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Thread: What are you CD, TG or TS or somewhere in between?

  1. #1
    Gold Member Marleena's Avatar
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    What are you CD, TG or TS or somewhere in between?

    Here is a pretty good link to help you decide since it comes up so often.

    There are also some other great articles on that website so check it out. The website owner deserves all the credit for this.

    Oh and sorry Julia, IS is not discussed here.

    Text version below:

    The Transsexual Identity

    First, let's figure out what being transsexual is not. It is not; dressing up pretty, putting on makeup and going shopping. The dressing is really a very secondary issue. Yes, it is a part of our lives but it is more likely to be jeans and a tee than a skirt and blouse, and makeup will usually take about 5 to 10 minutes tops; if at all. Being TS means we are going to be clocked, every single day until we are fully transitioned with facial feminization surgery among other cosmetic procedures. It means that we are putting ourselves out there as targets for ridicule and prejudice. It means we are risking our lives and health to transition. It means we are living constantly with anxiety that can border on depression and often it is debilitating. It means we are willing to risk our families and careers so we can be ourselves. It means we welcome the surgeon with open arms. It means that nothing else in the world matters as much as aligning our gender identity with our gender role and eventually our sexual identification.

    Being transsexual also means living in poverty for many. Some of these women have to turn to the sex trade to survive. As I mentioned earlier, careers often disappear when the TS comes out, so ensuring a continuous financial support is as critical as having an emotional and social support system. The TS needs all three and in massive doses.

    The Transgenderist
    The transgenderist often identifies as a transsexual but for any number of reasons opts to not go through transition. This is a very personal choice and the reasons are as varied as there are people. Most try to live as "normally" as possible while still satisfying their core gender. This often can result in presenting as an androgyne or "metrosexual" if you will. Their dress may appear as "pop culture" or slightly femme. Their lives are no less driven for the need to transition but their resolve is not to do so; at least for that day.

    The Crossdresser

    "You can always tell the crossdresser by their ever present digital camera pointed back at themselves."

    The crossdresser is driven to emulate their opposite to natal sex but what they have no desire for is to transition. The crossdresser accounts for approximately 95% of the trans population. Obviously they are also the ones who most question their gender.

    This is good of course but what sets them apart from the TS or TG is that the TS knows their gender and sex are at odds. They know their true gender is not their birth gender. Sometimes it takes a bit of time, often with a therapist to figure this out, but it is truly something we know deep down. There is no question. The CD however questions this to death. This continual questioning often leads them toward anxiety creating other social problems that on the surface can make them think they might be transsexual. As I said, the TS knows and there is little or no question in their soul.

    This doesn't mean that the latent transsexual is a myth. It is very much a reality and for those who do discover their true identity in later life, that realization can be earth shattering. Of course these people came from the CD part of the trans community. This only adds to the questions the CD will ask. I can only address this question like this; The latent TS will "hit the wall" and go crazy in the process. They dont understand what has happened or where they are going. This is a time of high risk for them on multiple fronts; social, familial, career, and last but not least, mental/psychological. The anxiety and depression that result from this awakening can be debilitating and often is. Frequently they end up in the mental health system where the first "working diagnosis" is that they are Bi Polar. Then the diagnosis will change to perhaps PTSD. This can go on ad nauseum until the sufferer finally admits to himself or herself that they are trans and then they have to come out to their doctor. Suddenly the whole picture changes as does the treatment protocols. Several years could have passed during this time. Coming out at the beginning could save a lot of anguish.

    The Transvestic Fetishist
    The TV has a different perspective on crossdressing. Here it is for sexual pleasure or gratification. For this reason, they are not generally considered a part of the transgender population, BUT they could also fall into the crossdresser category.


    As I said at the beginning, there is probably a little of each of these archetypes in all of us, but the trick is to sit down and seriously and honestly look at yourself to see where you best fit into the spectrum. As you can see from the picture at the top, there is an overlap everywhere to varying degrees.
    Last edited by Marleena; 05-22-2012 at 12:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Member Sandy Michaels's Avatar
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    seeing as i started out as The Transvestic Fetishist, and now i feel like The crossdresser and The Transgenderist . i guess i'm some where in between. with out seeing some sort a therapist or counsler i wont honestly know where i fall in. it doesn't keep me up at night, and i'm proud to be who i am. like i tell my sis, "i'm a prod member of two letters of the lgbt community" the B and T for those who were wondering.

  3. #3
    Senior Member KellyJameson's Avatar
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    Pretending to be a guy has worked for thirty six years. There is no way I'm going to welcome the surgeon with open arms. I hate the smell and look of hospitals and hell will freeze over before I'm putting my feet in stirrups.

    I want to be a plain vanilla crossdresser even if I don't have much enthusiasm for it, I am so done with worrying about being TS, it is making me even crazier than I already am.

    It is a good thing I'm a naturally happy person otherwise I would be miserable, ignorance truly is bliss. Perhaps if I increase my cup size I can stay enternally blissful, worked for my mother.

  4. #4
    Girl Inside Jeanna's Avatar
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    Your signature sums it up for me quite well.

  5. #5
    Junior Member April Lyn's Avatar
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    For me I fit nicely in the middle, between TG and TS. I am daily discovering more and more about myself and who I really am which seens always to inch colser and closer to TS, but over all it just feels so good to be me and finally accept myself for who I am.

    - April
    Last edited by April Lyn; 05-22-2012 at 05:21 AM.
    "It's not what you look at that matters, its what you see" - Thoreau

  6. #6
    Gold Member Cynthia Anne's Avatar
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    What am I? Good question! Since I was four years old I knew I should of been born female! For twenty five years I didn't no I could do anything about it! After that I couldn't afford to do anything about it! I guess I'm just ME! Hugs!
    If you don't like the way I'm livin', you just leave this long haired country girl alone:

  7. #7
    Silver Member STACY B's Avatar
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    Im not telling ?? Maybe when I get there ,, LOL,,, Maybe Ill never get there ,,But Im going wether I get there or not ,,Still heading in that direction ,,lol,,, Right direction ? Curvy road just hang on yull find out .
    Yull Find Out !!! lol,,,,

  8. #8
    Full-Time Duality NathalieX66's Avatar
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    I'm a whatever.....guy....girl.....
    I'm just glad I get out beyond my front door and be me in any form I please.

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    by all of these definitions i am a 100% TG, i know i am NOT having any kind of surgery, and i know i am a female.
    when i get up in the morning i "think" female, act female, live the rest of the day female.
    what i wear on the outside does not change that !!, but it match.

  10. #10
    Banned Read only
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    Hi Marleena,

    Intersexuality and and Transexualisim are very much intertwined.
    Since I had to transition my life and circumstances mirror image transsexualisim.
    Loss of family, job, friends all of it went away when I went full time.

    For some of us sacrificing our former life and the people in it in order to continue to live is the only thing that can be done.
    Now I not only survive but flourish and have become successful financially, socially and spiritually.
    When push comes to shove believe me I'll be the one shoving and pushing my way through the mediocrity.
    After all I am Julia.
    Last edited by Julia_in_Pa; 05-22-2012 at 08:41 AM.

  11. #11
    Member katie_barns's Avatar
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    I am TG. I question my identity daily. I am a crossdresser. That is a given; since I am sitting here in panties, bra and a summer dress. I am also TS all thought transitioning is not in my future. I spent most of my life denying who I was until its a little late in life to consider transitioning. Yes I would do it differently if I could do it all again. Some would say I am not TS since I am not transitioning and have not come out to everyone I know. In other words, I have not gone through all the sacrifices that come with being TS. That's ok, I was never big on categories anyway. Those [TS] that do transistion have an unbelievable strength and my deepest respect.

  12. #12
    Chelsea Von Chastity gender_blender's Avatar
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    I evolved from a Transvestite to Transgender after starting hormone therapy, but don't plan to have any surgery other than possibly breast implants.

  13. #13
    Aspiring Member
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    Not sure what I am, maybe one of natures mistakes, still don't get it.

  14. #14
    Style Icon Sara Jessica's Avatar
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    Transgenderist as written above is one of the most succinct ways of describing who I am that I have ever seen. And it's written in such a way that doesn't diminish the validity of such an existence.
    Like a corpse deep in the earth I'm so alone, restless thoughts torment my soul, as fears they lay confirmed, but my life has always been this way - Virginia Astley, "Some Small Hope" (1986)
    Sunlight falls, my wings open wide. There's a beauty here I cannot deny - David Sylvian, "Orpheus" (1987)

  15. #15
    Senior Member Laura912's Avatar
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    I think I went extinct about the time the oil fields were forming which would make me a transdressasaurous.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    i still havent figured out what i am

  17. #17
    In transmission whowhatwhen's Avatar
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    Who knows?
    That's why I'm spending money I shouldn't touch, and money I don't really have to see a therapist so I can discover what I am.

    I 100% most definitely cannot identify with crossdressers, and trying to figure out where/why I fit was tearing me apart mentally so I had to start seeing someone.
    Honestly, I feel so much better now that I have someone to talk to and I would recommend it to anyone struggling with their identity.

    Bah, another 2.5 weeks until my next appointment though - but I am keeping note and logging relevant thoughts and feelings as I encounter them.

  18. #18
    Gold Member Marleena's Avatar
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    Confused yet? The Harry Benjamin Scale is used by professional health care providers

    Transgenderist is omitted completely from these definitions used for treatment.

    Dr. Harry Benjamin's Gender Disorientation Scale

    Kinsey's sexual orientation scale

    0 Exclusively heterosexual with no homosexual experience
    1 Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
    2 Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
    3 Equally heterosexual and homosexual
    4 Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
    5 Predominantly homosexual, but incidentally heterosexual
    6 Exclusively homosexual, with no heterosexual experience

    Type One: Transvestite (Pseudo)[3]

    Gender Feeling: Masculine [3]
    Dressing Habits and Social Life: Lives as a man. Could get occasional kick out of dressing. Normal male life. [3]
    Sex Object Choice and Sex Life: Hetero, bi, or homosexual. Dressing and -- more --exchange may occur in masturbation fantasies mainly. May enjoy TV literature only. [3]
    Kinsey Scale: 0-6 [3]
    Conversion Operation: Not considered in reality. [3]
    Estrogen Medication: Not interested or indicated. [3]
    Psychotherapy: Not wanted and unnecessary. [3]
    Remarks: Interests in dressing is only sporadic. [3]

    Type Two: Transvestism (Fetishistic)[3]Gender Feeling: Masculine [3]

    Dressing Habits and Social Life: Lives as a man. Dressing periodically or part of the time. Dresses underneath male clothes. [3]
    Sex Object Choice and Sex Life: Heterosexual. Rarely bisexual. Masturbation with fetish. Guilt feelings. Purges and relapses. [3]
    Kinsey Scale: 0-2 [3]
    Conversion Operation: Rejected [3]
    Estrogen Medication: Rarely interested. Occasionally useful to reduce libido. [3]
    Psychotherapy: May be successful (in a favorable environment.) [3]
    Remarks: May imitate double (masculine and feminine) personality with male and female names. [3]

    Type Three: Transvestism (True)

    Gender Feeling: Masculine (but with less conviction.)[3]
    Dressing Habits and Social Life: Dresses constantly or as often as possible. May live and be accepted as woman. May dress underneath male clothes, if no other chance.[3]
    Sex Object Choice and Sex Life: Heterosexual, except when dressed. Dressing gives sexual satisfaction with relief of gender discomfort. May purge and relapse. [3]
    Kinsey Scale: 0-2 [3]
    Conversion Operation: Actually rejected, but idea can be attractive. [3]
    Estrogen Medication: Attractive as an experiment. Can be helpful emotionally [3]
    Psychotherapy: If attempted is usually not successful as to cure. [3]
    Remarks: May assume double personality. Trend toward transsexualism. [3]

    Type Four: Transsexual (Nonsurgical)[3]

    Gender Feeling: Undecided. Wavering between TV and TS. [3]
    Dressing Habits and Social Life: Dresses as often as possible with insufficient relief of his gender discomfort. May live as a man or woman; sometimes alternating.[3]
    Sex Object Choice and Sex Life: Libido often low. Asexual or auto-erotic. Could be bisexual. Could also be married and have children. [3]
    Kinsey Scale: 1-4 [3]
    Conversion Operation: Attractive but not requested or attraction not admitted. [3]
    Estrogen Medication: Needed for comfort and emotional balance. [3]
    Psychotherapy: Only as guidance; otherwise refused or unsuccessful. [3]
    Remarks: Social life dependent upon circumstances. [3]

    Type Five: True Transsexual (moderate intensity)[3]

    Gender Feeling: Feminine (trapped in male body) [3]
    Dressing Habits and Social Life: Lives and works as woman if possible. Insufficient relief from dressing. [3]
    Sex Object Choice and Sex Life: Libido low. Asexual auto-erotic, or passive homosexual activity. May have been married and have children.[3]
    Kinsey Scale: 4-6 [3]
    Conversion Operation: Requested and usually indicated. [3]
    Estrogen Medication: Needed as substitute for or preliminary to operation. [3]
    Psychotherapy: Rejected. Useless as to cure. Permissive psychological guidance. [3]
    Remarks: Operation hoped for and worked for. Often attained. [3]

    Type Six: True Transsexual (high intensity)[3]
    Gender Feeling: Feminine. Total psycho-sexual inversion. [3]
    Dressing Habits and Social Life: May live and work as a woman. Dressing gives insufficient relief. Gender discomfort intense. [3]
    Sex Object Choice and Sex Life: Intensely desires relations with normal male as female if young. May have been married and have [3]**children, by using fantasies in intercourse.[3]
    Kinsey Scale: 6 [3]
    Conversion Operation: Urgently requested and usually attained. Indicated[3].
    Estrogen Medication: Required for partial relief. [3]
    Psychotherapy: Psychological guidance or psychotherapy for symptomatic relief only.[3]
    Remarks: Despises his male sex organs. Danger of suicide or self-mutilation, if too long frustrated.[3]
    Benjamin noted, "It must be emphasized again that the remaining six types are not and never can be sharply separated."[3] Benjamin added a caveat: "It has been the intention here to point out the possibility of several conceptions and classifications of the transvestitic and the transsexual phenomenon. Future studies and observations may decide which one is likely to come closest to the truth and in this way a possible understanding of the etiology may be gained." [4]

    Benjamin's Scale references and uses Dr. Alfred Kinsey's sexual orientation scale to distinguish between "true transsexualism" and "transvestism". But the strict relationship between gender identity (Benjamin's Scale) and sexual orientation (Kinsey's Scale) was just a result of the researcher's biases, not his scientific findings.

    [SIZE="4"]So maybe it's easier if we just a pick a number[/SIZE].
    Last edited by Marleena; 05-22-2012 at 09:44 AM.

  19. #19
    Ice queen Lorileah's Avatar
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    Well that makes it ...I don't have a clue. In my time of life I "want" but I don't "need". I do what I want because I don't care what others think now but before I did not do what I wanted because it was not "normal". Type four I guess.
    The earth is the mother of all people and all people should have equal rights upon it.
    Chief Joseph
    Nez Perce

    “Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.” - Fred Rogers,

  20. #20
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    Exclamation I'm SURE it's not just me! But, I don't seem to fit in ANY category!

    So, WHAT AM I???

    When I started dressing about 16 years ago, I thot I wanted breasts and maybe a vagina.= Transsexual

    Now, I seem to have lost all desire to become female and don't even feel I have a fem side. The chart says if I dress I'm TG. But, I don't feel like one! = ??

    I finish most of my closet dressing sessions with sex.= Transvestic fetish dresser

    When I'm out at conventions with other girls, I dress for a number of days and nites straight. And, sex never enters my mind while I'm dressed there! = ??

    So, what am I????
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  21. #21
    Exploring NEPA now Cheryl T's Avatar
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    If I had to choose from the scale then I'd say I'm about a 4.5
    I don't wear women's clothes, I wear MY clothes !

  22. #22
    Silver Member
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    I don't like that scale at all. I think it tries too hard to lump people into distinct categories. It may work for some people, but it doesn't work for all.

    According to that scale, I'm type six... (was figuring out how to chop off my own balls before I got the money to get an orchie) but I could care less. Transsexual is transsexual to me. What you do about being transsexual depends on how you grew up and your other priorities in life.

  23. #23
    In transmission whowhatwhen's Avatar
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    On that scale I likely fall between 3 and 5, but since it offers no flexibility I take it with a grain of salt.
    I guess it's better to not try to diagnose yourself based on other people's experiences, it's better to talk it out with a therapist with experience in gender issues.

  24. #24
    Carole carhill2mn's Avatar
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    Thank you for posting this. these are very good definitions. A great many people struggle (too much IMHO) to figure out
    "what they are". Apparently, most people need to use a label of some kind to better understand.

    In my own case, I have always known that I am a CD.

    BTW, I have never been a fan of Harry Benjamin.
    Hugs, Carole

  25. #25
    Ragin Cajun meganmartin's Avatar
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    I consider myself a part time t-girl, because i am a little more than a cross-dresser and lot less than a transsexual.
    But if if confuses some why i consider myself part time t-girl i just say I am a cross-dresser.
    Megan Martin

    " some guys play golf, I play girl"

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