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Thread: Too Damn Tall :(

  1. #26
    Member Lyric's Avatar
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    I don't think you have to apologize, Reine. I'm frequently impressed at the quality of good advice you give here and all readers benefit. You could probably make a living at it.

    ~ Lyric ~

  2. #27
    Just a touch of class Lynn Marie's Avatar
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    [SIZE="4"]The funny thing is that you answered all your own questions, etc. in your rant. So why did anybody bother to post responses? It makes me laugh. Why did you rant in the first place?

    So you won't pass. Boo hoo, hardly any of us will really pass. Find a club, put on your favorite heels and go party with your friends and the other big girls. That, and a few other things are what I do to get out. I've learned to tailor clothes from thrift shops, and I've styled my look for what is available for a 6'3" girl who is a throwback to the 50's. Yes, there are places I avoid. That's life in the big city.

  3. #28
    nylon addict pernille d's Avatar
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    Like you say " nothing you can do about being tall " I am 6.2 and I know I am tall at 6.2 + heels but that's how it is . As long as every thing is in proportion it's not so much of s problem . You can't hide your hight but you can wear clothing to make the good bits look better . Lucky for me I have some ok legs so by showing them off right takes the emphisiss of my hight. Yeah a few cm would be smaller but for meci don't worry about that too much as I wish I Had just smaller feet as I am very limited in choice when it comes to heels :-(

    As a last note I do work with fashion models and I often get a small feeling . I wear flat shoes and the models wear heels and even at 6.2 I feel small. There are more and more tall girls out there and it's not so much a problem for them to wear heels like it was a few years back . concentrate on getting the whole picture right and a you can get the few extra " to seem smaller. ( no body has ever commented on my hight but I do get often commented on my nice long legs) . = hight is not such a big problem only in your mind ,

  4. #29
    Junior Member Jennifer Monroe's Avatar
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    I am 6'4 and look great as a guy. I have lots of women liking me and men always refer me as a man's man. There is a compliment there its just I dont feel like a 6'4 guy most of the time though. I love dressing up too much and I feel like a woman. I dont dress now because my wife would probably lecture me and its not worth the aggravattion. She will tell me I look ridiculous and I need my head examined. Obviously I will never pass but its what you feel on the inside that counts. You look lovely to me, Anne!

  5. #30
    Aspiring Member Kristy_K's Avatar
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    Being tall does suck. I am 6'2", my partner is 6'5". We also have a friend, she is 6'7". When we go places we turn heads. People have even ask if they can have there pictures taken with us. I also use to worry about my height but not any more. Like my partner says....( No matter how they try. They won't forget us. ) And people don't forget us which is nice in a lot of ways. We have even received special treatment at times.

    For me, it has become easier to enjoy being tall now then spending my time hating it.


  6. #31
    _\o/______/\____ girltoy's Avatar
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    In my humble opinion, when asked if you play basketball, you should ask the questioner if they play miniature golf.

    My Ob/Gyn instructor claimed she was "only" 6'1", however when standing next to her (at 5'10") I only came up to her shoulder. So, there are some GGs who face the same dilemma, granted in smaller numbers. Of course, when she tells an expecting mother to push, they're usually too afraid not to!

  7. #32
    Senior Member Princess29's Avatar
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    One day at work a woman came through who it turns out was 7 feet 2 and when the queensland netball team comes through at work, all the women who play on that team are at least 6 feet with the tallest being 6 feet 5.
    I know that has nothing to do with how tall you are. Everyone has a body issue that they'd love to change about themselves and for every taller person who wishes they were shorter, there is a shorter person who wishes they were taller. I cant buy wigs or hats to fit me, they just dont make them that big. I'd give anything to be able to walk into a store and buy a hat "off the rack" but that is not an option for me. Its something that cant be changed, my head is as big as it is and its not going to get any smaller as much as I'd like it to. I just have to try and make the best of it, play the hand that I've been dealt

  8. #33
    Style Icon Sara Jessica's Avatar
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    Solace, it's all I have to offer.

    I have a dear friend who is north of 6' yet with her grace, beauty and confidence, she truly comes across as being on the south side of 6'.

    Someone said we all have shortcomings to deal with. I agree 100% but I would instead call them challenges. Rant taken but in all honesty, if it's something that cannot be changed, then it really isn't worth the aggravation to worry about it so much.
    Like a corpse deep in the earth I'm so alone, restless thoughts torment my soul, as fears they lay confirmed, but my life has always been this way - Virginia Astley, "Some Small Hope" (1986)
    Sunlight falls, my wings open wide. There's a beauty here I cannot deny - David Sylvian, "Orpheus" (1987)

  9. #34
    Silver Member
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    My Word, You're FORTY TWO?

    Lea (ducking and running)
    Last edited by LeaP; 04-08-2012 at 07:16 PM.

  10. #35
    member stacycoral's Avatar
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    Anne, girl i know what you mean, i am your height, i still love wearinf 3" heels as much as possible, and the question i know it too. But i only played in junior high and not since, but yes also how many times i have been asked how tall am i, girl i feeel your pain. hugs
    [SIZE="3"][/SIZE][SIZE="3"]Stacy Lynn Coral[/SIZE]

  11. #36
    Member Soriya's Avatar
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    I totally empathize with you but from the opposite end of the spectrum. At 41 I stand 5'8''-5'9''. OK, that is considered the 'average' height of a man but firstly, who the hell gets paid to study statistics like that? LOL!! I empathize because even thought I am the 'average' height, I still feel very short. I was a late bloomer, looked like a 6th grader in 10th grade at 5'2'' and wearing glasses. If you ever saw the 1986 movie Lucas, well, that was me except I didn't eat bugs LOL. I grew to 5'6'' by 12th grade and almost another 3'' in the two years after. On the opposite side of things, I stuck out like a sore thumb in High School for being so short, even most of the girls were taller then me. This led to more bullying then I care to remember and I always wanted to be taller, even now. I still feel short when around others who are taller then me, even by an inch. My issue when dressing is I am built like a running back! Funny thing is, only when dressed to boot, I wish I was thinner and even shorter at times. I will never know what it's like to be 'Too tall' but can understand the feeling of sticking out, just from the opposite end. Now if I was ever to meet you or hang out as sisters, I would sport some 8" platform go-go shoes to blend in with you but it wouldn't matter, I would be staring at your face anyway

  12. #37
    Member wendy360's Avatar
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    I'm 6'5" and get the same comments, wow your tall do you play basketball. I tell them I tried out for the NBA but was told I'm too short.
    The great thing about being tall is we have nice long legs. Love em.

  13. #38
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    Anne, I know where you're coming from. A good buddy of mine (long ago) was tall, somewhat over 6 feet, and he told me it could be a curse--like people expecting you to be able to do certain things just because you're big. All of us who are "out-size" have problems.

    I had the most amazing experience yesterday. I was doing a bit of shopping in Dublin and ended up in Penney's. Now this was a Saturday afternoon, and the place was stuffed to the gills with people of the female persuasion. I got in the queue to pay for a few things, and after a while I got to looking around--and like, wow! There was one other guy in the queue, the rest of them women, and for the first time in my life, I didn't feel so small (at 5' 3"). True, the woman just ahead of me towered over me, and most of the others were taller than me--though not by much. And there were at least three that I saw who were smaller than me. All in all, I was certainly a bit below average in that group, but again, not by much. For the first time in my life, I felt more or less average, which is a big step up from what I've felt all my life.

    I told myself (not for the first time), "You should have been a girl all your life!" Too tall, too small, there's problems either way. So go ahead and rant. I've done plenty of that myself--just from the other end of the spectrum.

    Best wishes, Annabelle

  14. #39
    Aspiring Member Amanda22's Avatar
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    Anne, I'm only an inch shorter than you, but 10 years older. The extra age I have on you has shown me that there are things that just aren't worth worrying about. I stop short of calling that wisdom; rather it's just starting to get tired of wanting everything to be perfect. For me, the worst part of my height and general build is finding clothes that fit. I love shoes and dresses, and it's rare I can find any to fit. I have a grand total of 5 dresses and 7 pairs of shoes, and I'm frequently looking for more.

    I predict your height will become less noticeable to you as you spend more time in public. Even with heels, people just don't notice me. And locally, I see GGs as tall as myself all the time. Maybe it's the local nuclear plant causing that? But my point is, our height concerns us more than it does anyone else, if that is helpful.

  15. #40
    Aspiring Member KimberlyJean's Avatar
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    Rant on girl! But those worry lines aren't going to help that pretty face.

    I always liked tall girls so when I get to be one it is just a bonus! I am ONLY 6'1" so I stick with lower heels or flats but if the occasion came up I would rock the 5" heels I have in the closet. Something I find funny though is when you do wear heels around the house for a while and you get used to that height then when you take them off and feel short.

  16. #41
    Aspiring Member
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    Yes , I know just how you feel, I am the same height as you. I would love to be able to blend in and if I could I would go out dressed sometimes. As it is I under dress and dress at home. As to what to say to the "do you play basketball?" question. well I say " Why no, do you play miniture golf?" Usually ends the line of questioning right there. Hang in there, Sherrii

  17. #42
    The Art of Heels Kristyn Hill's Avatar
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    Anne, The only thing I would notice is how beautiful you are. Ok, maybe your long legs in pretty shoes and a gorgeous dress. I know it is frustrating because I have pounds to lose and that sucks big time as well. You are beautiful inside and out so take off your rings and heels and hit the court. We have a game to play. I will be at the post waiting for the win from the tip-off.

    I am an Artist working in all Mediums including Sexy

  18. #43
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    I met Phil Jackson when he had just joined the Knicks....tallest person I'd ever met. But he looked sutlrprisingly good in a skirt... ok the last part is a lie.... I'm a tad shorter than you, Anne, but still too tall. Can't change it so I live with it. What else ya gonna do?

  19. #44
    Outdoor girl seeking..... Sam-antha's Avatar
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    Does no one here know about Beach Volleyball ? Its much more than basketball in the open air.


  20. #45
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    Theres always something we'll find wrong with ourselves. I'm 6'2", wide shoulders and 3x hands. Did I forget to mention that I have a big melon? So I feel your pain, Your profile pic looks pretty darn good so you need to remember that!

  21. #46
    Member Lyric's Avatar
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    My favorite crossdresser in the world right now is model Andrej Pejic, who's 6'2" and steals every fashion show or magazine feature he appears in. He doesn't try to "pass", but rather seems to simply enjoy his femininity. We can't all be top models, but we can all take a bit of that attitude.

    ~ Lyric ~

  22. #47
    Member YorkshireRose's Avatar
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    I am not going to patronize you regarding your height, just let you rant, get it off your chest and comment on how pretty you are.

    "You have such a beautiful face!"

    Hugs Charlotte

  23. #48
    Member terrianncd's Avatar
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    I'm there with you at 5'3" tall. As a guy, life is really tough being this small. Made fun of, butt of most jokes, Would not be considered for a date in guy mode with a GG. I too have learned to deal with this insenstivity by most all others(both genders) I encounter. But in girl mode, Life is sweet, clothes fit, shoes bought off the rack, all fashions seem taylor made....some justice in the world afterall.

  24. #49
    Princess Bunnie BunnieCashmere's Avatar
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    I'm right there with you, 6' 4" when not wearing heels, and I prefer to wear at least 5" heels, and I have a few pair of 6" heels. So yeah, 6' 10"? There's no concealing that. That's half the reason I've never gone out dressed, I'm sure I'd get tons of attention just based on height alone. Ugh!

  25. #50
    Magically Eugena shoelover80's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimdl93 View Post
    I met Phil Jackson when he had just joined the Knicks....tallest person I'd ever met. But he looked sutlrprisingly good in a skirt...
    This whole thread is pretty darn funny. This is definitely what the tall lads/ladies here need every now and then - commiserate and have a laugh. I am 6'2" and Asian (ack) - the Caucasian equivalent of a 7-footer.
    Last edited by shoelover80; 04-09-2012 at 04:27 PM. Reason: quote

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