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Thread: I’m getting really sick of this…

  1. #1
    Complex Lolita...
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    I’m getting really sick of this…

    [SIZE="2"]OK – I was lurking last night, as I often do, and I noticed another round (or two) of closeted vs. un-closeted crossdresser “discussions” (let’s call them arguments). By my count, this is the fifth or sixth one we’ve had in the past few months, and I’m getting REALLY sick of this. It’s a complete waste of time, it’s divisive in the extreme, and it makes me want to blow up my own closet, remove this site from my list of "favorites," and find something more productive to do. Both sides of this discussion drive me to tears, and the fact that I have tears to shed is a clue to where I stand, namely outside of the so-called “community,” as well as both sides of this ongoing diatribe...

    I really wanted to pack it in last night and slip away unnoticed, but, against my better judgment, I thought I would write something about this nonsense before I move on. Call it a catharsis, one of many. It’s really disheartening to witness the rifts within the MtF section, time and time again, expressed within the thoughtful and thoughtless prose that passes for communication around here. This latest argument reminds me of all other forms of male one-upmanship, where the contest can be visualized as two (or more) un-tucked males waving their genitalia at each other across a gulf. Hey boys, how about prying those chips off of your shoulders to get in touch with something the clothes might represent? Leave the so-called “MOMENT” and look within – seek compassion for others who are unlike you, and try to understand that one size, or one circumstance, does not fit all. In short, drop the MALE, will you please?

    Leave the closet, get out and “educate” people about crossdressing? Great idea! I’ll explode my precious closet, turn myself inside out, and head out the door in my feminine finery. Let’s see – I need to explain myself to ten people, and they will in turn be so amazed by my eloquence that they will tell ten people about the wonders of crossdressing, and so on. Well, it’s hot out there, so I’m already ruining my fetishistic garments by being “out,” but let’s press on to please the other crossdressers who insist I must show myself. First of all, my sister will be very worried about me, since I will be placing myself in harm’s way. No matter – I’m on a “mission” for the community. Shall I skip over to my neighbor’s house, where the kids are playing in the yard? “That’s Mr. So-and-So, kids – he likes to dress up!” Yeah, that’ll happen. I don’t think I can look forward to any more fresh tomatoes from my neighbor’s garden, but sacrifices must be made...

    OK, I’m walking down the street, past an elementary school – I can’t go in there, though, since I represent an alternative form of behavior associated with sexual deviancy, akin to homosexuality, bisexuality, bestiality, and other forms of perversion, according to the purveyors of family values (i.e. parents). Next, I walk past a church, actually two churches on either side of a street – kind of like those two males I told you about earlier in this post, but I digress. I can’t go into either one of the churches and twirl about, trying to impress the congregation (if there is one – they may be at home, after all, staying cool), because I will once again bump into the moral scaffolding and family values I encountered back at the school – why bother banging my head against an impenetrable barrier? The conversation, if one took place, would go something like this: “I’m a male and I like to wear women’s clothing – see?” followed by, in response, “I will pray for you.”

    The next stop is the “Wellness Center.” What do you suppose will happen there, if I float into the “space” of the receptionist and declare my intention of educating all within earshot about my crossdressing? They may call the police, or they may attempt to “cure” me. Keep in mind where I live, please. I could walk into the local watering hole, no doubt populated by farmers, bikers, and overheated tourists, and tell everyone the virtues of being a sissy, with clothes to match, but what do you think would happen? Most of these people are the very individuals who beat me up in school, or they are the athletic descendents of those bullies, no doubt taught by their fathers to detect and eliminate queers, which is what I happen to be. I don’t foresee a captive audience in such a locale, in fact I would make a mental note of the exits at all times for a quick get-away. I can hear laughter, even from the few women present, with nary a drop of compassion for my chosen lifestyle. People do NOT wish to be educated about crossdressing – do you see a trend developing?

    Why don’t I just saunter into City Hall and present myself as God’s gift to gender agony? The last time I saw a gender-unspecific person pay his/her utility bill in this place, the clerk behind the counter made an expression that could best be translated as “IT’S A QUEER!” The clerk actually looked at me, trying to point out her revulsion to a “normal” looking person – too bad I wasn’t dressed up, or she could’ve reached a new level of bigoted disgust! Am I supposed to provide this service, as some form of education? Tell you what – why don’t I just walk into the police station and introduce myself? There’s not much going on in this town, and I’m sure the “boys” could use a good laugh – I guarantee that’s what will happen, while I’m being identified for future reference, that is. Maybe I should visit the local V.F.W. Hall, and show the assembled veterans what kind of freedom they’ve been fighting for – that’s bound to go over BIG, wouldn’t you say?

    If I manage to make it home in one piece, humiliated, dirty, sweaty, torn, and exposed as a threat to normalcy, I might just go underground completely and wait until everything blows over. The moral to this tale is that I am NOT perceived as a moral individual by the supposedly moral population. It's not fair, but I don't have the energy to fight the system, in fact fighting is abhorrent to me. I have been marginalized, but also created, by society, and I keep to myself to preserve all I hold dear. I’m amazed that more individuals on this site don’t feel that way, but sometimes the silence around here can be deafening. To me, “passing” is infinitely more important than trying to educate a reluctant public about something they wish didn’t exist, and inserting yourself into other people’s spaces in an effort to stroke your own crossdressing ego is not something I want to do – not now, not ever. I am meek, to be sure, but I do not wish to inherit the Earth – I just wish to practice my crossdressing in peace and NOT bother anyone…

    I came here to “discuss” crossdressing with other crossdressers, not bend individuals to my will like a male would do. I wish to tuck everything away and seek a separate peace for myself, but the presence of male attitudes in this section scares me. I “speak” for the MtF crossdressers who neither stay in the closet, nor go out very much – we express ourselves according to who we are, when we can, and we recognize that we don’t fit in very well, for better or worse. Same as it ever was, but I cannot endorse male behavior, no matter how you dress it up

    I wish to highlight this post by the inimitable docrobbysherry, which says it all:

    Quote Originally Posted by docrobbysherry
    1.I don't wish to look like a "man in a dress" or dress like the average woman my age. I HATE BLENDING! I want to look more like real women, but the WOMEN IN MY DREAMS!

    2. I don't simply "thro on" a few girlie items. I plan each dressing session for days or weeks! Each session takes 3 or more hours to prep for. I couldn't do this very often and it wouldn't be SPECIAL if I did!

    3. When I dress, I dress FOR ME ALONE! I don't EVER HAVE TO CONSIDER WHAT ANYONE ELSE THINKS! That means never having to compromise my look!

    4. When I DO go out dressed with other girls, out of consideration I dress vanilla to BLEND! And, I ALWAYS feel like I'm a spy in a disguise! Because THAT'S NOT WHO I AM! I'm Sherry! I'm: ridiculous, sublime, sexy, wild, crazy, famous, beautiful, semi-nude, classic, classy, classless, ANYTHING but vanilla!

    So, I admit I'm a COWARD! That I'm afraid! Afraid of MYSELF and afraid CDing may become ordinary, common, normal, something other than the VERY SPECIAL activity it is for me now!
    [SIZE="2"]Amen! To some of us, crossdressing is a special “event,” and I aim to keep it that way...[/SIZE]

  2. #2
    Silver Member kristinacd55's Avatar
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    Wow, kind of hard to respond lil head might explode. I agree with what your saying wholeheartedly, it's supposed to be "SUPPORTING" but I see so much negativity it makes me sick. Just don't leave here, I enjoy your thoughtful posts very much.....

  3. #3
    Silver Member Barbara Dugan's Avatar
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    Well said Frederique, I share your point of view.

  4. #4
    Just Kate Kaitlyn26's Avatar
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    It sounds like you need a girl friend more than anything. Do you have any?
    "I am the beginning and the end. I bring order into chaos. "
    "I never tell the truth, because I do not believe such a thing exists. Truth, is in the eye of the beholder."
    "Since my customary farewell would appear oddly self serving, I shall simply say, good luck."
    "We give no crap, and we take very little."

  5. #5
    Junior Member michelle2020cd's Avatar
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    love it, hate all the aruging

  6. #6
    Isn't Life Grand? AllieSF's Avatar
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    It is so true what you write. I go out when I want and am more than happy to encourage and help others who have not been out yet and want to taste the outside world. I appreciate that it is not for everyone, so each to their own. That being said, I too get tired of the maleness in other CD's and even TS's, that dictate their knowledge, opinions and instructions to others to do as they say and have done. I don't mind when people point out that one may find some pleasant and happy surprises if one tries it their way, or follows their recommendations. But to insist that others follow and accept their opinions, and then defend them with the same denigrating tone of writing calling other peoples' reasoning to the contrary "nonsense" does nothing but bring out the maleness (for us MtF's) that they cover up in female trappings. I truly believe that one should do that which they are comfortable doing, stretching their limits when they feel that is what they want and they think that they are ready for it. No one knows the specific conditions and situation that each of has have that influences our decisions and actions. Yes, some things are influenced by fears, real or imagined. But they should not be influenced by insensitive, testosterone filled rants by others.

  7. #7
    Silver Member
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    Why don’t I just saunter into City Hall and present myself as God’s gift to gender agony? The last time I saw a gender-unspecific person pay his/her utility bill in this place, the clerk behind the counter made an expression that could best be translated as “IT’S A QUEER!” The clerk actually looked at me, trying to point out her revulsion to a “normal” looking person – too bad I wasn’t dressed up, or she could’ve reached a new level of bigoted disgust!
    That made me laugh. In a kind of sick and twisted way I sometimes find the expressions on peoples faces when they realize, or are trying to figure out, what I am to be amusing. Especially the ones that have that look of revulsion and roll their eyes. You can get a little closer to really make them squirm. Or come back again.

    It is off the topic and it is something I should not find amusing because it is not why I am doing what I am doing and i really don't like making people uncomfortable like that. But when it does happen, I don't know why, but I am usually trying to hold back my laughter.

    On the topic I think people should do what they feel is right for them. It's pretty simple.
    Last edited by arbon; 08-06-2011 at 08:40 PM. Reason: spelling

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Could it be that this site is becoming "the real world"? I hope not...there are many good, understanding and kind women here...let not a few spoil it for us all!

  9. #9
    Gold Member
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    What you say is true; However, some of us here can not go out because we would look like a
    coal miner in a dress digging coal. Sorry Karren, But it is true. I my self would love to go out
    of the house dressed, But can you see a Paul Bunion in a dress, with a beard and an ax????
    Just remember, We are all different here, and that is what makes this forum a great place for
    all of us to share ideas, experiences, and comments.
    So please do not run away, WE all need each others help and good thoughts.

  10. #10
    Member Tess's Avatar
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    Well stated as always. I agree. I'm here to share experiences and interests, not change the world. I hope you stay. Reading your thoughtful posts and Karen's humor are things that keep me around.

  11. #11
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    Personally love all the drama. Especially since I didn't cause any of it!! Like a reality show.... The Real Housewives Want-a-be's of! Lol.
    Current Obsession - Breasts and Lingerie!

    .......My Photos

  12. #12
    General nuisance AliceJaneInNewcastle's Avatar
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    I find such arguments repetitive and boring, but tend to take the middle ground.

    I think that a sticky would probably be good at this point.

    Essentially, I see it this way. Some people are closeted and don't want to go out, some people are closeted and do want to go out but haven't managed to do so yet. Nobody should be telling any of them that they must go out for whatever reason, nor should anybody be telling them not to go out and using scare tactics or inciting fear to do so. The idea of this site is to be supportive of others, and hence it is appropriate that real stories of experiences both good and bad should be shared here.

    If people want to make up stories of fear and intimidation based upon their imagined worst-case scenarios, they should submit them to fictionmania, not post them here.

  13. #13
    To be, or not to be... ? Gaby2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frédérique View Post
    [SIZE="2"] I came here to “discuss” crossdressing with other crossdressers[/SIZE]
    Hi Freddy, thanks for another marvellous outburst!

    I'm sorry that you feel so disenchanted and for your tears.
    Nonetheless, I can't help feeling thankful for the initial debate, especially because it provoked your reaction.
    I find it kinda nice that you do a little more than just discuss...

    I was with you all the way on your hypothetical journey.
    Indeed it felt (su)really real.
    It really is an ill wind that doesn't blow some good, you know...
    even if it is only for the rest of us!

    Me being me couldn't help playing around with your moaning.
    I asked myself:
    Dare I suggest another scenario?
    Dare I look at you (and me) "out and about" from a different perspective?
    (Crossdressing says hello...)


    ... and there I was, virtuosely skipping along behind you in my heels and pretty dress as you set off down the road...
    "Oh look!" cried one of the school-kids, "there's Freddy".
    All of the kids ran to the railing.
    They were jumping up and down, happily screaming "Hi, Freddy!"
    You turned a little, smiled sweetly, gave a wave and continued on your way.
    The little tikes didn't even notice me!

    As you neared the twin churches a group of elderly people were formed in a circle on one of the lawns.
    They invited you to join them.
    One of the ladies took your hand before you could even answer.
    The sight of you practicing folk-dance and enjoying yourself no-end was unbelievable.
    I left you at it and sat on a nearby stone listening to the birds.

    A little while later, you were apologizing profusely for having to leave...
    you had an appointment at the "Wellness Center".

    The receptionist there beamed with delight as she noticed you coming in.
    She gave an admiring if somewhat cheeky comment about your outfit.
    You blushed.
    Everybody had been so looking forward to your next talk on crossdressing - I particularly enjoyed the various aspects you touched on in your own inimitable way!

    We spent some time together afterwards, chatting about this and that.
    Time just flew by. We parted.

    You told me later how you then went to pick up your best friend who works as a clerk at City Hall.
    What an afternoon you had - some Veterans were assembled in the Square getting ready for the upcoming commemoration celebrations. Your friend's Dad was among them and you ended up holding a banner for a while, just to help out.
    Everyone seems to know you in this town and you had such a good time.


    a simple creation...
    [SIZE="1"]When Irish Eyes Are Smiling... In the lilt of Irish laughter... When Irish hearts are happy... And When Irish Eyes Are Smiling... [/SIZE]

  14. #14
    Aspiring Member EllieOPKS's Avatar
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    So if posts like closeted vs not bugs you then why read the post? It is other people expressing opinion which they have the right to do. Your opinion is no better than mine and vice versa. If you have no tolerance maybe your thoughts of leaving the forum is the best thing for you.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karren Hutton View Post
    Personally love all the drama. Especially since I didn't cause any of it!! Like a reality show.... The Real Housewives Want-a-be's of! Lol.
    If you bring the popcorn, I can have the sodas ready. And please, not too much salt this time.
    It takes a true Erin to be a pain in the assatar.

  16. #16
    Aspiring Member
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    Frédérique, i've quit lurking and logged on just to say BRAVO. I couldn't agree with you more. There does seem to be a lot of one-upsmanship going on lately.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by busker View Post
    Frédérique, i've quit lurking and logged on just to say BRAVO. I couldn't agree with you more. There does seem to be a lot of one-upsmanship going on lately.
    Oh yeah? well I know this one forum, with a lot of THREE-upsmanship going on!
    It takes a true Erin to be a pain in the assatar.

  18. #18
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    Somewhere near the "Umber" but not "Ull"
    Surely by posting such a rebuttle of the differing arguments regarding in or out is perpetuating the "debate". You do have a control on this matter it is called "logging off".

    Our own rules allow such posts and provided they stay within the rules each thread/post has a valid place on this forum.
    Listen carefully to what is said, quite often you can hear what is not being said

    The joy of correcting a mistake can bring pain to another

  19. #19
    eluuzion eluuzion's Avatar
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    Please push button before proceeding...

    Spank, ah...I mean Thank you for providing further evidence on a couple of personal theories of mine...

    1)The only real support you can count on is that provided by your pantyhose...

    2) Sometimes the only noticeable difference between adults and children is their height. Adults typically are taller.

    Life is just one big sandbox.

    You did a nice job of highlighting the real world consequences that exist when you leave the Disneyland world of the internet, where actions do not seem to produce logical consequences...

    If you are not making a living in a literary connected field, I think you are missing your calling. Just my opinion...

    Now, eat your vegetables and get out of my sandbox!

    Last edited by eluuzion; 08-07-2011 at 03:28 AM.

  20. #20
    The Girl will Out! Kaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nigella View Post
    Surely by posting such a rebuttle of the differing arguments regarding in or out is perpetuating the "debate". You do have a control on this matter it is called "logging off".

    Our own rules allow such posts and provided they stay within the rules each thread/post has a valid place on this forum.
    Thanks Nigella, I personally find the debates as informative as they are irritating. It would be a shame to start censoring debates that touch the essence of who we are. Then it would become just a reality show!

    Freddie, I love all your posts - for the well articulated views and the insights - and I share your views on this post, except that I also agree with Karren and others but I can't help chipping in every now and again to defend the right of people to stay in the closet if they so wish.

    If this basic human right offends part of our community then tough. Rather than see a unified CD community all hell bent on changing society's view, I would go for diversity every time. Can you imagine there only being one genre of music, novel, painting, sculpture, etc...?
    Kaz xx

    __________________________________________________ ____________

    This Woman Within is Flying without Wings

  21. #21
    </3 CatAttack's Avatar
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    Frédérique, first off, I want to say that I always enjoy your posts; they are very thoughtful and well written. I will agree with you that it is wrong to tell other people what to do, but on the other hand we can't censor debates. Debates are the life of forums and it helps one to see all the different points of view. That said, I think you've made a great point and that not everyone desires to be out. Well, actually from your post you seem to desire so, but circumstances have prevented you. But such is how it is, and some people say "who cares?" and go out anyway, while others remain in hiding for the rest of their lives. It's personal preference really, but in my opinion I think in the long run, going out would be healthier.
    Last edited by CatAttack; 08-07-2011 at 05:58 AM.
    like shooting stars in a barrel

  22. #22
    Complex Lolita...
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    [SIZE="2"]I was thinking of adding three other “stops” on my journey through the small Kansas town where I live, but I ran out of room. I was trying to visualize where I could talk to people about crossdressing, and my little tale is an accurate representation of where I live. I could’ve visited the local nursing home (and it's semi-captive audience), not too far away, but it is associated with the local college AND the local churches. I could give a talk about crossdressing over at the local college, of course, but it is also closely aligned with the local churches, and all matters of faith – they did have a brief get-together of some sort for TG individuals a couple of years ago, but it was barely mentioned and poorly attended. In other words, the prevailing mood is “Don’t ask, don’t tell...” I could also go to the local market, and slip my crossdressed self in among the fruits and vegetables, chatting up the shoppers, but I’m sure the manager would be summoned, and my picture would soon appear on the bulletin board – “HAVE YOU SEEN THIS INDIVIDUAL?” I can hear the locals howl, “Get a stick and kill it!” Just telling you how it IS, that's all...

    Quote Originally Posted by EllieOPKS
    So if posts like closeted vs not bugs you then why read the post? It is other people expressing opinion which they have the right to do. Your opinion is no better than mine and vice versa. If you have no tolerance maybe your thoughts of leaving the forum is the best thing for you.
    [SIZE="2"]It bugs me because it’s the umpteenth “discussion” along these lines, and I tend to read things my friends have written, whether I agree with them or not. Everyone’s opinion on this board is equally valid, but I get highly disturbed when stubbornness replaces flexibility as a debating tool. It’s also downright disgusting when one member projects their opinion from a perceived position of superiority, denouncing someone’s little share of personal paradise as a way of stroking one’s ego – since that kind of thing is allowed, I thought I would “speak” up and let others know what this section looks like from No Man’s Land...

    Saying that I have no tolerance tells me YOU don’t have any tolerance for people you disagree with, but don’t get me started. To paraphrase something Gaby2 once wrote, I assess my “place” on this forum daily – I can do without these meaningless, counter-productive attacks on other member’s personal relationship to crossdressing, OK? I don’t understand why anyone would take the time to do such a thing...

    Quote Originally Posted by Nigella
    Surely by posting such a rebuttle of the differing arguments regarding in or out is perpetuating the "debate". You do have a control on this matter it is called "logging off". Our own rules allow such posts and provided they stay within the rules each thread/post has a valid place on this forum.
    [SIZE="2"]May I point out, dear moderator, that saying something like, “You hide because you fear, your choice, plain and simple,” only pours gasoline on the flame war about to take place? I thought the mods were supposed to shepherd the discussion towards pastures of civility, not inflame and incite the proceedings. I get the feeling that you (and others) want to perpetuate this rift between those who stay in the closet, and those who insist we get out and “educate” the unenlightened – how else can one explain the plethora of threads that deal with this divisive topic? “Logging off’ is exactly what I do when I don’t like the tone of the give-and-take around here. I think there are much better things to discuss, if you ask me, and marginalizing certain types of crossdressers within the “community,” or the MtF section, where many individuals seek support and reassurance for their chosen lifestyle, is just plain wrong...[/SIZE]

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaz
    Freddie, I love all your posts - for the well articulated views and the insights - and I share your views on this post, except that I also agree with Karren and others but I can't help chipping in every now and again to defend the right of people to stay in the closet if they so wish.
    If this basic human right offends part of our community then tough. Rather than see a unified CD community all hell bent on changing society's view, I would go for diversity every time. Can you imagine there only being one genre of music, novel, painting, sculpture, etc...?
    [SIZE="2"]I unfalteringly defend the right of those who wish to stay in the closet, along with the rights of all crossdressers, which means I also must begrudgingly defend the MEN in women’s clothing, and their need to dominate the proceedings when they see fit. I don’t need to project myself as a “better” form of crossdresser to anyone, nor do I wish to confront those who think they’re superior to me, but there is a beautiful thing called civility, and it’s very easy to hurt the feelings of others around here. Like I say, every circumstance is different, so I would like to advise those who insist on a certain “position” to look around, pull back, and entertain some compassion – the clothes might help...

    Diverse is definitely the best moniker for this community, and being aware of this diversity is the key to understanding, not only for the public, but also for the interesting individuals who have been gathered under one roof for convenience – we might as well make the best of it, not look for differences to exploit in the name of self-aggrandizement. Speaking of the different genres in art, I am a visual artist, and I automatically like all artists, no matter what level of expertise they may demonstrate, or what type (or school) of thinking they may adhere to. I COULD go out in public and give a talk about art – I may even be able to convince a few stoics that art is a worthwhile activity, but, much like I do with my crossdressing, I would rather stay at home, in my studio, creating images that give me great pleasure. Other, more outgoing artists wouldn’t dream of chastising me for my insular lifestyle, so why can’t the “out” crossdressers understand the closeted variety? I don’t get it...

  23. #23
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    Somewhere near the "Umber" but not "Ull"
    Quote Originally Posted by Frédérique View Post
    May I point out, dear moderator, that saying something like, “You hide because you fear, your choice, plain and simple,” only pours gasoline on the flame war about to take place?
    And pray tell what is wrong with such a simple statement, we all hide from our fears, in everywalk of our lives. I fear the gunman in the street, therefore I hide from him, I fear the strike of a lightening bolt, therefore I stay indoors and hide from it. It is my choice to hide from these fears, simple.

    I thought the mods were supposed to shepherd the discussion towards pastures of civility, not inflame and incite the proceedings. I get the feeling that you (and others) want to perpetuate this rift between those who stay in the closet, and those who insist we get out and “educate” the unenlightened – how else can one explain the plethora of threads that deal with this divisive topic?
    Just like every person who signs onto this board I AM A MEMBER. I have to abide by the same rules as you and all the other 1,000s of posters. I have the right to post, within the rules, and am subject to moderation just as everyone else is. I guess you forgot to read my signature

    The comments made on the forum are those of Nigella the forum member, not Nigella the Moderator
    If I post as a Moderator I always add this to a post MODERATION HERE. So just like you I am entitled to my opinion.

    “Logging off’ is exactly what I do when I don’t like the tone of the give-and-take around here. I think there are much better things to discuss, if you ask me, and marginalizing certain types of crossdressers within the “community,” or the MtF section, where many individuals seek support and reassurance for their chosen lifestyle, is just plain wrong...
    Just as you think there are better things to discuss, so do other members here. This forum is a cross section of the human race, just as RL is. I think though, that you believe that the in the closet, out the closet, issue is worth pursuing, otherwise why start this thread?? All you have done is keep the topic open, with an opinion on why staying in the closet is right for you, then castigating others who do not agree with you.
    Listen carefully to what is said, quite often you can hear what is not being said

    The joy of correcting a mistake can bring pain to another

  24. #24
    Be free - overcome fear!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nigella View Post
    All you have done is keep the topic open, with an opinion on why staying in
    the closet is right for you, then castigating others who do not agree with you.
    Well said Nigella!

    I believe that if the OP would like to really get some peace about all this, then maybe they should start
    to appreciate that other people, especially the TS folk on this site have differing opinions to CDers. And
    as you know Nigella, 'I could' sit here all day too if I was so inspired & post a good argument about why
    coming out of the closet was the right thing for me, but the key here is to agree to disagree & walk away.

    If I got so annoyed by everything I seen & didn't like on this forum then I am 100% sure I would be a total
    nut-case & wouldn't be where I am now, which is totally at peace with myself & living life freely to express
    myself as the person I truly am. And if the OP had ever visited such a place where I am now in my own head,
    then I am 100% positive the OP would NOT still be in the closet now - because from my own experience once
    I let Melody out of her cage, there was no way that she would ever go back - personally I would rather die!
    Last edited by Melody Moore; 08-07-2011 at 08:34 AM.

  25. #25
    Silver Member Tina B.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    North Coast of California
    To quote Roddy King, "Can't we all just get along", in the closet or out, don't you think if it's important for you to do it, you will, and if it's not important to you, who really cares?
    I get dressed up, and sneak out to the car, go for a drive, and I feel sick inside every time a car passes me, will they see what I really am, will I be read. This feeling while in a car by myself, tells me there is no way I would or could really go out in public. I'mperfectlyy happy at home in my closet, for those that are out, I applaude you, but I have no desire to join you. You have fun your way, and I will fill my basic needs to dress my way. The rest of it is open to discussion, but I'm not going out!
    Tina B.
    Magic is the art of changing consciousness at will.

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