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Thread: A few fun interactions at Ulta

  1. #1
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
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    A few fun interactions at Ulta

    I went to Ulta today for my usual bi-weekly gabfest and makeup playdate. My favorite person there is about to deliver, and she was training a new girl. She gave her the usual, "See him? This is our favorite customer. Be very nice to him when he comes in!" talk. I of course, rolled my eyes and said "whatever." She said, "You say 'whatever' but you know it's true. We all love you here."

    A lady came in while we were chatting, saying that she was ready for a change. She was about to be a grandmother, and wanted to fight that perception tooth and nail. I told her that she didn't need to worry, and that she was gorgeous, but agreed that we could get very stuck in our makeup routine. I showed her an eyeshadow palette in browns and said, "Let me guess, these are your usual colors." She agreed, and I said I was the same way until the ladies here helped me break out of those "safe" colors. Before I knew it, I was asking her what she wanted to change, and cautioning her about going overboard - maybe making small changes that really added up. Midway through, I see the manager smirking at me and glancing at the new girl. I apologized, saying that I should probably let the pros take over, and not a mere customer. She laughed and said I was doing great and that she thought that I worked there. The manager chimed in, "Oh, we've tried to hire him - he's awesome - but he claims that being a geek is even more fun than makeup." I told them that I was going to look around and let the pros do their magic.

    I was browsing around the Laura Gellar and trying a foundation on my hand when I saw a gorgeous blond reach for something. I moved out of her way and excused myself. She said it was no problem, and didn't want to get in my way, because it looked like I was having so much fun. I agreed that makeup was pretty darn fun, but said that it was too bad that I didn't get to wear it more. She looked a bit closer and said "well, you're wearing mascara and lipstick now (wow, she noticed that?! I thought I was under the radar), and it looks pretty hot on you. Are you saying that you want more?" I told her that sometimes, yes, I did. She said, "That's totally up to you. You can do whatever you want. That's a lesson that took me awhile to learn, but I'm a big believer in it." I agreed and said she was a smart woman.

    We both were then looking at eyeshadows. She said that she was looking for a fun palette. I took her over to Tarte's area and showed her a few of the newer ones. We both gushed over some of the colors, and I showed her how buildable they were. She had a three-pack of Lorac shadows in her basket. I said they were cute, and she said that she really liked them for the shimmer, but were pretty expensive. I told her about an Urban Decay shadow (the Starshine line) that I used as a "sparkle overlay." She said I had to show it to her. I took her over and swept it onto my hand where we had tried another shadow, and she loved the sparkle. She said, "Like, is this your day off or something? Do you work here?" I told her that I got that question a lot. I just said that I loved makeup, and that this place was like a candy store and playground all in one. She said, "You got that right, girl!" That was odd. I'm dressed as a guy, and she calls me girl as naturally as you please. Did she think I was transitioning or something? Gay? A very ugly girl? It was both odd, and oddly pleasing.

    She bought the Urban Decay eyeshadow (thanking me for saving her money) and said goodbye, and that she hoped to see me again. I went back to the front where the makeover was still in progress. I immediately complimented the woman on how flawless her skin looked. She was used to a mineral makeup, but wanted something more. I told her that this foundation will probably feel much heavier than she was used to, but it was worth it for the glow it brought to her skin. We all chatted more about favorite mascaras, the 'right' color of eyeliner and mascara, and more. Eventually, she left with a new primer, foundation, shadow primer, and pressed powder - and she left happy. The manager turned to the new girl and said about me, "Did you hear how he did that? He asked questions, made them feel at ease and beautiful, and gave little hints about things they could do to experiment in the future." I said, "Gee, I hope I didn't overstep my bounds! I never want to make your customers feel that 'there's this weird guy in the store' or anything." She said not at all, and that was why they loved me - because I was so nice, because it was obvious how much I loved makeup, and that every customer they had talked with had nothing but nice things to say about me. "Besides" she added, "we all know that you're not a 'weird guy.' You're all girl - or at least 70% or so."

    So, all in all it was a very nice lunch hour (or so). I got to not only play with makeup, but I also got to interact with people where my passion allowed me to be included, and not shunned. Not a bad day, if I do say so myself.


  2. #2
    Member Tahiri's Avatar
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    Well Kathi I have to say sounds like you had a great time, helping out with what,from what you have written is something you totally enjoy
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  3. #3
    Diamond Member Persephone's Avatar
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    How fun, Kathy!

    I'm really surprised that they didn't give you a cut of the commission on those sales! Maybe a free mascara or something.

    When I get to your neck of the woods someday I'm going to that Ulta and I'm gonna insist they get that "weird guy" to do my makeup! I'll tell 'em that I know they keep him back in the storeroom or someplace and that he's the only makeup artist I want.

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  4. #4
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
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    Right there. To your left. No, your LEFT! Yes, that's it. Hi.
    Thanks, Tahiri! I do enjoy it - maybe not as much as our resident makeup geek - Karren - but makeup is pretty much a blast.

    Barbara, you wouldn't want me doing your makeup. You'd look like a four year-old drew all over you with the bog box of crayons! Plus, who needs a cut of the commission? I've got something worth much more to me - friendship.

    Last edited by Kathi Lake; 09-16-2011 at 05:18 PM.

  5. #5
    Happy to be me!! S. Lisa Smith's Avatar
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    It is wonderful that you are so comfortable at Ulta!! I'd love for you to give me some advice. I love MU sooooo much, but I am kinda a stick in the mud. I have a woman who works at the Sephora in Richmond, VA who helps me a lot, but it's two hours away (gets expensive too) so I don't go often. In fact, if I went in biweekly, I wouldn't have any money at all...

  6. #6
    Bluegrass Diva Savannah Daniels's Avatar
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    While I don't have a "go-to-gal" at Sephora (yet, wink), I do have friend at Macy's. She's very helpful and if I need something at another counter, she walks me over for a "warm handoff." She rocks!
    Have another regular at Dillard's for Dermablend....

  7. #7
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
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    Right there. To your left. No, your LEFT! Yes, that's it. Hi.
    Lisa, it's not that I'm comfortable at Ulta, it's that I'm comfortable around people. Period. I'm not doing anything wrong, so I don't feel bad 'playing.' Others must see it because for the most part, I get treated just like any other customer - by staff and customers alike. Maybe I'm pushing out some 'girly vibe' or something. I don't know. All I know is that makeup is fun. Fun is contagious.


  8. #8
    Gold Member
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    Sounded like a fun time at Ulta Kathi. I go to an Ulta nearby for haircuts (styling) and usually do a little shopping for a few things at the same time. Everyone is always very nice and every once in a while, as I make my purchase, I'll sometimes get a little smile from the cashier, but I've never had experiences like yours. Maybe I should go there more often! Too bad you live so far away. I bet it would be fun to accompany you sometime!!!!

  9. #9
    Gold Member Cynthia Anne's Avatar
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    In the past eight months, I've been reading your different post and always enjoyed them! This thread shows just how amazing you are Kathi! Thank you for sharing! Hugs!
    If you don't like the way I'm livin', you just leave this long haired country girl alone:

  10. #10
    Member Amber_Lynn's Avatar
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    I've often wondered how a guy would do at make up sales. Women may not be as threatened by him and the CD community would probably be more comfortable talking to him. And if he's attractive I would be more women would be inclined to buy from him.
    Don't be a drag, just be a queen

  11. #11
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
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    Right there. To your left. No, your LEFT! Yes, that's it. Hi.
    Quote Originally Posted by Amber_Lynn View Post
    I've often wondered how a guy would do at make up sales.
    They've often told me I would do fine - better than them, or so they say. Of course, I just put that down to typical female undervaluation. It's so sad, sometimes. I'll come in dressed and they say that I'm prettier than them, that I make them feel ugly, etc. - and yet these women are sooo stinking intelligent, gorgeous, perfect, and utterly feminine that I just had t know what they were thinking. One day, I stopped them after the usual compliment blizzard. I said "OK ladies, enough of this. I have to know. Why do you think that I'm more attractive than you?" They hemmed and hawed a bit, but I pushed, and one of them said, "Well, for one, you're wearing a size 0 pair of pants. I have never, could never fit into those if my life depended on it." Another one chimed in that she really loved my legs. I reminded her of their boniness and total lack of curves. I said, "It's like you took two sticks and put them under a skirt." She said, "Yeah, but they're skinnier than mine. Heck, my arms aren't as skinny as your legs!"

    After a few more features were discussed, I said, "OK, I think I have it here. You're telling me that if a person has one feature that looks better than one of yours that they're automatically prettier than you?" They thought about it a bit and kind of sheepishly agreed. I reminded them that every one of them was an incredible woman, and that as a whole they were beautiful people inside and out. One of them asked, "Do you have a brother?" That got some laughs. I told them that I did indeed have brothers, but they weren't anything remotely like me. One of them then said, "Well, tell your wife that I'm next." We laughed and I said, 'Oh, I'll be sure to mention that to her. I'm sure she'll take that really well."

    So, it's funny how the concept of attractiveness comes from where you least expect it. I mean, I think I make a pretty ugly girl. Sure, I'm thin, but that face! Ewww! Still, they keep persisting that I'm cute, like this Facebook exchange from yesterday about a Halloween costume:

    I guess beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.


  12. #12
    between worlds... steftoday's Avatar
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    you so rock, Kathi. great thread! I would love to try a MAC counter, or Sephora, or Ulta...

  13. #13
    Style Icon Sara Jessica's Avatar
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    Alright, so when next spring rolls around and I find myself having to drive up to Utah to pick you up for DLV, you have to promise to take me to this Ulta !!!
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  14. #14
    Gold Member
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    Thank you for breaking all the new girls in. I will have to meet all of them this time instead of just a few.

    Sara, when you come, I'll do my part to try and talk her into going.

  15. #15
    Silver Member Tina B.'s Avatar
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    Kathi, your post always rock, yes you are cute, because cute comes from within, not from the outside. You are thoughtful, and fun, and that's most of cute right there. If you ever need a part time job, you would be good at it, I think you and Karren may be the two biggest make up geeks we have around here. And I believe you are being modest, as to your ability to do a make over for some body, your make up always looks so nice in your pictures.
    Tina B.
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  16. #16
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
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    Right there. To your left. No, your LEFT! Yes, that's it. Hi.
    Quote Originally Posted by steftoday View Post
    I would love to try a MAC counter, or Sephora, or Ulta...
    . . . and what - exactly - is stopping you? Oh, that's right. It's you! Stef, you can do this! Remember, they love makeup or they wouldn't be there. You are not the first, nor will you be the last guy they've helped. Just go in and ask for a color match of a foundation that covers well. They'll be happy to help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sara Jessica View Post
    . . . you have to promise to take me to this Ulta !!!
    Promise. Heck, pinky-promise!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sue View Post
    Thank you for breaking all the new girls in. I will have to meet all of them this time instead of just a few.
    Yeah, it was quite a turnover. Most of them went to the new store in Farmington (it's amazing there!!) and I'm slowly breaking them in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tina B. View Post
    . . . your make up always looks so nice in your pictures.
    Thank you! I have worked long and hard to get where I am. I still have quite a ways to go, but that's part of the fun in and of itself.


  17. #17
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    Kathi, I'm sure you'd be a success at whatever you do - you seem to exude a genuine enjoyment of life. In my much more limited forays I've also found that if I smile and show enthusiasm, I get the same response from others.

    BTW-There was a guy working the counter at Ulta last week when I shopped there, but only ladies were working the floor at the time.

  18. #18
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
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    Right there. To your left. No, your LEFT! Yes, that's it. Hi.
    Quote Originally Posted by kimdl93 View Post
    . . . you seem to exude a genuine enjoyment of life.
    Thanks! Life, as I've often said, totally rocks! What's not to be happy about?

    Quote Originally Posted by kimdl93 View Post
    There was a guy working the counter at Ulta last week when I shopped there, but only ladies were working the floor at the time.
    We actually have two new guys at my Ulta. They normally work the register and occasionally the floor. A funny thing I noticed? When they both started, they were clean-shaven. Now both sport beards - I'm sure as 'insulation' against the girliness that pervades the place, and an attempt to distance themselves from all that icky makeup.


  19. #19
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathi Lake View Post
    Thanks! Life, as I've often said, totally rocks! What's not to be happy about?

    We actually have two new guys at my Ulta. They normally work the register and occasionally the floor. A funny thing I noticed? When they both started, they were clean-shaven. Now both sport beards - I'm sure as 'insulation' against the girliness that pervades the place, and an attempt to distance themselves from all that icky makeup.

    The guy at the nearby Ulta was bald - probably using the same logic in a slightly differnt way.

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