I wandered into Google Images to get an idea of how many male-mode images of me were floating around by searching on my male name. Turns out that images of me hard not easy to find, but my name occurs on pages that have images of other people and Google has marked a number of them with my name. Some of the images were images of women.

So I turned to some amusement, and started looking though images Google had picked out, trying to decide which of them I would like to look like -- if they are tagged as me, they might be me, right?

I looked through and noticed that one of them was a nice looking Northern-England or Scottish or Irish lass. Strawberry-red hair, freckles, long jaw, but not the alabaster-white skin common with the Irish. Not someone that most might immediately pick out as "beautiful", but I think I could be quite content to look like her. If my assessment is right, the greatest historical barrier to my looking like her would be that our ancestors were likely on different sides of one of the several Scottish religious wars. (Unfortunately I did not manage to figure out who she was: the page Google pulled the image from has no obvious images beyond trademark icons.)

I kept looking through the images, and found another one and said "Wow!" to myself. It was an image of a beautiful sexy woman who happens to have the same last name as I do. I did some cross-searching and found that Yes, indeed, she is star-quality, a celeb singer from an all-female band. The sort of appearance that would fuel many a fantasy.

Now, when I first saw her picture, I told myself, "Oh my, would I ever like to look like that!!". Interestingly, though, after I'd looked and found more entrancing pictures and found out how popular she was, I realized that I would not like to look like her after all, that I wouldn't be able to handle looking that good! I am fundamentally a cozy-chair-and-book kind of person, not a pursued-by-tabloids kind of person!

I would link to an image of her, but alas our shared last name is sufficiently uncommon that knowing it would pretty much give my legal name away.