I hope you read this with an open mind, I have been at this for past 4 years and slowly developed this view of transgender condition and the evil but necessary labeling of sub conditions. I know, I know, we are not labels, but I have a need to separate the different aspects of this vast family of people involved in the struggle and joy of being transgender and perhaps, I honestly hope, this may help some to gain more clear understanding of their own life. I reserve the right to be wrong about everything but something tells me I am Right!
Tell me what do you think?
Stage 1
Person is experiencing sexual charge from an object (usually undergarment) of the feminine design and character. Wearer is visualizing him self as a feminine object of desire through fixating on worn garments. When garments not present, worn or imagined, personal identity of this person resumes male status. Also typically following orgasm, an immediate return to male status is imminent. This stage is specifically of only sexual nature.
Stage 2
Crossdressing fetish;
Wearing of clothing in combination or without, undergarments, to assimilate into and project an inner satisfaction of feminine character. Typically, person is dressed for visual affirmation and reflection of feminine character within.
All senses are involved, from touch and tactile stimuli, through feeling of soft or tight fitting clothing to visualizing a complete feminine being. This experience will be sexually charged and in combination or an extension of the first stage of fetishism.
Stege 3
Same as above but senses involved go beyond mere sexual and dwell well within gender identity which need an affirmation through visual stimuli. Person feels and assimilates the assumed feeling from within of being truly feminine in nature weather part, half/half or entire self. This stage in non sexual and wearing clothing of an opposite sex gives rise to feeling of completeness and true. Person at this stage of transgender condition has a desire to fulfill the transformation but the circumstances of life may interfere in such decision. Many will deny this aspect consciously from fear of unknown but subconsciously given freewill and smooth transition would not hesitate to start.
Stage 4
Wearing of garments becomes secondary, now the desire of change focuses on another layer of presentation and that is skin and body. Mere dressing becomes more of a camouflage and the desire to become true in nature to the feeling of femininity within and feeling of completeness needs partial or total assimilation of body sexual characteristics.
Now the feeling of sexual charge is not localized on clothing at all, in fact visual stimuli helps but does not complete the feeling of femininity within. The change of body characteristic is necessary for feeling of completeness.
All these stages are a progression of transgender road map. For some it may start at stage 4 and for some it may never go beyond stage 1, but through my own experiences the road map seems true and logical.
OK, as I posted further down here, after reading your conclusions I have REVISED my previously flawed speculation with the concrete findings of the science, and here they are:
here is my revised version of my initial post:
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
Stage 3:
Stage 4:
Stage 5:
Stage 6: