at the moment. It took a while to get there, but I had found a place far better than the hole in the ground.

    She looked me in the eye, and said, like she had just understood what I told her: “YOU like to dress like a woman”. Our eyes were locked, I couldn’t escape, and I looked at her flabbergasted, ready to protest. She just looked back innocently at me. Didn’t she listen to all those paragraphs I had written! I was a bi-gendered outlaw! A dual-spirited shaman! There was so much more to it! My brain searched for a rebuttle, but nothing came out when I opened my mouth. I looked at her again, forcing a shy little smile. More burning, mocking indignation. OK. I like to dress like a woman. I love it. I need it, actually… It’s this really important part of me! Me, who you love... right?!

    I was so tired, I didn’t feel elated really (that would be for later in the day); I just wanted to take a coming-out-of-the-closet nap. I was jarred back to my previous state of flooded by new emotions when, and I swear I didn’t even think of this in all the hundreds of times telling her in my head, she declared she was going to participate. I don’t really have a choice! I mean, I can’t just have a super-awesome girl side and not share it. “We’re going to have fun with this!” Big grin. Gulp. I guess my nervous times are pretty far from over. For the record, I also think at some point she said she was going to buy me a bejeweled bra. I don’t know what that is exactly, but I want!!!

    This moment had taken me like 15 years to get to, and really, there’s only one appropriate way to celebrate such an occasion… And that’s by being a transvestite….!

  2. #2
    Senior Member joannemarie barker's Avatar
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    that has to be one of the most intriguing and well written posts I've ever read well done sweetie you did a great job

  3. #3
    Gold Member
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    What took 15 years? writing all that?
    It takes a true Erin to be a pain in the assatar.

  4. #4
    Diamond Member Persephone's Avatar
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    On the road in an RV, homebase Texas
    Wow! What a wonderful special moment and what a great post! Congratulations on your courage!

    And besides, up until I read your post I'd never even known that they had capybaras in Toronto!

    "If you are living the life you want to live you've successfully transitioned to being the person you want to be." - Eryn.

    "If you truly care about me you should damn well want for me what I want for myself" - Michael Westen (Burn Notice)

    -.-. --.-/-.-. --.-/-.-. -../ Persephone™ and Persephone™ are trademarks of Persephone herself, accept no substitutes. The terms "en femme" and "en drab" originated with Marcia Sampson/Staylace (OBM).

  5. #5
    Lipstick Lez at heart!'s Avatar
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    Nice story with a great ending. But the best part is the skill in which it is composed. Wish I could write like that!
    God's finest work of art is that of a beautiful woman.

  6. #6
    Gold Member Cynthia Anne's Avatar
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    I have to agree with the other ladies, great story and great writing! And welcome out of the closet! There's so much more nice things to do out here! Enjoy!

  7. #7
    Silver Member linnea's Avatar
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    Thank you so much for sharing a wonderful post!
    warmly, Linnea

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    I cannot tell if this is a real story or not. It is a great one though. Is that you in the avatar ? Do you have a flickr page ? You look awfully pretty.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    That was really great!!!! I can really feel the hesitation, the apprehension, and even the "to numb to be happy"!!!!!!!

  10. #10
    Chickie Chickhe's Avatar
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    My point exactly...don't make a big deal about it. Just be who you are and say it in simple terms...'I like to dress up as a woman sometimes'.

  11. #11
    Hot Blooded Space People
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chickhe View Post
    My point exactly...don't make a big deal about it. Just be who you are and say it in simple terms...'I like to dress up as a woman sometimes'.
    I kinda think this is the best approach. At this point in my life and I really don't know a whole lot about my gender identity, and the prospect of having to tell close loved ones about being a transexual seems both possible and daunting...but at present, I can keep it within a carefully chosen circle of friends.

    There have been a few horror stories here about a 'coming out' gesture not finding receptive ears, and your post was both well-written and encouraging! I felt like I was in the room with you two!

    I've actually been mulling over the possiblity of coming out to a friend. Someone who wouldn't take it too seriously and with similar interests. I hope it goes as well as yours did!

  12. #12
    Gold Member DonnaT's Avatar
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    Has she seen any pictures yet? Reckon she'll be planning some shopping trips with you?

  13. #13
    Senior Age Member sissystephanie's Avatar
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    I guess the major question, Mira, is are you really a Transvestite, or are you a Crossdresser? A MTF Transvestite dresses enfemme in order to have sex like a female. A Crossdresser, of either sex, dresses because they like to, and just maybe for other reasons. For example, I am a MTF Crossdresser. I dress enfemme simply because I like the fit, feel, and look of feminine clothing. I have no desire to be a woman, just to dress like one. And I was married for almost 50 years to a lady who totally supported my CD activites. Although Transvestites and Crossdressers both wear the clothes of the opposite sex, they are 2 different types of people. So please decide which you are, since you are the only one who really knows!!

    Having said all that, I am glad that you came out to your sister. Being in the closet is no fun!! And apparently she still loves you, as it should be!! Best of Luck to you!

    Lady on the outside, but man underneath!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by sissystephanie View Post
    I guess the major question, Mira, is are you really a Transvestite, or are you a Crossdresser? A MTF Transvestite dresses enfemme in order to have sex like a female. A Crossdresser, of either sex, dresses because they like to, and just maybe for other reasons. For example, I am a MTF Crossdresser. I dress enfemme simply because I like the fit, feel, and look of feminine clothing. I have no desire to be a woman, just to dress like one. And I was married for almost 50 years to a lady who totally supported my CD activites. Although Transvestites and Crossdressers both wear the clothes of the opposite sex, they are 2 different types of people. So please decide which you are, since you are the only one who really knows!!

    Having said all that, I am glad that you came out to your sister. Being in the closet is no fun!! And apparently she still loves you, as it should be!! Best of Luck to you!

    "A rose, by any other name, . . . . ."

    Let's not too hung up on nomenclature. If you look, historically, and in many parts of the world still, transvestite and crossdresser are synonamous. It is mostly individual's conotations that have seperated the two words.

    It really doesn't matter what she calls herself, Mira knows who she is. A beautiful person who has a sister that loves her.

    "Talking is sharing. Listening is caring."

  15. #15
    Member Ms Mira's Avatar
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    Thanks for reading

    This actually happened a few weeks ago: I wanted to document this important event in my life, so I wrote what you see up there and decided I would share. Since then, I told my sister's fiancee as well (he's my best friend), and another female friend of mine. I can't say that I didn't stutter and stall in saying the words "I'm a transvestite" in those instances; it has been pretty comical every time, so nobody can really get mad at me. I seem to have accumulated a group of really open minded friends in which I have no fear grounded in reality that I won't be accepted.

    It feels great to be semi out: instead of feeling burdened by my transvestisism, I'm starting to feel empowered by it!

  16. #16
    The avvy pic isn't me
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    Quote Originally Posted by sissystephanie View Post
    I guess the major question, Mira, is are you really a Transvestite, or are you a Crossdresser? A MTF Transvestite dresses enfemme in order to have sex like a female. A Crossdresser, of either sex, dresses because they like to, and just maybe for other reasons. For example, I am a MTF Crossdresser. I dress enfemme simply because I like the fit, feel, and look of feminine clothing. I have no desire to be a woman, just to dress like one. And I was married for almost 50 years to a lady who totally supported my CD activites. Although Transvestites and Crossdressers both wear the clothes of the opposite sex, they are 2 different types of people. So please decide which you are, since you are the only one who really knows!!
    Is this really necessary Stephanie?

    Don't mind his reply Mira, it was a nicely written thread, and it is wonderful that you have such supportive folks around you.

  17. #17
    Banned Read only
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    Reading this epic dialouge was a real pleasure. You should be a writer.... really! You have a way of expressing yourself unlike anyone I've read here, and the length of this masterpiece did not get in the way at all but kept me glued to the plot. Go Girl!

    p.s. Oh and to keep up to date on terminology substitue the modern day term " crossdresser" instead of Transvestite. That has such a 50ish negative old fashioned predjudical connotation to it
    Last edited by Megan70; 02-07-2011 at 12:00 AM.

  18. #18
    Member AlisonRenee's Avatar
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    I had this discussion with my gg g/f yesterday - the difference between transvestite and CD. She also had that perception that the two were more distinct and that transvestism had more overtly sexual overtones. I guess that's a rather common perception. I told her that as far as I was concerned, the two were pretty much synonymous and that sexuality was another, separate issue.

    Call me either as long as you don't forget to call me if you're going shopping for outfits.

    [SIZE="2"]"You're as beautiful as you feel"... Carole King[/SIZE]

  19. #19
    Senior Member Christie ann's Avatar
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    excellent writing and congratulations on taking such a large step.

  20. #20
    Silver Member BRANDYJ's Avatar
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    I too think you did a very good job at writing this account of coming out to your sister. It brought back memories from about 30 plus years ago when I told my then girlfriend that I liked to wear women's clothes. It was the hardest thing I had ever done up to that point in my life. Since then, it has become easier and easier to tell anyone that I feel needs to know and that I trust with such personal information. That was before I clearly knew exactly what to call it. Back then, the only term I found was transvestite to describe my wanting to wear women's clothes. Today that term is rarely used and like Megan said, That has such a 50ish negative old fashioned predjudical connotation to it.
    I would suggest that you adopt the newer term that means the same thing and drop calling yourself a transvestite. There are those that still think they are not the same thing, and "transvestite" is considered worse then being a crossdresser since they fall back on that old 50's meaning when it was less out in the open that any males ever do such a thing.

  21. #21
    The avvy pic isn't me
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    I'm not sure about Canada, but i think all the acronyms beginning with T, are used the most frequently outside of the U.S. Tranny, T-girl, etc, etc.
    If Mira is comfortable with the terminology than what more needs to be said? Are we really going to get in the habit of telling others what labels should be used?
    But that was just my measly two coins worth.

  22. #22
    where's the stop button? Daenna Paz's Avatar
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    [SIZE="4"]Tomatoe / tomato ... semantics, all of it ... c'mon girls we are all in the same boat here ... so let's row together! <grin>[/SIZE]

    [SIZE="4"](Ducking now) [/SIZE]

    [SIZE="4"]Oh yeah ... loved your post!![/SIZE]
    Last edited by Daenna Paz; 02-07-2011 at 12:49 PM. Reason: operator error

  23. #23
    Member Ms Mira's Avatar
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    As for transvestite vs. crossdresser, well... It's a slight semantic difference, but I prefer transvestite.

    I accept the definitions at Transvestite: a person and especially a male who adopts the dress and often the behavior typical of the opposite sex especially for purposes of emotional or sexual gratification. Another one that I think adds something important: person with a strong desire to dress in clothing of the opposite sex.

    Crossdresser: to dress in clothing typically worn by members of the opposite sex.

    Being a crossdresser or crossdressing sounds like something you do: putting on clothing of the opposite gender. Which is true, but I think it's a pretty far ranging behavior, from the girls on this forum to a guy wearing a dress, but otherwise presenting as male, on Halloween to Monty Python. But, transvestite sounds more like somebody you are inside, something more all encompassing, from birth. You get emotional and sexual fulfillment from the act of crossdressing that others do not, even if they were to crossdress. You will have lifelong desires. One of the thoughts that motivated me to tell my sister is that, even if I went to the grave without dressing up or telling anybody, I would still be a transvestite; I'd still desire to dress and present as feminine, even if I never dressed up.

    Crossdresser sounds more like a euphemism to me, a more palatable word perhaps without the past "****ty" negative connotations of transvestite. I'd rather be accurate and honest though. And, hell, let's start changing what people think of the word transvestite anyway.

    Final thought: I think people underestimate or talk down the power of their sexuality. Like, you're a lesser transperson if you dress for "only" sexual reasons and not emotional. But, is there such a thing as "only" sexual reasons? I mean, your sexuality reaches deep down into who you are and your desires and yes... your emotions. If dressing up is the only way you will be satisfied sexually, that's a pretty HUGE thing that should affect your life decisions, no? I think that transpeople who are like "I like to dress up, but only for sexual reasons" are often (not all the time) trying to disassociate themselves from their transvestistic behavior in some way.

  24. #24
    mini kilted chick t-girlxsophie's Avatar
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    Yet another thread Hijacked by the "Transvestites are W*****S" brigade,I m happy to be called by either name.I AM a Transvestite,and can quite easily keep my hands out of trouble.again I find myself asking how can we ask for Acceptance,If we cant agree on what to call ourselves.Can we not just rejoice that Mira has found acceptance of what she does from someone close to her,how great you must feel Mira

    We look to Scotland,for all our Ideas of Civilisation-Voltaire


    A woman who loves to wear beautiful clothes is like a flower.
    A man who loves to emulate these women is a special flower-a rose
    Facebook:Sophie Johnson

  25. #25
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    Wow, what an epistle! Thankfully you got her past the sleeping with animals thing!

    But seriously, those of us who have come out to a sibling, parent or SO know the desparation that lead us to the revelatory moment, the apprehensions, the seemingly endless silence after those fateful words left our lips, (or by whatever media we used). Then...those unexpected smiles, the calm voice saying in many different ways, "it doesn't matter, I still love you."

    More words, like "We're going to have fun with this" are the frosting on the cake!

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