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Thread: GF says NO to painted toe nails! I MIGHT JUST DO IT TYO SPITE HER!

  1. #51
    Member Mistress Frillee's Avatar
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    I talked to her about this and she is dead set against it. So I am NOT going to push it. Its not worth it. BUT I did notice something else. I was doing all this ALPHA DOG stuff . I even had a few pics I had taken of me surrounded with groups of women, one of them was holding a sign that said ALPHA DOG pointing to me. She laughed and all but! I was at an awards function last night. I was all dressed up. I texted her some pics and she said I looked hot and I should come over for a drink. So I did. And she was totally strangely submissive. When I arrived, she asked me what I wanted to drink and then proceed to get me a beer. She made me a late supper, then offered me her portion and said I could eat all I wanted, so I ate it all. She cleaned up, I helped. Then I mentioned, as I sat in front of the TV, that dessert would be nice. There were some dessert creps left over from my last visit. I brought her some. She brought them to me nicely on a plate with a fork without me asking! So I offered her a bite, then proceed to eat the entire thing. She has never been like that.

    Why did the above behaviour surprise me? She works in a high level position, a controller, the only person she reports to is the owner. SO her job demands she make all kinds of decisions that affect people, contracts, and cash flow of the company. So she has to be a take charge kind of a person.

    She even went out and purchased a toothbrush for me ( after I told her that I had one for her, but lost it) to keep at my place for when she stays over. So pushing the colored toes thing is a NO GO> its just not worth it.

    And YES, I notice that MOST (not all) woman like to be submissive, BUT ONLY to a clearly dominate ALPHA MALE! Sorry, but its true.

    And again, I use my example of the work place. You need to network and play the politics game if you want to get ahead. This is a fact. So why not in relationships?

    I DO treat her with respect. Thats part of an ALPHA DOG. You have to know the limits. ANd this girl did mention that she wants a man that WILL NOT re-arrange his life for her! So when I blew off meeting her friends, that actually worked to my advantage! She offered me the chance to meet them again, which I took. And then we all went back to their place. She felt bad because I had plans, which I blew off to be with her and her friends. NOW I told her that I WANT to go to her friends place THIS TIME as I blew off her friends before. SO IF she asks me if I want to do something, I TELL her the truth. If I want to go, I say so, if not, I say so. She likes that.
    Last edited by Mistress Frillee; 06-29-2012 at 08:33 AM.

  2. #52
    trans punk Badtranny's Avatar
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    You know what's funny? I bet there's a lot of CD's that are exactly like this dude. I can only imagine how being so deeply closeted must F with your head.

    Mistress Frillee sounds like he might like a dom for himself every now and then, and I don't mean that as an insult. Hey I like Alpha guys, but then again, I have the courage to let the world see who I really am rather than hide behind creepy bravado. There's a movie called the Butch Factor that you should see Frillee. It's about masculine gay men who identify as masculine, or even alpha men and there's one particularly dreamy guy who talks about how he was closeted for so long because he didn't want his friends to think he was a pussy. Then he noticed that the femmy guys weren't able to hide who they were and they took a lot of crap but they didn't care. He said he finally realized he was being a bigger pussy by hiding and if anybody had a problem with who he was, he was prepared to "explain" it to them if necessary. Now that is a real man. You on the other hand are just putting on a show. Nothing wrong with that, I love a good show.
    Quote Originally Posted by STACY B
    At least there is social acceptance in being a drunk in our world. Hell I was good at it too.
    Melissa Hobbes

  3. #53
    Member Mistress Frillee's Avatar
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    Absolutely I am putting on a show. But I ONLY put on the show in the presence of women.

    The bigger the lie, the more people are willing to believe it!

    And I have to say, that being the dom makes me feel like a guy. I want to do guy things more so. I am very happy with my girl jeans and panties. I can live the rest of my life with just those 2 girly items. The desire for the rest seems to strongly subside. I notice it only manifests itself when I am not in a relationship.
    Last edited by Mistress Frillee; 06-29-2012 at 08:51 AM.

  4. #54
    Join Date
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    Just go for the clear. She is at least OK with you now.

  5. #55
    Member Mistress Frillee's Avatar
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    I went with the clear.

  6. #56
    Part time girl Cherry Lynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Frillee View Post
    I went with the clear.
    I am having a hard time understanding why an Alpha Dog would chicken out and go with the clear polish.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Frillee View Post
    No. Just let her know who is boss. Asserting my ALPHA DOG status is all! In the bedroom, its pretty much me directing traffic, which I like! In almost everything, its pretty much me leading, which is the way it should be. (even though she is a leader too. She is not afraid to speak her mind)
    Hello Mistress Frillee
    I believe before you worry about what nail color you want, You most definitly have a pride issue going on. Pride and crossdressing do not mix very well(highly volitale combustion). Once the pride is at your feet we'll worry about nail color.
    just my two bits as usual


  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Frillee View Post
    Absolutely I am putting on a show. But I ONLY put on the show in the presence of women.

    The bigger the lie, the more people are willing to believe it!

    And I have to say, that being the dom makes me feel like a guy. I want to do guy things more so. I am very happy with my girl jeans and panties. I can live the rest of my life with just those 2 girly items. The desire for the rest seems to strongly subside. I notice it only manifests itself when I am not in a relationship.

    "...only manifests itself when I am not in a relationship."

    Shouldn't have too long to wait now then

  9. #59
    Member Mistress Frillee's Avatar
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    My desire to be the DOMINATE partner is a relationship is much much more stronger than my cd desires. My cd desires seem to vanish whenever I am in a relationship. I am very happy with my panties and girls jeans, which she approves. I can stop at that. I want her to be the girl and dress in skirts and dresses and high heels, (she loves to wear skirts and heels, she has over 50- 100 pairs of shoes. She has a large lingerie collection too, which I love!))Those things I have NO desire to wear, as long as I am in a relationship. I cant explain why.

    I was thinking about what I was arguing about, color on my toe nails. It was so stupid that I backed away. I cant break up over that. I would never be able to tell anyone the REAL reason we broke up if it came to that. So I went with clear nail polish and this issue is done!

    PLUS no one to listen to my marching orders if I am wearing peachy pink nail polish. I would rather be a DOM than wear nail polish. And I am talking about my friends too. I am happy this is all resolved.

    And here is how I see relationships.

    1. You hang out and have sex.
    2. This leads to more sex.
    3. The leads to dating.
    4. The leads to a relationship

    We are in stage 2, the more sex phase.

    And I told her that it would be nice if we get away for a 3 or 4 day weekend escape to the mountains. She was all for it. We are going to go end of July. Again, we were talking about where to stay and she suggested a certain location, I said another place and she backed down and told me any place I want to stay is OK. So no worries. I notice she will acquiesce to my desires more and more. I also notice that in small ways, she becomes more submissive, which I love! She gets me a beer whenever I arrive at her place. She makes me supper. Whenever we discuss doing almost anything, she always backs down and tells me that whatever I want to do is fine. In the bedroom, she tells me that I can do whatever I want. Now that does not mean she says yes all the time, she does not. Sometimes she will say no, but thats about 1 in 10 times.

    I LOVE being the DOM. I love calling the shots. I love it so much more that cding. I cant explain why. I was never into the entire make up and wig thing anyways. I liked to wear skirts, but only around the house. I never had any desires to pass in public. I did dress up one halloween and I am happy I did that. But I have never wanted to do that again. SO for me, to give up cding is really not giving up much. I still get to keep my panties and girl jeans, and those are my 2 FAV items. So its all good. This woman brings out the man in me and I am very happy with that.
    Last edited by Mistress Frillee; 06-30-2012 at 10:38 AM.

  10. #60
    Silver Member BRANDYJ's Avatar
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    Boy, have you got this backwards!

    1. leads to dating
    2. you hang out and have sex
    3. this leads to more sex
    4. this leads to a relationship.

    Of course most women, and some men would swap# 4 & 2.

    It does not sound like you really care much about this poor girl as long as you get sex and she submits to your BS Dom status. Alpha Dog? Not hardly. Womanizer is more like it. My bet is if she stood up to your neanderthal attitude you'd be more like a whipped puppy. You seem to have very little respect for this girl. But then again, she may suffer low self esteem and think she has to cater to your whims. I don't know who you are trying to impress with your boastful BS, but it is not impressing most of us that thin women are more then just sex objects that get us beer, fix us dinner and let us walk all over them. Makes me wonder what you do for her? Even your screen name make no sense at all if you see yourself as an alpha dog and crossdressing to you is nothing more then panties and women's jeans.

    And this shows how very wrong you are:
    And YES, I notice that MOST (not all) woman like to be submissive, BUT ONLY to a clearly dominate ALPHA MALE! Sorry, but its true.

    Don't be sorry since it is NOT true. And if you have to ramble on about how Dom you are to prove it, then you're not a Dom. A dog in the eyes of most women, but not Alpha.

  11. #61
    Member Mistress Frillee's Avatar
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    I do not walk all over her. You are projecting. If it is so bad as you say, then is she not free to leave? Its not bad, its all good. This woman is not submissive in her career, she is a leader. She is in charge of a large group of people. Thats why I was surprised when she became more and more submissive when I am with her. I do things for her but SHE is the one engaging in more and more submissive behaviours. Which is fine by me!

    ***This morning she texted me that she is sitting on her deck sipping coffee. Then she goes on to describe what she is wearing (tank top and panties), then sends me a pic. Sounds really unhappy to me!
    Last edited by Mistress Frillee; 06-30-2012 at 11:39 AM.

  12. #62
    Married to SO Rufusrabbit Rebeccarabbit's Avatar
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    Lol............I Will leave this post to my SO..."Alpha Dog".......its not a submissives task.
    [SIZE="2"]"I am not this body. I am in this body, and this is part of my incarnation and I honor it but that isn't who I am."[/SIZE]

  13. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Frillee View Post
    ***This morning she texted me that she is sitting on her deck sipping coffee. Then she goes on to describe what she is wearing (tank top and panties), then sends me a pic. Sounds really unhappy to me!
    Mistress Frillee
    Then I suspect the issue is geared toward this community, Is there trouble accepting and loving yourself? Forgive me if I am wrong.


  14. #64
    Member Mistress Frillee's Avatar
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    I am not trying to degrade what a cd does. I am a cd to a smaller extend. I STIL LOVE my panties and girls jeans. THOSE ARE MUST HAVE ITEMS! But this new found ALPHA DOG thing is just too damn over powering. I prefer it. My girl seems to buy into it. Since she has to lead at work, she finds it a relief to become submissive in a relationship. Thats how I see it but I could be wrong.

    I like who I am. I have this part of my personality that is pushy and I have never been able to express it other than the internet which gets me banned. NOw with this woman and ALL my female friends, I CAN. I like to dominate and possess. I like to have things that NO ONE but me can have. Thats why I am into fine, high end collectibles.
    Last edited by Mistress Frillee; 06-30-2012 at 12:01 PM.

  15. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Frillee View Post
    I like to have things that NO ONE but me can have. Thats why I am into fine, high end collectibles.
    I guess no walmart for you. Sorry ,I would like to have a money tree also but those I heard were extinct millions of years ago.
    Im off to walmart.


  16. #66
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    I guess if you are truly an Alpha dog, you wouldn't ask her opinion. Further you would order her to get on her knees and paint each of your ten (assuming) toes. I would recommend ten different colors. Since you have acquiesced to her demand that you do not paint your toes, she is obviously the dominant person in the relationship. A truly smart woman only lets a man assume he is the controlling person. So paint those ten nails ten shades of color and get a pretty pair of summer sandals with a little heel to them.

  17. #67
    GG Wifey to RebeccaRabbit rufus rabbit's Avatar
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    at my house...
    Evening Ladies, I don't generally reply to comments that I feel are posted to cause a stir as this one seems to be, however I would like to say a few things regarding Dominance.
    I am a Dominant female, I come from a family of Dominant Females and Dominate Males and a few submissive characters. To call someone Submissive just because they are female is totally wrong. Please don't think that a maternal and caring nature = doormat. Unless she has agreed to be your submissive this would put you in the class of Dog rather than Alpha Dog, flashing about showing people who's boss is not what a good Dom would do (they would not need to show their authority in such a crash way) and they would never treat their sub with such contempt. Without a consensual sub, you should tread carefully. Accepting females Domme or sub are hard to find, you just have to read through these pages to see that. I wonder how Alpha you would feel if she read these posts, Taking someone's food doesn't mean she is subbing to you or that she is becoming more submissive, she may just not have cared if you ate it. As I've said I am a Dominate character however I would give someone I love my last mouthful of food out of respect. My sub has posted on here, we are married and we have a contract that gives us both clear outlines of what is expected from each other.
    If I say no then no it is, but I generally don't say no and I never have and neither has she done anything out of spite to hurt. That is cruel and you should really think about spiting others as this would make for some seriously bad Karma.

    With her showing more and more submissive behaviour, this could just be you've worn her down to the point she has given up. That is also a serious consideration, could you live with that??? or indeed without her, if she is a strong natured woman at work, she can and will make a choice and if you're not floating her boat so to speak she will leave. It's all about choices !!!!!

    Just the thoughts of a not so sub female. !!!!
    Last edited by rufus rabbit; 06-30-2012 at 01:43 PM.
    As I grow to understand life less and less, I learn to love it more and more.

  18. #68
    Senior Member Presh GG's Avatar
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    If this clown is over 12 years old , I'll eat my hat !

  19. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Presh GG View Post
    If this clown is over 12 years old , I'll eat my hat !
    Ms Presh
    Now Now, lets relax........uhmmmm uhmmmmm. Theres folks that we must deal with and maybe hopefully they'll understand. If you keep leading the horse itll finally learn. I did.


  20. #70
    Aspiring Member Anna Lorree's Avatar
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    To the OP:

    [SIZE="6"]Don't be an idiot!!![/SIZE]

    A lot of relationships end over this, yours is not immune. If you value her, pull your head out.

    "If you're going through Hell, keep going."
    -Winston Churchill

  21. #71
    Aspiring Member ronda's Avatar
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    boy you have a lot to learn puppy

  22. #72
    Senior Member Presh GG's Avatar
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    Thera luv,

    You DO know this is a joke ?
    And I'm calm, just a little annoyed some people are giveing him just what he wants, Shoot now I'm one of um.

  23. #73
    Member dragdoll's Avatar
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    It's only nail polish, there shouldn't be an issue whatsoever. Go with black though, it's a little more "manly" than pink.

  24. #74
    Aspiring Member JulieK1980's Avatar
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    This over-compensation is ultimately going to collapse in on itself. I kind of feel bad for the girlfriend if she's still hanging around when the implosion occurs.

  25. #75
    Senior Member Sherry-Stephanie's Avatar
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    My wife is just the opposite...she now insist I paint my toe nails. The last time we went to the salon to get a pedicure she told me to get mine painted in "***** red" that's the color I have on now. My neigbors like the color as well.
    Discovering the female self aka "Bitch with an Attitude"

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