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Thread: Funny Dares ,,,

  1. #1
    Silver Member STACY B's Avatar
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    South Miss

    Funny Dares ,,,

    Most of yall know me on here ? An I dress everyday mostly ,,Nothing Crazy ,, But even if ya dress alot or not that much or in the closet kinda or even in so far ya cant see what cha doing ,,, This thread is for everyone ,,Kinda brings the male side into dressing ,,Cuz most guys want an love a good dare . So most or all of us have been male from birth so you already know whats up with the boyz .. When you grew up all of us got dared or double dared,, Or the Ol triple dog DARE !! So dont you think its cool or would be cool to make it way more easyer to go out an do stuff in piblic maybe check the mail or even go to the store or try on clothes or shoes at the store if youe SO or someone that was with you dared you ? I just love it when my SO dares me ,,,Ohhhhhhh dont dare me Ill say ,,Then its more of a challenge than a task . So just a little fun thing maybe you can do or do to your SO ,,Makes things more fun an way easyer . Tell about your dares ?
    Yull Find Out !!! lol,,,,

  2. #2
    Silver Member geri-tg.'s Avatar
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    I live on the west coast of FL.In the Tampa bay area and in Franklin NC
    My big dare was a few months ago I drove into town to the post office. My plan was to use the outside mail drop. I was wearing a blonde wig denim shirt and a low cut top and of course my sexy boots. I had taken a lot of time to paint my nails red and full make up. When I arrived at the post office for some reason i parked my truck and very slowly walked inside to mail my letter and slowly walked back to my truck. WOW it was awesome. Not hard to do now but that first time sure was.

  3. #3
    My Ship has sailed? Barbara Ella's Avatar
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    My big dare was just two weeks ago. In a dress, new wedge sandals, pretty good makeup day, and went to DressBarn, tried on a dress and bought it. Next dare is to go out to a mall in a dress, walk around, sit down and watch, and to into a restaurant for coffee and a salad. Working on it. Got to find a nice mall where a woman in a dress won't stand out..

    He (she) who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance.
    - Friedrich Nietzche -
    I may never get to fly like the other girls, but I do so want to dance, so I continue to climb.

  4. #4
    Banned Read only
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    Allentown, PA
    In high school my friends dared me to beat up the quarterback of the football team.
    So I went to my trunk and brought out a baseball bat and did it.
    He went to the hospital and I went to juvenile detention for three months.
    Sometimes geeks can become really violent.

    Last edited by Julia_in_Pa; 05-23-2012 at 05:39 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member KellyJameson's Avatar
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    I'm much better at daring people than I am at taking a dare.

    When I was fifteen I dared my best friend to let me make him up into a girl and go to his mothers place of work to see if she would recognize him.

    She did and my best friend was no longer allowed to be my friend.

    Tragic because at 5' 4" he passed easily. He kinda looked like my mother because I was using her stuff and that was a little freaky but otherwise the result was excellant.

    He looked much better as a girl and was very pleased with the result, his mother already had three boys so I do not understand why she had such a problem with it.

  6. #6
    Banned Read only
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    Born in Quebec, lived most of life in small town Central Ontario.
    There's no fun in daring me, I'm too stupid to not do it

    Ok if you are wondering, what is the dumbest thing I might do, well I am the sort that can strip down and have sex in broad daylight in the park.

    Wearing female clothing is simply not something that will ever be a challenge for me.

    The other day the wife though asked me, if she were to say I don't want you to wear female clothing in public, what would you do?

    Well the thing is, I measure life by cause and effect cost and benefit etc. I am simply not going to do something that does me more harm than good.

    I live in a small town for instance. Been going in to the local grocery store since son was born. They all know me very well, and I would never subject my son for instance to something like his dad in women's clothing unless my son cold look a cashier in the face and state, 'I'm cool with it, you will be cool with it too' with the idea being he wouldn't accept anything less from them.

  7. #7
    Silver Member kellycan27's Avatar
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    Famous last words...... Hey fellas, watch this!
    "one day I'll fly away..... leave all this to yesterday"

  8. #8
    Silver Member STACY B's Avatar
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    South Miss
    I cant write all the dares ive had !! LOL,,, My SO wont even THINK about dareing me ,,She married me ,, Ive been naked in public way more tha once an have drank enough booze to float sevral battleships away . But it nice to hear about all the ones yall have had . Like I said it dont have to be in your hometown ,,Or no specific place ,, It could be anything or anywhere ,,Not even have to do with dresssing . But when ya embaressed an dont want to or just need a little push ,,,Hell try it its fun an maybe you will get the time of your life that day an never would have the guts to do it otherwise . Mite be your ticket to fullfill your secrete desire ? MAYBE ?
    Yull Find Out !!! lol,,,,

  9. #9
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    Funny thread, Stacy. Bein' pretty much a guy my whole life, I understand dares. When I was young, all the tough jerk offs would dare me to do stuff. Stuff THEY were afraid to do! And, I usually would! However, even then I had a logical mind. If I thot I could do it without getting hurt, I would! Jumping off a roof onto a lawn? No problem! Vaulting into the yard with Fletcher's man eating shepard? In and out before he got near me! Roll down a big, steep hillside inside a tube of 6 or 8 inner tubes tied together? NOT one of my smarter dares! It started out rolling sideways as planned, piece of cake! But, soon picked up speed and went end over end all the way down! I held on for dear life! Somehow I stayed inside to the bottom. With the inner tubes skewed all over the place like a deck of cards! And, me dizzier than I've ever been. May have been my LAST DARE accepted from guys. After that, I think I just entered drinking, pissing, and burping contests! Lol!

    However, back to the point of the thread. I was quite happy dressing alone in the closet until Sherry started reading the exploits of other girls here! Now, it's HER that keeps daring me to push the envelope! No idea who she gets that from! But, she seems to know what she's doing!
    Last edited by docrobbysherry; 05-23-2012 at 08:10 PM.
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  10. #10
    Silver Member STACY B's Avatar
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    South Miss
    Quote Originally Posted by docrobbysherry View Post
    Funny thread, Stacy. Bein' pretty much a guy my whole life, I understand dares. When I was young, all the tough jerk offs would dare me to do stuff. Stuff THEY were afraid to do! And, I usually would! However, even then I had a logical mind. If I thot I could do it without getting hurt, I would! Jumping off a roof onto a lawn? No problem! Vaulting into the yard with Fletcher's man eating shepard? In and out before he got near me! Roll down a big, steep hillside inside a tube of 6 or 8 inner tubes tied together? NOT one of my smarter dares! It started out rolling sideways as planned, piece of cake! But, soon picked up speed and went end over end all the way down! I held on for dear life! Somehow I stayed inside to the bottom. With the inner tubes skewed all over the place like a deck of cards! And, me dizzier than I've ever been. May have been my LAST DARE accepted from guys. After that, I think I just entered drinking, pissing, and burping contests! Lol!

    However, back to the point of the thread. I was quite happy dressing alone in the closet until Sherry started reading the exploits of other girls here! Now, it's HER that keeps daring me to push the envelope! No idea who she gets that from! But, she seems to know what she's doing!
    But the whole deal is you didn't say NO !! So just roll with it . But ive been in the ol tube to first ,,Jump off the bridge into the river ,, Jump off the roof onto a trampoline an then end up in the trees or shrubbs ,, See how many beers you can drink before you piss , How fast you can drink ,, On an on ,, Dont get me started . How bout you an the wife in the store an you look at some shoes ,,AN KNOW ONES AROUND AN SHE SAYS ,,,i DARE YA ?
    Yull Find Out !!! lol,,,,

  11. #11
    Cindy: Version 2.5 Cindy M's Avatar
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    Stacy, I have a dare for ya... get your purse and follow me

  12. #12
    Aspiring Member Michelle Crossfire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barbara Ella View Post
    My big dare was just two weeks ago. In a dress, new wedge sandals, pretty good makeup day, and went to DressBarn, tried on a dress and bought it. Next dare is to go out to a mall in a dress, walk around, sit down and watch, and to into a restaurant for coffee and a salad. Working on it. Got to find a nice mall where a woman in a dress won't stand out..

    That might be kind of hard nowadays. with the way some people dress these days, anyone in a dress is likely to stand out.

  13. #13
    Silver Member STACY B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cindy Jean View Post
    Stacy, I have a dare for ya... get your purse and follow me
    Dare Ya say ?? Ill get my Purse !!
    Yull Find Out !!! lol,,,,

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    We got a different way of putting it around here "No balls, you won't" and don't ever say that to me I have the best record for following through with that than anybody else around here. I've jumped off second story balconies for that, I was alright but man did my a$$ hurt for days afterward, I would love to be dared to go out all gussied up

  15. #15
    Silver Member STACY B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simply Joslyn View Post
    We got a different way of putting it around here "No balls, you won't" and don't ever say that to me I have the best record for following through with that than anybody else around here. I've jumped off second story balconies for that, I was alright but man did my a$$ hurt for days afterward, I would love to be dared to go out all gussied up
    Well,,,, Well,,,, Well,,,, Lets ahve us a little dare then ??? Shall we ? Maybe see witch one will take a pic by your towns welcome sign ! Alittle outside ACTION ???
    Yull Find Out !!! lol,,,,

  16. #16
    Gold Member
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    Aug 2009
    OK. My wife dared me back before Christmas to do this for 2 weeks, I saw an add
    on "E" bay for a size 20 forms, for about $40.00 US.
    I show them to my wife, she laughed and said that she wants to see me wearing
    them for 2 weeks, A whole 14 days, removed for shower only.
    Well I could not pass this up, so I got them.
    I had to go and order a 54J bra by playtex just so I could get them into something.
    WOW!!! They are heavy, over 8 lbs each, and Now I have a full understanding what
    real GG's go through when they have an extra large Brest to support.
    I did do the dare, and won a vacation to my Railroad Museum this summer, and she
    goes with me and "Loves it"

  17. #17
    New Member KristiKross's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simply Joslyn View Post
    I would love to be dared to go out all gussied up

    OK I'll bite


  18. #18
    Silver Member STACY B's Avatar
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    Thats my weakness is dares ,,Must be something from our youth ? My SO knows better ,,But when she realy wants me to do somwthing crazy she will do it in front of other people cuz she knows that Ill bit .Like Kareoke ,,Now there is a dare that I love ,,Ill do it in a heartbeat ,,But Im waiting to do it as STACY ! But only problem is I have to sing like a man ,,,Doh,,,
    Yull Find Out !!! lol,,,,

  19. #19
    Senior Member
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    Southern Alberta
    We used to dare each other as kids to throw eggs or snowballs at cop cars, they didn't stand a chance at catching us. Take me to a ski hill and we can do some dares. Other than that, I need a dare for someone to help dress me up, push me out the door and go out somewhere other than a bar...!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by KristiKross View Post
    OK I'll bite

    "NOW it was serious. A double-dog-dare. What else was there but a "triple dare you"? And then, the coup de grace of all dares, the sinister triple-dog-dare."
    "I TRIPLE-dog-dare ya!"
    "KristiKross created a slight breach of etiquette by skipping the triple dare and going right for the throat!"
    Hehe that movie has been burned into my retinas by my mom every christmas since I was born, but to late for you hun I've already got plans to hit new york this monday with a friend.
    Well,,,, Well,,,, Well,,,, Lets ahve us a little dare then ??? Shall we ? Maybe see witch one will take a pic by your towns welcome sign ! Alittle outside ACTION ???
    Ooo your dangerous, sorry hun can't take that one quite yet my vehicle is so recognizable they would know its me if anyone saw I drive a chevy express church van nicknamed the BEHEMOTH and its got my fathers sports teams plastered all over the back. Plus who would hold the camera? Good thing you didn't say no balls you won't otherwise I'd be doomed, and don't you dare

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